DB Multiverse

صفحة العضو   ZenBuu

Colorist/Mod/Translator for DBM.

If you want to help our coloring project, message me on discord. [Zen Buu #4075] :-)

Link to my DeviantArt:


Link to my twitch account, where I livestream sometimes:


Link to my YouTube channel:

ZenBuu هو/هي جزء من فريق دراغون بول ملتيفرس يقوم/تقوم بـ:
  • إشراف على التعليقات.
  • ترجمة إلى اللغة الألمانية
  • العمل على القصص النصية dbm
  • العمل على القصص النصية hanasia
  • العمل على القصص النصية u14
  • العمل على القصص النصية u14b
  • العمل على القصص النصية u16
  • العمل على القصص النصية u19
  • العمل على القصص النصية u4
  • لمزيد من المعلومات، انتقل إلى صفحة المؤلفين.

ZenBuu يوم ١, 10س
Cricker was saying:
Kann Goku nicht 1 Jahr lang Energie für eine Genkidama sammeln oder (kaioshin) Broly in ein schwarzes Loch teleportieren?
Ersteres könnte sein, dann braucht er eine Ablenkung.


Schwarzes Loch? Viel Glück damit xD 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 8
ZenBuu يوم ١, 10س
RoyalProf was saying:
Gibt es einen bestimmten Grund warum die Soundeffekt Texte auf der Seite geändert wurden? Irgendwie ein bisschen random.

Wir übernehmen ausschließlich die sfx der englischen Version. Ist auch nicht die erste Seite bei der wir das machen, tatsächlich seit Anfang an. ^^

Würde ja ewig dauern die sfx der deutschen Version auch nochmal neu zu cutten.
DBMultiverse Colors page 205
ZenBuu يوم ١, 17س
DestroyerOfVegetards was saying:
Hello Operator was saying: Personally, loving every bit of this. Kakaditz literally meants Sh*t Crazy and it's a perfect name for their union.

I DO still believe this is Elder Kai playing out future events as the warping of the panel a few pages back still has not been explained, that said, while I DO think Kakaditz can fully take Emperor Vegeta, he would totally be eclipsed by XXI. I think he's stronger even than Ultimate Gohan... but Super Sayain Zero Goku and Vegeta, Vegetto, Gast, and a few others are all going to be able to take him easily.

I DO wonder if the potential unlock that Raditz got transfers over to Kakarot when they fuse. If so, that would explain in part why Kakaditz is vastly improved over his previous self. I would also say that, to be completely fair, with as cocky as Raditz is, the hardest fight he probably ever had was against the Goku/Piccolo team up. We honestly do not have any clue what his "potential" is as he has only fought significantly weaker opponents up to this point and has never had the chance to excel.

I'm team Kakaditz. Immortality means you have broken the Zenkai Boost formula.
In page 1698-1699, Kakarotto seemed to suggest that he still got Zenkai boosts even when he became immortal and could not die.

Salagirs headcanon is, that Saiyans stop getting Zenkai boosts after they unlocked SSJ. The only exception in DBM is Cell.
DB Multiverse page 2369
ZenBuu أيام 2, 13س
RoyalProf was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: RoyalProf sagte: Wieso der ganze Aufwand? Eine SSJ Fusion von irgendeinem Mix aus Goku, Gohan oder Vegeta sollte doch ausreichen.
Dieser Broly hat nen schwarzes Loch getankt, ich wage zu behaupten, dass egal was du auf ihn wirfst, nicht funktionieren wird. Wobei ich mir nur bei Daburas Spucke und Karbonit nicht ganz sicher wäre.
Nachdem das unser U20 Broly ist, der schwächer war als Vegetto und ultimate Gokhan stärker sein sollte als Vegetto SSJ3 denke ich, dass die Fusion reichen sollte.

Ultra Buu war ebenso weitaus stärker als Broly. Und ich würde auch sagen stärker als ein Gokhan. Die ganze Kraft hat ihm nichts genützt. Wenn schon ein schwarzes Loch nichts gegen Broly bringt, sehe ich nicht wie noch mehr Power es schaffen sollte ihn aus dem LSSJ zu knocken. Nicht mal SSJ3 Vegetto's Final Dragon Flash konnte Broly aus dem LSSJ knocken. Zugegeben, dort hat er seine Power auch noch mehrmals verdoppelt, allerdings sollte ein schwarzes Loch bereits mehr als genug sein.

Und ausserdem wissen wir ja alle, dass egal was sie versuchen, nichts funktionieren wird. U20 Broly zerstört ja trotzdem am Ende sein gesamtes Universum.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 7
ZenBuu أيام 2, 17س
Andy was saying:
Decay sagte: Wie funktioniert das eigentlich mit der Mystic Form bei Fusionen? Bei Gohan ist das ja so, dass er seine Base hat, dann SSJ und dann Mystic.

Hat Kakaditz hier die SSJ formen übersprungen, und ist direkt in den Mystic Mode gegangen? Dann hätte er hier sogar den SSJ3 übersprungen, weil selbst ein Gotenks sich in einen SSJ3 verwandeln kann. Dann wäre Kakaditz mit seiner Unsterblichkeit sogar Vegetto überlegen. Was sogar ein Grund für sein Ausraster sein können, weil man den Kämpfer wegschickt, der hätte wirklich mit ihm konkurrieren können, wenn Kakaditz wirklich so stark ist.

Oder besteht Kakaditz nur aus Mystic und Base Kakarott? Das heißt den SSJ Vorteil den Goku hätte bringen können gibt es hier gar nicht? Dann wäre Kakaditz wirklich nur normales SSJ3 Niveau, weil Raditz ja fast SSJ3 Niveau hat, und Kakarotts Base eigentlich gar nichts bringt.

Ich hatte bislang den Eindruck, als ob die Base und die Mystic bei Son Gohan keinen großen Unterscheid mehr machen. Wir haben ja auch beide Gohan's aus U16 und U18 gesehen, wie sie von jetzt auf gleich im Kampf gegen Babidi mitgemischt haben. Kakaditz meinte ja auch, dass er keine Verwandlungen bräuchte.

Es scheint so, als ob bei den Mystic Kämpfern die Base bereits das volle Potenzial ausschöpft, ohne die Verwandlungen und dem daraus resultierenden hohen Energieverbrauch. Und die Fusionen scheinen immer das beste aus beiden Kämpfern zu vereinen, insbesondere die Potaras.

Ich meine, Kakaditz kämpft hier bereits mit voller Kraft und spielt ein bisschen mit Vegeta. Oder er will seine Kraft testen, bevor er Vegeta tötet.

Vegetto kann jedenfalls auch unsterbliche Charaktere "töten", da er die Seele seines Gegners auslöschen kann. Das hat er auf Page1254 klar gemacht. Wenn die Vargas Kakaditz nicht nach U13 schicken, wird Vegetto sich wahrscheinlich darum kümmern.

Ich bin mir immer noch sicher, dass das nur ein Bluff von Vegetto war um Ginyu zum Körpertausch zu zwingen. Ich kenne den Novel, da begegnet er Pandora, einem unsterblichen. Durch diesen wollte er diese Soul Crusher Technik entwickeln. Aber warum hat er dann nicht einfach Ginyu's Seele zerstört, anstatt nur zu drohen? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2368
ZenBuu 23 تموز
RoyalProf was saying:
Ist das sowas wie die Ikari Form von Broly aus DBS (Kraft des Ozaru ohne Formwechsel), oder interpretiere ich das falsch?

Das sollte die Ikari Form sein, ja.
Yamoshi Story page 12
ZenBuu 23 تموز
RoyalProf was saying:
Wieso der ganze Aufwand? Eine SSJ Fusion von irgendeinem Mix aus Goku, Gohan oder Vegeta sollte doch ausreichen.

Dieser Broly hat nen schwarzes Loch getankt, ich wage zu behaupten, dass egal was du auf ihn wirfst, nicht funktionieren wird. Wobei ich mir nur bei Daburas Spucke und Karbonit nicht ganz sicher wäre. 2 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 7
ZenBuu 22 تموز
Pinball was saying:
So is having the winner of the tournament listed on the Tournament Help page an accident or what?

That it says Mary Sue is the winner, doesn't answer your question already?
DB Multiverse page 2368
ZenBuu 20 تموز
Ayashi was saying:
Amusing fact: there's two Four-star Dragon Balls and no Five-star.

But the 5-star DB is in the top right corner? And the top middle DB is the 6-star DB, you just don't see the bottom 2 stars, because it's covered by the 7-star DB. Though the latter has its stars weirdly aligned. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 6
ZenBuu 20 تموز
happywarrior99 was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Though some things are weird here indeed. Vegetto being totally normal after being shattered into a million pieces? Piccolo doesn't wear his cape and Gohan only wears his muscle shirt.I think that it is highly suspicious that:
— Page 2359, page 2360 and the other pages from this special actually showing Elder Kai not dancing while performing the mystic power up ritual on Raditz even though dancing is actually a required component of the mystic power up ritual.
— U16 Vegetto is so cheerful after he was publicly humiliated by I'K'L's magic hax publicly shattering U16 Vegetto to pieces in front of all of the tournament spectators.
— The Kaioshins not being show yet trying to cancel the tournament again after I'K'L, Yamcha and the androids fought against each other during a fight that was not a part of the tournament.
— The tournament organizers not being show yet trying to punish I'K'L, Yamcha and the androids for breaking the tournament rules when they fought against each other during a fight that was not a part of the tournament.
— Future Trunks being near the U13 saiyans despite the risks on page 2363.
— Gast knowing a forcefield technique that is as big as the tournament arena but that he did not use when he fought Raichi's Ghosts despite Ghost Broly trying to attack the tournament spectators.
— Elder Kai's crystal ball being smaller on page 2359 than the size it was show to have on page 2366.
— On the first panel of page 2358 Elder Kai's crystal ball is smaller than his hands but on the third panel of page 2358 Elder Kai's crystal ball is bigger than his hands.

I think that this DBM chapter is probably Elder Kai's imagination.

You should probably reread DBM, since you got the dancing part and some other stuff totally wrong.

— They already finished that during the Majin rebellion, because the dancing part comes before the meditation part anyway. Page 1408, page 1521, page 1523, page 1527, page 1888.

— That's not future Trunks in the background of page 2363 panel 1, that's #17. Also, U12 and U14 balconies are right next to U13, where else would they be? And what danger are you talking about? Nappa is clearly chilling.

