DB Multiverse
Bonus - Translation of Names
You may wonder how I chose the names which are used in the comics, since some are not quite the same as the official translations.
I chose each character's name according to all the translations I knew, so as to get the same names in French and in English, and close to the Japanese pronounciation.
The rules I established were as follow:

- A spelling confirmed by Toriyama is immediately accepted (i.e.: seen in the manga). This concerns Bulma, Kulilin and Satan (ahaha none of them are present in DBM !)
- A name which means something must keep this meaning. Cell is Cell and not Seru.
- Spelling what is heard in Japanese, but taking into account the fact that guys in Japan pronounce really strangely. If I write "Vegeta", they'll read it "Bedgita" anyway, so there's no reason to write "Bejita".
- Never take into account romaji ;) Torankusu must die!
Japanese people don't say Carot, they do say Kakaroto. Do we lose the pun with "carrot"? Not really, since Tori often writes anagrams or backslang with the words he takes. Just look at the whole Ginyu Force.
Why would I translate Kakarot by Carot, but keep Saiyan instead of "Vegetable"? Or even Getableve or Gevebatle...
There's always the problem of adaptation/restitution: what's better, Master Roshi or Muten Roshi? I chose the second solution.
Here are some characters, in alphabetical order, and my choices for their names:
French Anime | Manga Trans. 1 | Manga Trans. 2 | Dragon Ball Dictionary | English Version | Choice for Multiverse | Comments |
Bulma | Bulma | Bulma | BURUMA | Bulma | Bulma | Writen on her clothes in the first chapter of DB. |
Boubou | Boo | Majin Boo | MAJIN BUU | (Majin) Buu | Majin Buu | I prefer the "u". |
Broly | - | - | BURORÎ | Broly | Broly | Pun with Brocoli. |
Cachalot | Carot | Kakarotto | Kakarot | Kakarotto | It's clearly pronounced "Kakaroto". More details above. | |
Cell | Cell | Cell | SERU | Cell | Cell | Comes from the English word "cell". Cell defines himself as a clone, and it is known that we "use cells to clone". |
Cooler | - | - | KUULA | Cooler | Coola | Same reason than Freeza. |
Dabla | Dabra | Dabra | DÂBURA | Dabura | Dabra | Comes from "Abracadabra" |
Petit Coeur | Piccolo | PIKKORO | Piccolo | Piccolo | Instruments'n'stuff... | |
Freezer | Freezer | Freezer | FÛRIZA | Frieza | Freeza | Pun with coldness, since his father's name is Cold. Freezer could have worked too but I wanted the same name in English and in French. And as they say in the anime: Freeeeeezaa! |
? | Ginue | Ginyû | GINYÛ | Ginyu | Ginyû | The most used one wins. |
Neptune | Kaïo Shin (du Sud) | Kaiô Shin (du Sud) | (MINAMI NO) KAIÔSHIN | (South) Kaioshin? | (South) Kaiô Shin | |
? | Oob | ÛBU | ? | Uub | Buu backwards. | |
Super Guerriers | Saïyens | Saïyens | SAIYAJIN | ? | Saiyans | I've been told to use Saiyans. So I used it. |
Hercule | Satan | Satan | SATAN | Hercule | Mr. Satan | Say it with me! Satan! Satan! (plus it's writen on the boards carried by the fans in the manga) |
Sangoku | Sangoku | Son( )gokû | SONGOKÛ | Goku | Son Gokû | Seems clear to me. |
Végéta | Végéta | Végéta | BEJÎTA | Vegeta | Vegeta | Like I said. |
Végéku | Végéto | Végetto | BEJITTO | Vegito | Vegetto | I added a "t" so that it's slightly more different from Vegeta. |
Videl | Videl | Videl | BÎDERU | ? | Videl | "Devil" backwards, since Satan is her father. |