— To Gast, he can do such a force field, as shown at page 1349. He just didn't do it with Raichi, because he went immediately after the source for the ghosts...Raichi. And Broly didn't even attacked a spectator, he just went through the barrier, when Gast destroyed Raichi's machine.

— The rest you mentioned is just you being overly nitpicky in my opinion.
DB Multiverse page 2367
ZenBuu 20 تموز
Gourcuff87 was saying:
Ci sta. Più avanti viene citato il cambio di armature e qui era chiaramente il momento giusto per richiederle.

Eleim è il biondo che parla ed è un po il leader.
C'è poi Nedwood che abbiamo visto attivo nella rivolta di Babidy, Xelioum e Naurb quello grosso che è stato posseduto.

Mancano qui Phipsil e Tidar.
Ma non ricordo il nome dell'altro biondo che è quello che ha avuto meno spazio e nessun ruolo : Eleim, Tidar e Xelioum match nel torneo.

Naurb quello grosso, posseduto e innamorato di Phipsil

Nedwood e Phipsil forte ruolo nella rivolta (compagni?)

E l'altro biondo appunto è stato trascurato...

Tidar è ancora morto. E non abbiamo incluso Phipsil, perché lo avevamo fatto troppe volte in precedenza e alcune persone si lamentavano del fatto che la forzassimo troppo nella storia. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 203
ZenBuu 20 تموز
Cosmo was saying:
goten-kun sagte: Lupina36 sagte: War mir irgendwie klar. Aber ich frage mich ernsthaft woher Tambo sein Sayajinblut hat. Von seinem Vater schon mal nicht vielleicht hatte seine Mutter einen Sayajin in ihrer Ahnenreihe. Vielleicht sogar Son Goku höchstpersönlich! Oder Vegeta. Wer weiß das schon?
Aus Kapitel 3 wissen wir, dass auch Tambos Mutter einen Schwanz hatte.

Frage mich nur woher. Da schon Trunks, Goten, Pan und Bra (Bulla) keinen mehr hatten

Gehe stark davon aus, dass Chichi und Bulma die abgeschnitten haben, als sie noch klein waren. Wie bei Son Bra zB. 1 Replie(s)
321Y page 302
ZenBuu 20 تموز
EVA-03 was saying:
Macht Sinn, die Helioten mit Sonderseiten stärker einzubinden. Wobei ich Phipsil gerne auch in der Standart-Rüstung gesehen hätte

Die haben wir extra nicht hinzugefügt...da es tatsächlich einige Leute gab, die sich darüber extrem aufgeregt haben. Ammar mag Phipsil sehr, und einige haben ihm dann vorgeworfen das er Phipsil noch mehr in den Comic zwingen möchte, als sie es sowieso schon später wurde, mit Son Bra. Wenn du Phipsil sehen willst, schau dir zB page 29 an. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 203
ZenBuu 20 تموز
CBslayeR was saying:
Looks like they're completely skipping the specials, that's perfectly fine and I honestly don't blame them.

I wonder if the coloring team will ever do their own special? That could be really cool.

Yeah, as I mentioned multiple times by now ^^ specials have many different artstyles and some are already colored, some we didn't want to color honestly. It wouldn't make much sense to include them, if it's already colored and not our style.

And we have more than enough to do with coloring. Though you might still see an official DBM special chapter from one of us in the future. :)

Superman55aa was saying:
Off topic question: will this fan manga disappear from the server/internet if I take a break from this for a while(to recharge my social batteries or whatever/detox from social media and politics/media/etc).

That I can binged the new stuff later on when refreshed.

Other then that. cool color page.

I don't quite understand the question. Why would it just suddenly disappear? DBM is running for 16 years now and is planned to run for probably 10 more years. And even when it's finished, it won't just get suddenly deleted. That would be super weird.
DBMultiverse Colors page 203
ZenBuu 19 تموز
BullShark was saying:
How are they gonna contact the headquarters? They are in a different universe.
They need the Vargas for that.

They did ask the Vargas
DBMultiverse Colors page 203
ZenBuu 19 تموز
Jojo was saying:
Look at the Demon King showing bits of Heroism.

That's U16 Piccolo.

Though some things are weird here indeed. Vegetto being totally normal after being shattered into a million pieces? Piccolo doesn't wear his cape and Gohan only wears his muscle shirt. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2367
ZenBuu 18 تموز
RoyalProf was saying:
Die gemerchten Auren sehen nicht aus. Ist es Absicht, dass der Bereich zwischen Vegetto und Broly im 3. Panel eher gelblich als grünlich ist um zu zeigen, dass vegetto eigentlich stärker ist oder sehe ich schon Details die eigentlich gar keine sind?

Die sehen "nicht" aus? Meintest du nice? ^^

Und letzteres ist der Fall. Eigentlich sollten beide hier (noch) gleich stark sein, wie die letzten Seiten deutlich gezeigt haben. War übrigens bereits letzte Seite so, mit den gemischten Auren. :D
DBMultiverse Colors page 202
ZenBuu 18 تموز
Grabnatz was saying:
Mmh der Satz mit "die meisten unserer Freunde" nervt etwas. Das heißt wohl man wird Tenshinhan, Krillin und Yamchu nicht im Kampf sehen. Dafür aber Radditz?????

Glaube kaum, dass ihm groß eine Wahl gelassen wird. Goku sagt ja er kann seine Freunde nicht zwingen (könnte er schon, wird er aber nicht machen, es ist Goku), Radditz und co. hingegen schon. Immerhin besteht ja das Risiko, komplett ausgelöscht zu werden, sollten sie nochmal sterben. Ausserdem sind die eh nur Fodder. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 6
ZenBuu 18 تموز
HandeMC was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Ich verstehe nicht ganz, wieso Leute Probleme mit der zeitlichen Einordnung haben.
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.

Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.

Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.

Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD

Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.

Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt.

In Dragonball Super bei der Goku Black Saga hat ja der ehemalige fusionierte Kaioshin, (der sich von den Dragonballs wünschte wieder getrennt zu sein) erklärt, das die Potaras nur dauerhaft bei den Kaioshins funktionieren, also mindestens ein Partner muss Kaioshin sein, damit die Fusion bleibt, bei anderen löst sie sich irgendwann auf.

Das hier ist aber DBM und nicht DBS. Solche Regeln gelten hier nicht, oder wie erklärst du, dass U16 Vegetto seit 20 Jahren fusioniert bleibt? :)

Und mal ganz nebenbei, finde ich diesen Retcon in DBS mehr als unsinnig. Wie so vieles in DBS, aber das sprengt jetzt den Rahmen. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2366
ZenBuu 18 تموز
sonypham was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Ich verstehe nicht ganz, wieso Leute Probleme mit der zeitlichen Einordnung haben.
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.

Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.

Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.

Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD

Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.

Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt.

Ist das deine Interpretation der Geschehnisse und des zeitlichen Ablaufs? Oder ist ist das ein Fakt? (vllt kennst du ja mehr Details als moderator).

Btw. mein erster Kommentar seit Jahren :D

Das ist lediglich meine Interpretation der Ereignisse.

Und wenn überhaupt wäre es mein Status als Übersetzer, der mich mehr wissen lässt, als zB Moderatoren. ^^
DB Multiverse page 2366
ZenBuu 18 تموز
Gogetto was saying:
How is that door elder kai went out of still standing lol? Didn't kakaraditz just destroy the entire room? I can't wait to see vegitos reaction here lol. They literally destroyed a giant chunk of the arena.

Also is that Nappa getting blown away in the first panel lol?

Should be kinda obvious that he wasn't in the U13 apartment with Kakaditz and Vegeta. Otherwise he would be dust now.

Damian Qualshy was saying:
So where was that in the previous chapters? What the hell are those retcons now?

What retcon? This happens seemingly some time after IKL.

vwishmwahuul was saying:
Wouldn’t a mortal and immortal fusing turnout like Zamasu where half the body melts?

Thankfully no, because this is no DBS(hit). Where that also happened anime only btw. :)

Ayashi was saying:
The Perfect Warrior you say?
Well, I have to tell you the honest truth as I see it, in this world, nothing perfect exists. That may sound cliché, but it’s the truth.
The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what’s the point of achieving perfection? And the answer I came up with was nothing.
Not one thing.
The truth of the matter is, I despise Perfection. If something is truly Perfect, then that's it. There is no room for imagination, no space for intelligence, or ability, or improvement.
Perfection is a Dead End. A condition of Hopelessness.
Always strive to be better than anything that came before you. But not Perfect. Take joy and trying to exceed your grasp in trying to reach for something that in the end, maybe, in fact, impossible to reach.

You must hate Cell then. XD

happywarrior99 was saying:
If this event is not Elder Kai's imagination, then it seems like that whatever Elder Kai did to U13 Raditz's mind did not carry over to Kakaditz.

Edit: Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus he cannot be "send back" to Universe 13.

YellNinja1600 was saying: What a bad move giving Raditz potara earrings. But after a battle of Vegito owning him he will be sent back to his universe. Friendly reminder that Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus the Vargas cannot send Kakaditz to Universe 13 without his consent.

saber16 was saying: So, if this Vegeta was decentigrated... Who was the Vegeta android 17 snapped a chunck of hair off?Either U13 Vegeta was revived by Zen Buu or U2 Mary Sue rewound time to save U13 Vegeta or this DBM chapter events are Elder Kai's imagination or U13 Vegeta somehow just survived that attack.

brolyhater was saying: Either way, Kakaditz just murdered a bunch of spectators, his universe is definitely going to be disqualified.Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus his actions would not cause the U13 saiyans to get disqualified.

Kakaditz is still part from U13, it doesn't matter if he was "born" in U0, he is still from U13. Otherwise the Cell Jrs. Cell made would also be from U0. And when did the Vargas technology ever ask someone who is supposed to be send home, for permission to do that? Did they ask Zen Buu, when he was forcefully send home by the Vargas back up system? Did they ask Babidi, Buu and Dabura? Did they ask U20 Broly? I guess not...

And how the hell should Zen Buu revive U13 Vegeta, when the former isn't even in U0 anymore? This is after IKL. Buu is long gone and let me tell you a secret...he won't come back nor does he have any particles left from him in U0, he doesn't plan anything in the shadows or something like that. We should just accept that finally. ;) 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2366
ZenBuu 18 تموز
Ich verstehe nicht ganz, wieso Leute Probleme mit der zeitlichen Einordnung haben.
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.

Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.

Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.

Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD

Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.

Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2366
ZenBuu 17 تموز
Nfan8762 was saying:
Are we going to get the parts of this fight that were used for the beginning of the original comic?

Stevethebarbarian was saying:
Nfan8762 was saying: Are we going to get the parts of this fight that were used for the beginning of the original comic?

No, those won’t appear in DBM Colors, at least not in the forseeable future.

They won't appear at all, look at my comment from last page. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 202
ZenBuu 16 تموز
Damian Qualshy was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: thebritwriter was saying: Teleported_Bread was saying: Sayazur was saying: thebritwriter was saying: So broly was doing nothing in the span of a year? The guy that can now one hit galaxies (or at least destroy a super black hole) just did nothing since? He defeated the strongest fusion imaginable but individual training will overcome that? I’m sure at this point good chunk of the universe is void of galaxies with the way broly is.

Just use the namekian dragon ball to bring back someone as a immortal and wish them to be Lssj. Or have Goku and vegeta have potara, wish back and then grant immortality.

the whole year later aspect opens up more problems then it should , at this point this chapter will be more about how well drawn the action is. I personally think this whole year later was a bad call.

Edit: I’m I disappointed? Pretty much, it wouldn’t hurt to have a more creative story take and having a year later as I said opens up more problems because Goku and co do have more options then broly has, something a whole year makes would make more of a problem. Also are the dragon balls strong enough to bring back galaxies lost due to the rampage inbetween? No but they have been ignored for sake of training up when instead of gambling on shortcuts as examples I mentioned above. And as said before the whole year tagline takes away any suspense, the situation is bad but it’s still controllable with Goku relying on a whole year for his plan and robs of any desperation. It could had been done better which I think is a valid critique.

Honestly, I don't understand you. You regularly comment on other comics on the site, only to decry them for free under the guise of "constructive criticism".
There's really nothing to the story (like with Yamoshi, for example) and you're shooting down the projects.
It's all the more sad that you're part of the DBM team too, but you behave like the unpleasant people you're supposed to moderate.
Yes, there are a billion solutions for dealing with Broly, as with all DB's previous threats, but in this case there's no scenaristic interest and nothing to tell.
This story is just for fun, that's all. Sad to have to remind a "moderator" of this...
You havent't read the story yet, and
Well, that's how it is, but you should know that you're just unpleasant and that turning your comments yellow doesn't change anything.
People like him will do this for things like reactions, and it causes trouble that usually ranges in the form of conflict. It's a wonder he doesn't get banned for this. They're probably the same kind of user who victim blames Son Bra or something in the mainstream story despite every false criticism about her being not only blatantly untrue but so obviously not seen in the story once you actually read it.

People like me can also reply again on this forum.

For the record I got out of my way in finding a artist not just to help with zenbuu but to help salagir work on a special, so I am committed to this project, just as I given up some work time just to reply to this.

Now I can be but critical on criticism, I always have been for years but I also been supportive of work. I was critical of goten-kun work early on but was won over because there were new ideas etc. I stand by my comments on this special so far, the only reason I’m even replying back is because someone mentioned my comment got a reaction from the author.

It’s not like DBM has been hitting ever story out of the park, the Facebook reviews and a twitter post criticising DBM are evident but I will be fair and balanced whenever I can. I more or less resigned from this and may comment on the action.

What I do take issue with is thinking I go out of my way causing trouble. If you think that click on the report feature.

Sawyzer has every right to say his side but I also have every right to respond to anyone who suggests I’m causing trouble, pointing out how the story being presented as lacking any meaningful content is fair because it is. If the creator disagrees that’s his fine but I still stand by it.
It's literally the 4th page of the story dude.

ZenBuu was saying: Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.

Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members.
Probably because he has the same "comment flair" like the mods, and that being the different background color.
When you click on the avatar from a user, you get to the users account page, where you can see all of their (of course non deleted) comments and also what role that member has, if part from the DBM team.

Still, it would be wise to change the colors to differintieate between mods, authors and regular readers. Instead of having the same for mods and authors. Not everyone goes to the profile of the user apparently.

Personally I don't think that's necessary. It's been like that from the beginning afaik. I'm the most active mod for the english community anyway. And I'm also translator AND artist for the DBM colored version. Do I get a special color then? ;P 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 5
ZenBuu 16 تموز
PrinceOfTheHood was saying:
EstelFortuna was saying:
Feels more like a comedy extra chapter than an actual story chapter, and such an important one at that

Right ?

Gives One the Feeling sometimes, that Salagir and Asura don't really care that much about their MAIN Story and Work at all. But hey : if the Art of Asura is so good that they struggle to get new Chapters out sometimes and need like +3 Side-Chapters in the Meantime - then so be it.

I am just glad we see good Art most of the Time. Except for Example when it was Vegeta against Cell. That was kinda an Ouchie for this Story's glorious Art Standard.

What a weird statement ngl. How does this chapter give you the impression Salagir and Asura don't care about the story?

Flashback chapters were always by different artists, no exception. Also I don't see the problem. We only had one special before this and this chapter is basically part of the main story.

And how exactly does the art style make this chapter seem like comedy? I'm genuinely curious. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2365
ZenBuu 16 تموز
VegetaJr was saying:
Infernape2244 sagte: kari sagte: ZenBuu sagte: SSJ ist vollkommen unnötig, genau wie bei Gohan. Radditz hat sein gesamtes Potenzial entfesselt. SSJ wäre eher kontraproduktiv, da es ihn sogar noch Energie kostet, aber nicht stärker macht. Dasselbe hat Old Kai aber auch schon in DBZ zu Gohan gesagt. Das ist ja der gesamte Grundgedanke hinter dem Mystic Ritual. Quasi ein Cheat Code der dein gesamtes Potenzial in der Base Form freilegt, weshalb Verwandlungen unnötig sind.

Ja aber das ist eine Fusion und Kakarott hat die mystic Form nicht, also eine Hälfte von Kakaditz keine mystic form.
Kann mir vorstellen das wenn einer der 2 die Mystic Power hat die Fusion sie automatisch auch hat.

VegetaJr sagte: Ja ist ja jetzt die Frage ob Radditz Mythic jetzt einfach die Base Power war bei der Fusion mit Kakarott oder nicht, weil dann wäre Kakaritz in der Base schon krass und ka was passiert wenn er in den SSJ geht
Ey wie krass wäre ein Ssj 3 Golden Oozaru dann bei ihm (wenn gotenks den drauf hat dann save auch Kakaditz)

und genau das wissen wir ja nicht also ob Kakaditz die Mythic Form hat oder nicht

Es macht meiner Meinung nach keinen Sinn, wenn er nicht Mystic ist. Das ist dasselbe Schwachsinn Prinzip wie bei DBS mit dem halb unsterblichen Zamasu, was übrigens auch nur im Anime so vorkam. Und selbst wenn dem so sein sollte...sollte Kakaditz auch ohne Verwandlung bereits stärker als Vegeta sein. Kakarott war ein SSJ2 und ich Stufe Raditz nicht allzu weit darunter ein. Diese Kombination macht ihn in meinen Augen alleine schon so stark wie Mystic Gohan. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2365
ZenBuu 16 تموز
JamesM was saying:
Dude calls himself the Brit writer but only draws pages…
Ok but the main point is how do I see your name in authors BritWriter?
I saw ur bio say to check the authors page but I can’t find your name anywhere? Do you go by a nickname?

He is drawing a future special chapter, which is not finished and released yet, so obviously his name isn't listed yet on the authors page. Though he also has drawn minicomics.

Also, you don't know what he does besides DBM, so that first sentence is complete unnecessary provocation.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 5
ZenBuu 16 تموز
Damian Qualshy was saying:
thebritwriter was saying: Teleported_Bread was saying: Sayazur was saying: thebritwriter was saying: So broly was doing nothing in the span of a year? The guy that can now one hit galaxies (or at least destroy a super black hole) just did nothing since? He defeated the strongest fusion imaginable but individual training will overcome that? I’m sure at this point good chunk of the universe is void of galaxies with the way broly is.

Just use the namekian dragon ball to bring back someone as a immortal and wish them to be Lssj. Or have Goku and vegeta have potara, wish back and then grant immortality.

the whole year later aspect opens up more problems then it should , at this point this chapter will be more about how well drawn the action is. I personally think this whole year later was a bad call.

Edit: I’m I disappointed? Pretty much, it wouldn’t hurt to have a more creative story take and having a year later as I said opens up more problems because Goku and co do have more options then broly has, something a whole year makes would make more of a problem. Also are the dragon balls strong enough to bring back galaxies lost due to the rampage inbetween? No but they have been ignored for sake of training up when instead of gambling on shortcuts as examples I mentioned above. And as said before the whole year tagline takes away any suspense, the situation is bad but it’s still controllable with Goku relying on a whole year for his plan and robs of any desperation. It could had been done better which I think is a valid critique.

Honestly, I don't understand you. You regularly comment on other comics on the site, only to decry them for free under the guise of "constructive criticism".
There's really nothing to the story (like with Yamoshi, for example) and you're shooting down the projects.
It's all the more sad that you're part of the DBM team too, but you behave like the unpleasant people you're supposed to moderate.
Yes, there are a billion solutions for dealing with Broly, as with all DB's previous threats, but in this case there's no scenaristic interest and nothing to tell.
This story is just for fun, that's all. Sad to have to remind a "moderator" of this...
You havent't read the story yet, and
Well, that's how it is, but you should know that you're just unpleasant and that turning your comments yellow doesn't change anything.
People like him will do this for things like reactions, and it causes trouble that usually ranges in the form of conflict. It's a wonder he doesn't get banned for this. They're probably the same kind of user who victim blames Son Bra or something in the mainstream story despite every false criticism about her being not only blatantly untrue but so obviously not seen in the story once you actually read it.

People like me can also reply again on this forum.

For the record I got out of my way in finding a artist not just to help with zenbuu but to help salagir work on a special, so I am committed to this project, just as I given up some work time just to reply to this.

Now I can be but critical on criticism, I always have been for years but I also been supportive of work. I was critical of goten-kun work early on but was won over because there were new ideas etc. I stand by my comments on this special so far, the only reason I’m even replying back is because someone mentioned my comment got a reaction from the author.

It’s not like DBM has been hitting ever story out of the park, the Facebook reviews and a twitter post criticising DBM are evident but I will be fair and balanced whenever I can. I more or less resigned from this and may comment on the action.

What I do take issue with is thinking I go out of my way causing trouble. If you think that click on the report feature.

Sawyzer has every right to say his side but I also have every right to respond to anyone who suggests I’m causing trouble, pointing out how the story being presented as lacking any meaningful content is fair because it is. If the creator disagrees that’s his fine but I still stand by it.
It's literally the 4th page of the story dude.

ZenBuu was saying: Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.

Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members.
Probably because he has the same "comment flair" like the mods, and that being the different background color.

When you click on the avatar from a user, you get to the users account page, where you can see all of their (of course non deleted) comments and also what role that member has, if part from the DBM team. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 5
ZenBuu 16 تموز
Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.

Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 5
ZenBuu 16 تموز
ElTioLaVara was saying:
Vegeta Castaño?

holajose was saying:
ElTioLaVara escribió: Vegeta Castaño?

sera por la iluminacion?

Lo siento, no te ofendas, pero... ¿es esta la primera página que lees de DBM Colors? Vegeta siempre tuvo el cabello ligeramente castaño en nuestra versión. Consulta páginas más antiguas. No tiene nada que ver con la iluminación.
DBMultiverse Colors page 201
ZenBuu 16 تموز
Ich würd sagen der ist Matsch.
321Y page 300
ZenBuu 16 تموز
Ich finde ja die Reaktion schon etwas krass überzogen. Sofort beleidigen und den Tod wünschen. XD

Naja, irgendwie schienen mir diese Saiyajins bisher zu nett zu sein, daher passt das schon denke ich. ^^
Yamoshi Story page 11
ZenBuu 16 تموز
Achja, der gute alte blaue Panzer! :D 1 Replie(s)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 59
ZenBuu 16 تموز
kkk was saying:
Now that you're approaching the end of this chapter, where the original first 10 pages are supposed to happen, let's see how you handle it.
Ammar was saying: Also, if you pay attention to details, you should notice the difference about the last two panels. :)
The lines on Vegetto's face are red because those are his blood, while those on Broly's are black because he can't be injured?

I was wondering about Broly's invincibility in this fight before. I guess the black lines on him are just dirt, not an indication that he's hurt.

I already answered you about this almost 2 months ago.

We will not include those pages from the start. Mainly because they are colored in a different style than ours, so it would be a huge break in style if we suddenly include them. And it only shows some different angles. No need to include that. If you want to read it, just go to the original Comic. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 201
ZenBuu 16 تموز
SSJ ist vollkommen unnötig, genau wie bei Gohan. Radditz hat sein gesamtes Potenzial entfesselt. SSJ wäre eher kontraproduktiv, da es ihn sogar noch Energie kostet, aber nicht stärker macht. Dasselbe hat Old Kai aber auch schon in DBZ zu Gohan gesagt. Das ist ja der gesamte Grundgedanke hinter dem Mystic Ritual. Quasi ein Cheat Code der dein gesamtes Potenzial in der Base Form freilegt, weshalb Verwandlungen unnötig sind. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2365
ZenBuu 15 تموز
Ryuzaki_Doragon was saying:
Karaditz oder Kakaritz wäre ja noch halbwegs wohlklingend, aber kakaditz?

Kakaritz klingt meiner Meinung nach alles andere als wohlklingend. Eher komplett falsch. XD

Karaditz klingt auch seltsam. Kakaditz vereint immerhin beide Hälften von deren Namen.

Alternativ können wir ja eine hypothetische Tanz-Fusion der Beiden einfach Radotto/Radarotto nennen. :D
DB Multiverse page 2365
ZenBuu 14 تموز
WukongTheMighty was saying:
Your nickel was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?

Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
You know, you could just join their team if it's that easy to you. Sounds like they'd appreciate the help.

ZenBuu was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.

But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you.
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments

I value my free time much too highly for that.

DrewSaga was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?

Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.

Not really. You still have to pick out the colors and gradients deliberately or your gonna have things look extremely weird and just straight up bad. And for shading and lighting you have to be very deliberate on those two parts or it will look bad. And don't count on AI for that yet (or ever really). And yes, ink costs are another big factor, but that doesn't stop a lot of DC and Marvel comics from being in color.
Yes almost as if WSJ is 500 pages long and your average comic is 20 pages long lmao
Also even with all that in mind it's still easy.

Oh my god, you are very funny dude. Your high horse attitude just reached a new height, congrats. Now I really want to see a colored page from you exactly in our style. Until tomorrow if possible, because it's so easy according to you. ;)

It's so easy, but you value your free time way to highly to "waste time" for this. So you do realize how time consuming this is? If it's so easy, you can do it very fast, so you don't waste much time coloring, huh? It took me some years to get to the level I'm at today, so what you say is total bullshit. Also you keep forgetting we don't get paid!!! How the hell do you compare us to paid magazines? Ridiculous.

I would go as far to say that if you know exactly what you are doing/have to do, it may be somewhat "easy". Or when you just do the flat colors, not including the shadings, lightnings, special effects and backgrounds...

Those things require some good knowledge how shading and contrasts works in the first place and this certainly can't be done by everyone (trust me, I've seen many cases where that mattered). You don't even know how difficult it is to find new colorists who can help us applying the same quality standard that we have set. And let's not forget, doing all that for free, which is mostly the biggest factor. Not many people want to put all their heart into this project, just to read comments like yours where you basically play down all the work and effort put into this or that greedy comment from "J.I.L".

Your nickel was saying:
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments

Thank you very much! Well it's basically always the same people who complain here and they complain about nearly everything anyway. Doesn't make it less annoying, but whatever.

DrewSaga was saying:
WukongTheMighty was saying: Your nickel was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?

Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
You know, you could just join their team if it's that easy to you. Sounds like they'd appreciate the help.

ZenBuu was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.

But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you.
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments

I value my free time much too highly for that.

DrewSaga was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?

Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.

Not really. You still have to pick out the colors and gradients deliberately or your gonna have things look extremely weird and just straight up bad. And for shading and lighting you have to be very deliberate on those two parts or it will look bad. And don't count on AI for that yet (or ever really). And yes, ink costs are another big factor, but that doesn't stop a lot of DC and Marvel comics from being in color.
Yes almost as if WSJ is 500 pages long and your average comic is 20 pages long lmao
Also even with all that in mind it's still easy.

How does this disprove anything I said? The fact that most WSJs are in black and white and those comics are in color is because of the fact that most of those comics are around 20 Pages and WSJs are 500+ Pages.

And how many pages is DBM at excluding Specials, 1600? 1800 maybe? And this is Page 200.

I'm pretty sure that there are more special pages than DBM main chapter pages. Should be still more than 1000 pages. That took us like 10 years to color and we even stopped at Goku vs Uub to finish the older Gogeta Jr. pages first, that was almost 3 years ago by now...just saiyan. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 200
ZenBuu 13 تموز
The Mighty Hyena was saying:
Come on. This whole thing is irrelevant.

— ----

I am just here to enjoy the BS fest that this is going to be.

Kinda contradicting, but hey. Frankly...just don't read it then, if it's so irrelevant for you and if you are only going to potentially shit on this special in future pages.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 4
ZenBuu 13 تموز
thebritwriter was saying:
Sorry, did someone just upload an abridged version because it’s so wildly out of place that I honestly thought I was reading something else.

‘Apple looks bad so I’ll crush it or even bin it’

Person’s reaction ‘Oh you ruined everything and hope you die’ from the stall where you are selling to potential customers.

Also so we can have a slip a hint for him to investigate or take the story elsewhere.

It’s silly, you could have had her play it off or be bemused but secretly she’s angry and it’ll be more effective.

Just keep reading and eventually you will get the answer why she reacted like she did. That being said, yes this was an overreaction. But you'll see why later.
Yamoshi Story page 11
ZenBuu 13 تموز
Tribun Erset was saying:
Przed nami jeszcze wiele stron walki, także przekonamy się. Choć osobiście uważam, że są w tym komiksie walki, które bardziej zasługują na rozwinięcie w kolorze. ^^

Niestety tworzenie stron bonusowych wymaga dużo pracy i w tej chwili po prostu nie mamy na to czasu. Ledwo udaje nam się wszystko pokolorować na czas.
DBMultiverse Colors page 200
ZenBuu 13 تموز
J.I.L was saying:
I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?

I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.

But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 200
ZenBuu 13 تموز
Leute... ich habe es bereits mehrfach gesagt, aber wiederhole es gerne. Sind wir mal ehrlich und das sage ich als Buu fanboy. Zen Buu wird nicht zurückkehren. Das ist wirklich mehr als unwahrscheinlich in meinen Augen. Das einzige Szenario in dem das passieren würde, wäre wenn die Vargas in zurückholen, eventuell um gegen XXI zu helfen. Von selbst wird er U0 nicht finden, das hat die letzte von ihm in U4 mehr als deutlich gemacht.

Buu war einfach zu OP und wenn du Charaktere da hast, die einfach alles mit einem Schnippsen rückgängig machen können, fällt es schwer richtige Spannung mit Konsequenzen aufzubauen. Deshalb muss auch Gast irgendwie verschwinden. Ich glaube ja immer noch das XXI ihn einfach defusioniert. Sein Wunsch wäre damit erfüllt und Gast aus dem Bild für den finalen Arc. Allerdings wird er das wohl nicht freiwillig zulassen, da er XXI sicherlich misstraut und ebenso eine Herausforderung mag.

debu was saying:
Derlei Sprüche gingen zumindest für "unseren" Vegeta jedenfalls selten gut aus. xD

Fehlt nur noch, dass er mit dem Daumen auf sich zeigt. XD
DB Multiverse page 2364
ZenBuu 11 تموز
Super Gojita 3 was saying:
The art is gorgeous. but the coloring is amazingly well done.

Thanks mate! Glad you like it! :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 199
ZenBuu 11 تموز
Infernape2244 was saying:
Ok Panel 3 finde ich echt geil von den Farben. Gute Arbeit.

Danke! Tatsächlich ist diese Seite eine meiner Lieblingseiten dieses Kapitels, oder sogar vom ganzen Kampf!
DBMultiverse Colors page 199
ZenBuu 11 تموز
Infernape2244 was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Infernape2244 sagte: ZenBuu sagte: Infernape2244 sagte: ZenBuu sagte: Was für ne Wahl? Hat er vergessen, dass er 100 Seiten darüber geschwafelt hat Tambo zu töten? XD
Korrigier mich wenn ich falsch liege, aber am Anfang wollte er doch Tambo auf seine Seite ziehen oder nicht?
Denke er hat es so gemeint im Sinne von "Du bist nicht für mich also hab ich keine Wahl als dich zu töten".
Nein, er wollte zuerst das Tambo freiwillig mit ihm kommt, nur um dann eine Rede zu halten, wie wichtig es doch ist, dass er Tambo töten muss. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt hat er irgendwie versucht Tambo auf seine Seite zu ziehen. Er hätte ihn zwar auch sofort töten können, aber er wollte sich ja Zeit dafür nehmen.

Super Namek Piccolo sagte: „Du hast mir keine Wahl gelassen“
Damit meint er, dass er keine andere Möglichkeit mehr hatte als diese „verbotene“ Technik zu benutzen. Vor der Nutzung entschuldigt er sich beim Herrn der Kraniche. Also quasi „keine andere Wahl mehr gehabt“ als die Kiko Kanone zu benutzen.
Ich vermute Mal, niemand hat die Fähigkeit gemeistert und da sie Lebenskraft verbraucht, wurde sie verboten.
Das ist mir schon klar, ich wollte mich nur ein wenig darüber lustig machen, denn so wie er es formuliert, könnte man denken er wollte Tambo retten, statt ihn zu töten. XD
Ah okay dann hatte ich das falsch in Erinnerung. Muss glaub ich das Kapitel wenn es durch ist nochmal lesen. Bin sowieso über die Länge des Kapitels verblüfft. Es ist ja schon doppelt so lang wie die anderen.
So viele Seiten kommen jetzt gar nicht mehr von diesem Kapitel, ich glaube es sind circa 20. Aber du hast recht, dieses Kapitel ist das längste vom ganzen Comic mit 122 Seiten. Die letzten beiden Kapitel 6 und 7 sind dann wieder etwas kürzer. Kann es momentan kaum erwarten neuen Content von Goten-Kun zu bekommen, denn ich kenne bereits das Ende von Namekseijin und 321y. Mir gefallen seine Stories sehr.

Ich kann euch aber verraten, dass wir hier zukünftig noch mehr Comics von ihm zu sehen bekommen! :)
Ui da bin ich aber gespannt. Spielen diese dann auch im selben Kosmos wie diese beiden Comics oder sind die dann wieder komplett eigenständig?

Also ich weiß von Dragon Ball Ankoku, was mehr oder weniger dasselbe What If Szenario ist wie U13 in DBM, aber mit über 400 Seiten! Goku verletzt sich nie am Kopf und bleibt böse. Tatsächlich war das Ende von Part 2 von Namekseijin ursprünglich mal gedacht, eine Verknüpfung zu DB Ankoku herzustellen, Goten-kun hatte das aber nochmal geändert, um Part 3 von Namekseijin zu zeichnen. Auch meinte er, dass er dort einiges nochmal ausbessern muss, bevor es hier auf der Website erscheinen wird. Wer mal reinschauen will, ist aber nur französisch.


Davor soll es wohl noch ein What-If Szenario geben, worüber ich allerdings keine Infos habe. Da müssen wir uns überraschen lassen. :)
321Y page 298
ZenBuu 11 تموز
Salz was saying:
Hey ich hab ein Edit auf Tiktok hochgeladen bzw. jetzt schon das 3. In denen ich ein paar Seiten von DBM zeige.. Ist das überhaupt erlaubt frage ich mich?! Hab in den Tags angegeben, dass das DBM ist usw. Aber noch nicht explizit darauf hingewiesen.. Hier mal der Link zu dem Video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeGcNjXV, wenn jemand mal schauen will.. sagt mir aber auch ehrlich was ihr davon halten würdet?

Ich würde gerne nochmal auf Regel #6 hinweisen. Lasse das jetzt mal so stehen, aber für die Zukunft, gerade da dies dein erster Kommentar war...

Werbungen in den Kommentaren werden auch nicht mehr toleriert. Auch nicht nur einmal. Auch wenn du dich das erste Mal vorstellst. Auch wenn es um DBZ geht. Auch wenn sie kurz sind. Dafür gibt es die Sektion "Partnerseiten". Poste keine Links, außer, es hat direkt mit der aktuellen DBM-Seite zu tun.

So und auf der nächsten Seite werdet ihr auch den Namen dieser Fusion erfahren. Radotto, Radarotto, Kakitz, Kakaditz. Sucht euch was aus. :)

Sollte sich das jetzt wirklich alles nur imaginär in Old Kais Kopf abspielen, warum stellt er sich dann Nappa's Reaktion so detailliert vor?

Oder anders gefragt, was genau macht an diesem Szenario bisher keinen Sinn?

Die Textbox vom Kapitel Cover wurde nochmal geändert, falls ihr es nicht mitbekommen habt. Da steht jetzt "vor einiger Zeit" statt "Vor einer Stunde", dass war ein Fehler von Salagir. Dieses Szenario hier spielt jetzt gerade nach IKL. Denn wie bereits erwähnt, war dieser noch zugegen bei dem IKL Vorfall. Nach Page 2359 kam entweder ein Zeitsprung, oder das passiert alles nicht wirklich. Was ich sehr schade finden würde tbh

Warum trägt Vegeta überhaupt noch sein Cape? Page 2270...hat er es wieder angelegt um mit ein wenig Würde zu sterben?

Auch geil das er erstmal Tee gemacht hat. XD ich mag die Fusion jetzt schon! :D

Mugetsu was saying:
Oh sh*t xD Soll das ein Schatten sein ?

Das ist der Schatten von Vegeta's Rachen.

buuu was saying:
Nahro sagte: buuu sagte: Im fenster im letzten panel sieht es so aus als ob jemand zuschaut. Vielleicht der Elder kai?

Sieht mir eher nach Vegetas Spiegelbild aus.
Aber es ist so klein. Ein bischen wie kirby finde ich. Ausserdem ist da noch eine art flamme in einem kasten zu sehen (meine sicht)

Es ist definitiv Vegeta's Spiegelbild. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2363
ZenBuu 11 تموز
Uzurper was saying:
Does anyone know where this thing is from?

BangBang was saying:
Uzurper was saying: Does anyone know where this thing is from?

Digimon, I think.

That's not a Digimon, that's a Pokemon called Chansey. 2 Replie(s)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 58
ZenBuu 11 تموز
Panel 2 sieht mal richtig geil aus. Probs von mir!

Leider ist nicht der gesamte Comic in Farbe. :( 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 4
ZenBuu 11 تموز
So unless that's an error... if this is after IKL, Vegeta must've put his cape back on, for some reason. Because the last time we saw him after Goku vs Vegeta on page 2270, he didn't had his cape anymore, basically the whole time after he was revived. Maybe he wants to die with style? XD

Ambroise was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: He even made some tea! XD

I like this fusion already, the hair look nice too! :D why is he wearing Bardock's old armor tho?
Potara fusion also fuses clothing style, like it did with Vegetto :) Raditz was kinda naked, Kakarotto in full armor, so we get a half-armor

Oh I know that their clothes fuse too of course, just haven't thought about Raditz being half naked would result in the armor to look like that. ^^

kaybag was saying:
lol are people gonna still pretend this is happening? We need any more clarification or shall I pat myself on the back now?

kaybag was saying:
I can’t believe people are still falling for this. Like legit bruh. It’s 100% a dream/fake sequence. No doubt. Take it to the bank.

People aren't "pretending", they theorize, same as you. So how many times are you gonna repeat that now? Be proud of yourself... You predicted something that's not even officially confirmed in the comic. You can pat yourself on the back now. ;P
DB Multiverse page 2363
ZenBuu 10 تموز
He even made some tea! XD

I like this fusion already, the hair look nice too! :D why is he wearing Bardock's old armor tho? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2363
ZenBuu 10 تموز
Infernape2244 was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Infernape2244 sagte: ZenBuu sagte: Was für ne Wahl? Hat er vergessen, dass er 100 Seiten darüber geschwafelt hat Tambo zu töten? XD
Korrigier mich wenn ich falsch liege, aber am Anfang wollte er doch Tambo auf seine Seite ziehen oder nicht?
Denke er hat es so gemeint im Sinne von "Du bist nicht für mich also hab ich keine Wahl als dich zu töten".
Nein, er wollte zuerst das Tambo freiwillig mit ihm kommt, nur um dann eine Rede zu halten, wie wichtig es doch ist, dass er Tambo töten muss. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt hat er irgendwie versucht Tambo auf seine Seite zu ziehen. Er hätte ihn zwar auch sofort töten können, aber er wollte sich ja Zeit dafür nehmen.

Super Namek Piccolo sagte: „Du hast mir keine Wahl gelassen“
Damit meint er, dass er keine andere Möglichkeit mehr hatte als diese „verbotene“ Technik zu benutzen. Vor der Nutzung entschuldigt er sich beim Herrn der Kraniche. Also quasi „keine andere Wahl mehr gehabt“ als die Kiko Kanone zu benutzen.
Ich vermute Mal, niemand hat die Fähigkeit gemeistert und da sie Lebenskraft verbraucht, wurde sie verboten.
Das ist mir schon klar, ich wollte mich nur ein wenig darüber lustig machen, denn so wie er es formuliert, könnte man denken er wollte Tambo retten, statt ihn zu töten. XD
Ah okay dann hatte ich das falsch in Erinnerung. Muss glaub ich das Kapitel wenn es durch ist nochmal lesen. Bin sowieso über die Länge des Kapitels verblüfft. Es ist ja schon doppelt so lang wie die anderen.

So viele Seiten kommen jetzt gar nicht mehr von diesem Kapitel, ich glaube es sind circa 20. Aber du hast recht, dieses Kapitel ist das längste vom ganzen Comic mit 122 Seiten. Die letzten beiden Kapitel 6 und 7 sind dann wieder etwas kürzer. Kann es momentan kaum erwarten neuen Content von Goten-Kun zu bekommen, denn ich kenne bereits das Ende von Namekseijin und 321y. Mir gefallen seine Stories sehr.

Ich kann euch aber verraten, dass wir hier zukünftig noch mehr Comics von ihm zu sehen bekommen! :) 1 Replie(s)
321Y page 298
ZenBuu 10 تموز
Infernape2244 was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Was für ne Wahl? Hat er vergessen, dass er 100 Seiten darüber geschwafelt hat Tambo zu töten? XD
Korrigier mich wenn ich falsch liege, aber am Anfang wollte er doch Tambo auf seine Seite ziehen oder nicht?
Denke er hat es so gemeint im Sinne von "Du bist nicht für mich also hab ich keine Wahl als dich zu töten".

Nein, er wollte zuerst das Tambo freiwillig mit ihm kommt, nur um dann eine Rede zu halten, wie wichtig es doch ist, dass er Tambo töten muss. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt hat er irgendwie versucht Tambo auf seine Seite zu ziehen. Er hätte ihn zwar auch sofort töten können, aber er wollte sich ja Zeit dafür nehmen.

Super Namek Piccolo was saying:
„Du hast mir keine Wahl gelassen“
Damit meint er, dass er keine andere Möglichkeit mehr hatte als diese „verbotene“ Technik zu benutzen. Vor der Nutzung entschuldigt er sich beim Herrn der Kraniche. Also quasi „keine andere Wahl mehr gehabt“ als die Kiko Kanone zu benutzen.
Ich vermute Mal, niemand hat die Fähigkeit gemeistert und da sie Lebenskraft verbraucht, wurde sie verboten.

Das ist mir schon klar, ich wollte mich nur ein wenig darüber lustig machen, denn so wie er es formuliert, könnte man denken er wollte Tambo retten, statt ihn zu töten. XD 1 Replie(s)
321Y page 298
ZenBuu 9 تموز
Was für ne Wahl? Hat er vergessen, dass er 100 Seiten darüber geschwafelt hat Tambo zu töten? XD 1 Replie(s)
321Y page 298
ZenBuu 8 تموز
Infernape2244 was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Also ist das doch kein Flashback mehr? Kakarotto wurde ebenso von IKL eingefroren, als C18 ihn beinahe getötet hätte. Das muss also nach IKL sein.
Das ist irritierend. Eigentlich müsste dies noch vor Goku vs Vegeta spielen da gerade der Großkaioshin entlarvt wurde was seine Beziehung zu Buu angeht.

Sieh dir nochmal page 2359, letztes Panel genauer an. Mehr sage ich dazu jetzt mal nicht. :)

Auf page 2274 siehst du auch noch Old Kai, was direkt nach Goku vs Vegeta passiert und direkt vor IKL...Old Kai ist dort immer noch beim Ritual mit Radditz und trägt auch immer noch seine Potaras. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2362
ZenBuu 7 تموز
Also ist das doch kein Flashback mehr? Kakarotto wurde ebenso von IKL eingefroren, als C18 ihn beinahe getötet hätte. Das muss also nach IKL sein. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2362
ZenBuu 7 تموز
So this ain't a flashback anymore? This has to be even after I'K'L, since Kakarotto was still present there, #18 tried to kill him. 4 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2362
ZenBuu 7 تموز
Kirdol was saying:
Was soll schon mit dem Apfel sein... das Girl sieht zwar irgendwie sneaky aus aber hä

Das wird noch aufgeklärt.
Yamoshi Story page 10
ZenBuu 6 تموز
Teenage Beast was saying:
Grabnatz sagte: Stimmt. Der Kaioshin könnte sich denken dass er im Kampf gegen Xxi mehr power braucht. Frage mich ob er Radditz anschwindelt und dieser Vegeta schon in die Tasche stecken würde

Ich hoffe nicht aber befürchte dass der Kaioshin mit Radiz Fusionieren wird. Das wär von der Power her so verschwendetes Potenzial.

Eigentlich sollte klar sein, mit wem er fusioniert, oder? ^^

Sein Ziel ist immer noch Vegeta zu töten. Da wird er sicher nicht für immer mit ihm fusionieren...
DB Multiverse page 2361
ZenBuu 5 تموز
Beni-Kujaku was saying:
J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. We have yet to see any new panels... so why is it just at 3 pages per week instead of the original 4 pages per week?
Maybe the colorists have jobs. Maybe they do not want to spend all their free time on DBM. Maybe they have families. Maybe there's no reason to add new pages here. Maybe this project is meant to be DBMultiverse in color as is (subtly, I admit) implied by the title. Those are just assumptions, of course, but even without all that : the artists behind it all do not "owe" you, or any reader, anything. They do this because they like it, and exactly as much and for how long they like it. You complaining will not change the publishing frequency, nor change their mind, but it might make you not appreciate the fact that you get multiple extremely clean colorized pages per week for free.

Thank you so much for this comment! You speak out of my soul :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 197
ZenBuu 2 تموز
Infernape2244 was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Hey Leute, mal wieder ein Kommentar von Sayazur, welchen ich für euch übersetzt habe:

"Dies hier ist ein DBM OVA, welches ich selbst geschrieben und gezeichnet habe.

Diese Story entstand nicht in direkter Zusammenarbeit mit Salagir, aber sie erzählt meine Vision der Ereignisse nach U20 Broly's Sieg, während ich mich so nah wie möglich an die originale Geschichte und den Canon von DBM halte.

Ihr werdet herausfinden, wie er sein gesamtes Universum zerstört hat und in einem Block aus Eis gelandet ist.

Ich hoffe, euch gefällt die Story. Ich möchte mich bei Malphasans, DB Kaïo und Thibault Deboom bedanken, die ein paar der Seiten welche ihr zu sehen bekommt, coloriert haben.

Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß beim Lesen! ;)"
Also versteh ich dass richtig. Dieser Comic setzt zeitlich nach dem Special an wo Broly das schwarze Loch überlebt hatte?

Exakt. Bis jetzt hat Salagir sich auch noch nicht dazu geäußert, ob er diese Story als DBM Canon ansieht.

Allerdings ist das ganze umso trauriger, da wir eh wissen wie das alles in U20 endet. U20 ist tatsächlich eins der Universen mit den tragischsten Enden. Bis zum Zeitpunkt des letzten Specials wo Ultra Buu/Buu Z sich geopfert hat, war U20 ja quasi wie U18. Freezer, Cell, Buu...Alle überlebt. Bis Broly kam und alles zerstören musste.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 1
ZenBuu 2 تموز
RoyalProf was saying:
Deutsche Eiche sagte: Wer guckt sich nur die Bilder an, weil er weiß, was die Zuschauer des Kampfes sagen?
Nein ich nutze die Gelegenheit gleich für einen reread. Ist zwar erst 4 Jahre her, seit ich es zum ersten Mal gelesen habe, aber an jeden einzelnen zuschauerkommentar kann ich mich auch nicht mehr erinnern.
Btw. Bei einer Seite wie dieser merkt man auch so richtig, wie viel die transparenten sprechblasen ausmachen. So wirken die Panels mit viel Text nicht, als würden die Zeichnungen von den Sprechblasen erdrückt werden wie im Original.

Freut mich sehr das es jemandem gefällt! Habe nämlich sonst nur Leute darüber meckern sehen, weil es angeblich schwerer zu lesen ist.

Ich möchte dazu auch nochmal erwähnen, dass wir all die Parts hinter Gogeta Jrs. Seiten neu zeichnen und colorieren mussten. Bei Asura hatten wir die Rohfassung, aber eben nicht bei diesen alten Seiten. Zum Teil verschwinden manchmal ganze Charaktere hinter den Sprechblasen. Das ist nochmal eine Riesen Zusatzaufgabe. Gutes Beispiel ist page 24.
DBMultiverse Colors page 195
ZenBuu 1 تموز
Meng_Shu was saying:
Wow, loving the the extra content. It looks like everyone, good or bad, dead and alive, will be involved in the final fight for the universe.

This sounds very exciting.

I wonder. Can Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegito while dead? Because if so, that's I guess one way to cook Broly.

They can't fuse to Vegetto. Not because they are dead, they could still fuse while Vegeta was dead, but there simply aren't sets of potaras left to fuse. They destroyed the ones they used to fuse inside Buu and the set from Kibitoshin got destroyed before the Kid Buu fight, because they wanted to beat him on their own.

But they still might do some fancy dance moves.... ^-^ 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 1
ZenBuu 1 تموز
Ryuzaki_Doragon was saying:
Jetzt gibt doch irgendwer dem Süden einen Snickers, damit er Ruhe gibt.

Und interessant. Sein Name ist als Twenty One und nicht Ksi.

Auch wenn diese Art von ihm etwas nervig sein mag, hat er ja vollkommen Recht.

Der Groß-Kaioshin ist mal sowas von hart von Buu manipuliert worden, das ist ja nicht mehr lustig. Gerade im drastischen Kontrast zu dem, wie die Kaioshins in U1 und U10 skrupellos alle Gefahren frühzeitig beseitigt haben. Die haben selbst Baby Broly getötet...

Es gibt halt immer noch irgendwo eine Grenze. Nur weil XXI sich brav an die Regeln hält und niemanden angreift, bedeutet das nicht, dass diese Möglichkeit ausgeschlossen ist, GERADE wenn er weiß wer XXI ist und was er vorhat. Woher eigentlich? Durch Buu? Der hat ja auch den alten Kaioshin absorbiert. Allerdings schien auch Buu verwundert über XXI.

Sein Verhalten ist halt einfach mehr als nur fahrlässig. Ich konnte es ja noch verstehen als Buu noch da war. Aber jetzt gibt es keinen mehr der einfach mal so alle mit einem Fingerschnips retten kann. Frage mich, ob er seine Sichtweise geändert hat, da Buu jetzt weg ist...Aber hinterher dann wieder flennen, dass man hätte früher eingreifen sollen...logischerweise erst dann, wenn es bereits viel zu spät ist und XXI bereits ein paar Universen ausgelöscht hat.

Ksii ist nur wie man seinem Namen ausspricht. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2359
ZenBuu 1 تموز
This lasted long enough now.

I know Salagir brought this up initially, but please get back on topic of the latest DBM page. We will delete anything off topic from now on, even if you try to disguise it inside a normal comment. Thank you. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2359
ZenBuu 1 تموز
Let's please stay on topic for now. I'm gonna leave it to Salagir to handle this topic.

Although my 2 cents are that we don't should play double standards here, that's correct.
DB Multiverse page 2359
ZenBuu 30 حزيران
Meng_Shu was saying:
Can a page be changed? I've never seen that!

Happened several times already in the past with obvious mistakes like these. But it's definitely not pretty common.
DB Multiverse page 2359
ZenBuu 30 حزيران
kari was saying:
Ich muss schon sagen dass ist gerade neben der Hauptstory von DB Multiverse mein lieblings neben Comic. Ich mag denn Humor, die Zeichnung und denn Art Style. Zwar ist dass eine Parodie vom DB Multiverse, aber trz sehr unterhaltsam. Und mir ist aufgefallen dass Caulifla vom persönlichkeit her son bra sehr ähnlich ist. Ich wünschte Mal ein chapter da wo sie sich begegnen würden, glaube dass die Rivalinen werden würden, aber mit Respekt (so ähnlich wie Goku und Vegeta). Nur dass die sich noch besser verstehen würden. Aufgrund ihren ähnlichen Charakter. Und ich weiß, Son bra gab's vor Caulifla.

Guck nochmal auf page 84. Ist zwar Kefla, aber ist doch im Prinzip dasselbe xD

Anscheinend ist sie mit Bra befreundet. :D
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 158
ZenBuu 29 حزيران
Meng_Shu was saying:
So, I'm a little confused. The first page indicates that this chapter took place an hour ago and on the same day as the semis.

So how is Old Kai only seeing XXI's shadowy form now?

I demand an explanation!!!

Yeah this confused me too.

The only explanation I would have for this is that his crystal ball has some kind of a playback function and he was watching what happened earlier, since he couldn't do that during the dancing part of the ritual.

Otherwise it definitely can't be one hour before Goku vs Vegeta, because there was a whole night inbetween like several others mentioned already.

Michelrpg was saying:
Im sorry... what.

Are we really certain the Grand Supreme Kaioshin "destroyed his brains before letting Buu absorb him"? Because I'm starting to question him ever having any to begin with.

I just said the same thing on the discord server, it's so true lol
DB Multiverse page 2358
ZenBuu 28 حزيران
DrewSaga was saying:
Welp, that's all folks.

BangBang was saying: Kill the smartest one first, good thinking.

Lawl, Kibito Kai the smartest one. Now that's funny.

Kongming5 was saying: this guy is strong going by comparisons, though I feel even a new SSJ form will not help, does anyone think this is where the good guys fail and a new hero rises? I'm getting some of those hopeless vibes like i did in Dragon Quest 11 when it looked like the tide was gonna turn in my favor

SSJ2 Tambo would obliterate Bracaa...if Bracaa wasn't immortal.

Kongming5 was saying: this guy is strong going by comparisons, though I feel even a new SSJ form will not help, does anyone think this is where the good guys fail and a new hero rises? I'm getting some of those hopeless vibes like i did in Dragon Quest 11 when it looked like the tide was gonna turn in my favor

If so then who would Tambo's successor be and would he be able to compete with his SSJ power?

I think he was talking about Piccolo, because is Kibitoshin really dead already? It's not like characters didn't survived for some time with a hole in their body and they still have Dende to heal. ^^

Though Piccolo acted weirdly unintelligent (to not call it outright stupid) here in my opinion, so who knows...

Also, DODGE Piccolo ffs :D
Namekseijin Densetsu page 497
ZenBuu 27 حزيران
LuluDNM was saying:
Nothing of original pages yet...

So you are not satisfied with what you get and demand more? Mhhhhh... 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 193
ZenBuu 27 حزيران
瘦布欧 was saying:
the drawing of this chapter is not done by Asura?

Flashback chapters never were drawn by Asura. Check chapter 35, 39 and 89. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2357
ZenBuu 26 حزيران
Hey Leute, mal wieder ein Kommentar von Sayazur, welchen ich für euch übersetzt habe:

"Dies hier ist ein DBM OVA, welches ich selbst geschrieben und gezeichnet habe.

Diese Story entstand nicht in direkter Zusammenarbeit mit Salagir, aber sie erzählt meine Vision der Ereignisse nach U20 Broly's Sieg, während ich mich so nah wie möglich an die originale Geschichte und den Canon von DBM halte.

Ihr werdet herausfinden, wie er sein gesamtes Universum zerstört hat und in einem Block aus Eis gelandet ist.

Ich hoffe, euch gefällt die Story. Ich möchte mich bei Malphasans, DB Kaïo und Thibault Deboom bedanken, die ein paar der Seiten welche ihr zu sehen bekommt, coloriert haben.

Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß beim Lesen! ;)" 2 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 1
ZenBuu 26 حزيران

Don't wonder why your comment disappeared. You answered someone who only wanted to provoke other people with his sassy "lil bro" replies. That was also a user who just got banned recently. If you see comments like this with the intention to just provoke you, please do not reply and let us mods take care of it. :) 1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 496
ZenBuu 25 حزيران
Ich liebe diese Parodie! XD

Schade, dass sie leider nicht die Buu Saga enthalten wird. Aber über 400 Seiten sind trotzdem eine Menge Content. :)
Super Dragon Bros Z page 53
ZenBuu 25 حزيران
Infernape2244 was saying:
Mir gefällt diese Lichtreflexion von Brolys Ki. Allgemein etwas was mir sehr gefällt an dieser Colorierung ist das einbeziehen von Lichteffekten.

Oh ja, vielen Dank! Homola Gábor hat es einfach drauf. Meinen vollsten Respekt an den Mann, der Typ ist wie ne Maschine die seit über 10 Jahren nicht damit aufhören kann, fleissig weiter solche Seiten zu verzaubern! :D

kari was saying:
Ich bin schon so gespannt wie der Kampf zwischen Goku und Vegeta colluriert aussehen wird auch wenn dass noch 5 Jahre dauert bis es erscheint

Das wird tatsächlich noch sehr sehr lange dauern. Wir haben schon seit ungefähr 3 Jahren keine Seiten mehr von Asura coloriert, mit ein paar weniger Ausnahmen. Wir haben vor Release bei Goku VS Uub/ Vegeta vs Cell aufgehört, alles danach ist noch komplett uncoloriert, alles davor ist komplett fertig.

Allerdings hatten wir eine Riesen Lücke zu füllen von Kapitel 1-39, quasi der ganze Part von Gogeta Jr. bis hin zum Übergang zu Asura's Seiten. Momentan fehlen eigentlich nur noch ein paar Seiten von Kapitel 31, 35 und 39.

Hoffentlich können wir Ende des Jahres endlich mit Asura's Seiten weitermachen.

Und eventuell, verlasst euch jetzt aber nicht darauf, es kann immer was dazwischen kommen...eventuell können wir ab einem bestimmten Punkt zurück zu 4 Seiten oder sogar mehr pro Woche zurückkehren. Bis dahin gibt es allerdings noch sehr viel zu tun. Momentan mache ich alles mit Homola Gábor allein...
DBMultiverse Colors page 192
ZenBuu 25 حزيران
orgullo saiyayin was saying:
Gran página ! Amigo Zenbuu, alguna noticia sobre la continuación de la novela central o la de tu universo ?

Bueno, no estoy seguro de cómo se ve aquí en la sección en español, así que sólo puedo decir algo sobre la sección en inglés/francés, lo siento. Es porque no sé quién es el responsable aquí de traducir la novela al español. Pero la novela principal de DBM está en pausa, pero sé que Arctika está trabajando en ella nuevamente. Aunque no puedo decir cuándo continuará.

¡Pero en realidad estamos trabajando en traducir toda la novela U4 Zen Buu al inglés en este momento! Todavía tomará un poco, ya que queremos tener más capítulos listos con anticipación, antes de comenzar a publicar nuevamente. :) 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 192
ZenBuu 24 حزيران
PrinceOfTheHood was saying:
This looks like two kinky Kids, lol. But i wonder what this is supposed to be.

So we are back at the Tournament but not the Main Story i think. More a flashback Story. This could be interesting.

The cover literally says "flashback" in the logo lol

Same like the chapter with Uub and fake Anju for example. Or like chapter 35/39.
DB Multiverse page 2356
ZenBuu 24 حزيران
Lorenor13 was saying:
Vielleicht müsste das Mafuba + ein Reiskocher her ;-)

Lies bitte nochmal meinen Kommentar von letzter Seite. Habe es schon mehrfach erwähnt und muss es glaube ab jetzt auf jeder Seite wiederholen.

Mafuba bringt hier nichts.
Namekseijin Densetsu page 495
ZenBuu 24 حزيران
Perfect Instinct was saying:

but I think I might be the only person to realize that the pink girl is a member of Zarbon's race, wearing the same circlet and earrings Zarbon did, while the yellow guy is a very physically fit member of Dodoria's race.

I can see here at least 5 people who mentioned that already before you, so no. You are not the only one thinking that. ^^

WukongTheMighty was saying:
I will never understand the obsession that so many people seem to have with Zen Buu secretly being hiding and waiting to spring up to do... something. He's gone. If he wasn't, then he'd have instantly sprung back after being sent away.
I guess this is what happens when you've got a character as powerful and fun as Zen Buu around in any sort of role, you're kinda forced to get rid of him in an unenjoyable way if you want there to be stakes. This is sort of why I wish that the character was written to have some sort of limitation to him that he wasn't able to instantly bypass or find a workaround, he had logic defying power to the point where there wasn't a satisfying way to get rid of him, but because he was just sorta booted out of the story without any real fanfare, people are just going to continue to ask about his return.

Also, I don't think these two are Raditz and Elder Kai at all, this is as previous people said almost certainly XXI about to eat some fool. I can't see any reason to introduce us to two rando members of the audience this far into the story otherwise, and we already know that XXI has a weird power to possess people.
Actually, this gives me an idea, and his ability to make puppets might actually be related to Vegito having died. It could be that he needs somebody to die first before he can possess them (when he was outside of his wizard form, they were slumped on the floor, seemingly dead.)

Could XXI's whole plan involve Vegito having died so that he can possess him? Even with all that's happened to him, I still can't see him suddenly flipping out and murdering Gohan while yelling "I'll kill you all if I have to!"
Because if this is the case, then everyone is about to be in BIG trouble.

This might be the first time I actually do agree with you on something. ;P

I mean at least about the Buu part of your comment. I said it many times before his second rampage, that he is way too powerful and OP, as much as I love this character, he had to go so the story can progress... and yeah, I also thought the way he was written out of the story is one of the rare parts I really dislike in DBM's story, but he was just so broken at some point, that it was hard to find a satisfying way to get rid of him.

I think he is gone for good. We should just accept that we won't see him again. The last page where he is back home in U4 made this very clear in my opinion.

And yes, it's actually very clear that this ain't Raditz and Old Kai. Mainly because Salagir already confirmed that above. Unless you want to accuse him of lying. XD

These are just some random guys from the audience, who are about to have some overtime. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2356
ZenBuu 24 حزيران
Yo Mismo Quien Si No was saying:
Buena pagina pero aquí no tiene sentido que la iluminación del aura de Broly impacte de forma frontal en Goku y Vegeta.

Eso sucedería si Broly estuviese en el suelo y no es el caso, esta a varias decenas de metros del suelo.

Tiene absolutamente sentido, Broly acaba de duplicar su Ki y su aura es ENORME. Está iluminando toda la arena, casi como lo hace Vegetto cuando hace SSJ3. Además, creo que Homola Gábor sabe exactamente lo que hace. Este tipo colorea profesionalmente desde hace una década... :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 192
ZenBuu 23 حزيران
Actually I don't really get why people thought it's Old Kai and Raditz disguised here.

Raditz already left on page 1103, right after Kakarotto lost to Vegeta, to visit U9 and get the mystic powerup. He was there until page 1888 during the whole dancing ritual part. He missed the second half of the third round and the whole Majin rebellion basically. Why would he suddenly care now to miss any of the other fights? Doesn't make much sense.

AberrantDesign was saying:
happywarrior99 was saying: She has pink skin, has pink hair and is wearing clothes that are similar to what Android 21 (majin form) wears. Is she a disguised Zen Buu?

SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying: Is this Elder Kai disguising himself and Raditz?If she is Elder Kai in disguise, why did he chose to take the risk of disguising himself as a female Majin after Zen Buu was send back to Universe 4?

jonathan_vik was saying: This girl will reveal herself as a horrible monster and eat this poor sap.Which I think is something Zen Buu may do to trick some random background character from Universe 1 into getting absorbed without getting the other fighters's attention, specially if Zen Buu wanted to absorb people from Universe 1 to have the means to return to the tournament universe.
Of course, if this WAS Zen Buu, that means he already has a piece of himself in the tournament universe and doesn't need to "Return to the tournament universe", so this is definitely not Zen Buu
It's just a new character

Yeah, this comment confused me too. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2356
ZenBuu 23 حزيران
uiui was saying:
Die zwei sehen aus als wären sie von denselben Rassen denen Zarbon und Dodoria angehören.

Nebenbei, kennen wir die?

Das sind einfach zwei Random Zuschauer. Salagir hat im englischen Bereich gesagt, deren Namen sind Pomela und Daryun.
DB Multiverse page 2356
ZenBuu 23 حزيران
Homola Gábor did some insane work on this page!

It looks crazily good man. :)
DBMultiverse Colors page 192
ZenBuu 23 حزيران
VegetaJr was saying:
hmm ich seh da eigentlich nur 2 Optionen.
Die eine irgendwer klemmt ihm einen der Potaraohrringe an. Durch die Fusion entsteht ja ein neues Wesen, das dann nicht mehr unsterblich ist. Oder irgendwer wünscht sich seine unsterblichkeit weg

Es gibt doch gar keine Potaras mehr. Die von Old Kai wurden ja für Vegetto genutzt und dann in Buu zerstört. Genau wie das letzte Set von Kibitoshin vor Kid Buu.

Und wenn sie Bracaa's Unsterblichkeit einfach weg wünschen könnten, hätten sie das doch schon vorher gemacht, statt Piccolo zu entsteinern. Das wird wohl nicht gegen seinen Willen funktionieren.
Namekseijin Densetsu page 495
ZenBuu 23 حزيران
TabletopJunk was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Chermb was saying: ZenBuu was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: >Roshi wins, does cool Akira Motorbike pose, expects the genocidal eternal teenager to uphold the conditions he laid for his victory, and gets turned to dust (His Sunglasses TANKED that)
His sunglasses fell off on page 2351, same as his hat one page prior. We even got an extra panel for that...

And Roshi was in front of him when he got blasted. The sunglasses and his hat were still on the race track, in the opposite direction. But of course it's easier to complain about everything, without checking the facts first. ;P

But of course, it's easier to be smug and petty by focusing on one part of what someone said, rather than responding to message in it's entirety. ;P
And what does your comment add here again? Nothing... you only want to provoke, congrats! ;P

The rest of the comment didn't really interest me, because all of this broken record was said 1000 times already during this special.

TabletopJunk was saying: ZenBuu was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: >Roshi wins, does cool Akira Motorbike pose, expects the genocidal eternal teenager to uphold the conditions he laid for his victory, and gets turned to dust (His Sunglasses TANKED that)
His sunglasses fell off on page 2351, same as his hat one page prior. We even got an extra panel for that...

And Roshi was in front of him when he got blasted. The sunglasses and his hat were still on the race track, in the opposite direction. But of course it's easier to complain about everything, without checking the facts first. ;P

Wow, that changes everything!! You really got him on that throwaway joke.
Wow, your comment changes everything too!! You really got me with that throwaway comment. Do we get back onto topic or are we only provoking each other now? Don't you have something of value to add? :)

Sodapopinski was saying: So much justification of bad behavior in here. Forget "free products should be criticized too," and other such nonsense... At the end of the day, the artists and writers are people too. You're not criticizing some mega corporation, you're going straight up to the artist & writer and telling them their work sucks.

Have some basic human decency and maybe DON'T go straight up to creators and tell them every time you think their work is subpar. It's unnecessarily nasty. Some of y'all forgot the lessons you learned in kindergarten and it shows.
Shhht, you can't say that! You can't just go ahead and criticise all the criticism, doesn't matter how harsh it is! This comic is free to read, but that doesn't protect it from getting trashed to no end. People are obviously allowed to be disrespectful and insulting to the artist and writer. There is no thin line that can be crossed while "constructively" criticizing this comic. It's totally fine to just call the writing trash and go ahead. And everyone who doesn't agree with that is no real fan of DB and has no clue about it at all. (end of sarcasm)

The extreme defensiveness over what was clearly a joke about sunglasses was clearly overtly hostile, no matter how you try to dress up your tone. If you’re concerned about moderating the tone of the comment section, you’d do well not to add to the toxicity by posting knee-jerk reactions like this, it isn’t, and seemingly hasn’t, helped foster positive discussion.

I'll admit that I got a little bit carried away towards the end of this special chapter. Maybe I wanted to give back the taste of the own medicine for a bit. But basically you are correct.

Either way, I can assure you that I'm still being pretty nice for a mod. I let a lot of stuff slide. And I actually hold back on a lot of thoughts I would love to comment, but today I was just fed up with all of this negativity. My apologies for being overly sarcastic for once. My emotions kinda got the better of me.

I know other mods who would act way more harsh than me in this regard. Some of them would just nuke this whole comment section without a second thought. At the moment I'm moderating this entire comment section on my own, nobody wants to do the dirty work and trust me...if some of y'all would try moderating this section for like a week, most of you would probably quit after like 3 days.

The toxicity here can be extreme sometimes and to be honest all of the other comments sections aren't like the English one in this regard. Being a mod is a very unthankful "job". As soon as you only remind people of some basic rules (that should be a no brainer in a normal discussion) you get replies with insults on a regular basis, because apparently you are just "power tripping" and want to ruin the fun for everybody here. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2355
ZenBuu 22 حزيران
Chermb was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: >Roshi wins, does cool Akira Motorbike pose, expects the genocidal eternal teenager to uphold the conditions he laid for his victory, and gets turned to dust (His Sunglasses TANKED that)
His sunglasses fell off on page 2351, same as his hat one page prior. We even got an extra panel for that...

And Roshi was in front of him when he got blasted. The sunglasses and his hat were still on the race track, in the opposite direction. But of course it's easier to complain about everything, without checking the facts first. ;P

But of course, it's easier to be smug and petty by focusing on one part of what someone said, rather than responding to message in it's entirety. ;P

And what does your comment add here again? Nothing... you only want to provoke, congrats! ;P

The rest of the comment didn't really interest me, because all of this broken record was said 1000 times already during this special.

TabletopJunk was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: >Roshi wins, does cool Akira Motorbike pose, expects the genocidal eternal teenager to uphold the conditions he laid for his victory, and gets turned to dust (His Sunglasses TANKED that)
His sunglasses fell off on page 2351, same as his hat one page prior. We even got an extra panel for that...

And Roshi was in front of him when he got blasted. The sunglasses and his hat were still on the race track, in the opposite direction. But of course it's easier to complain about everything, without checking the facts first. ;P

Wow, that changes everything!! You really got him on that throwaway joke.

Wow, your comment changes everything too!! You really got me with that throwaway comment. Do we get back onto topic or are we only provoking each other now? Don't you have something of value to add? :)

Sodapopinski was saying:
So much justification of bad behavior in here. Forget "free products should be criticized too," and other such nonsense... At the end of the day, the artists and writers are people too. You're not criticizing some mega corporation, you're going straight up to the artist & writer and telling them their work sucks.

Have some basic human decency and maybe DON'T go straight up to creators and tell them every time you think their work is subpar. It's unnecessarily nasty. Some of y'all forgot the lessons you learned in kindergarten and it shows.

Shhht, you can't say that! You can't just go ahead and criticise all the criticism, doesn't matter how harsh it is! This comic is free to read, but that doesn't protect it from getting trashed to no end. People are obviously allowed to be disrespectful and insulting to the artist and writer. There is no thin line that can be crossed while "constructively" criticizing this comic. It's totally fine to just call the writing trash and go ahead. And everyone who doesn't agree with that is no real fan of DB and has no clue about it at all. (end of sarcasm) 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2355
ZenBuu 22 حزيران
NoX was saying:
Zeit für ein Mafuba :)

Mittlerweile bin ich echt überzeugt davon, dass Goten-Kun eine Dialogzeile hätte einfügen sollen (im Comic), dass Mafuba hier NICHT funktioniert. Das hat er (und ich habe es hier auch mehrmals wiederholt) sehr oft in den Kommentaren bereits geschrieben. Bracaa versiegeln = nicht möglich! Es kommen halt immer dieselben Kommentare über Mafuba.

Seiner Meinung nach hätte das nicht mal bei Radditz funktioniert. Das finde ich auch gut so, denn sind wir ehrlich... das wäre total langweilig ihn einfach nur zu versiegeln. 1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 494
ZenBuu 22 حزيران
WukongTheMighty was saying:
>Roshi wins, does cool Akira Motorbike pose, expects the genocidal eternal teenager to uphold the conditions he laid for his victory, and gets turned to dust (His Sunglasses TANKED that)

His sunglasses fell off on page 2351, same as his hat one page prior. We even got an extra panel for that...

And Roshi was in front of him when he got blasted. The sunglasses and his hat were still on the race track, in the opposite direction. But of course it's easier to complain about everything, without checking the facts first. ;P 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2355
ZenBuu 22 حزيران
kari was saying:
Und an die Leute die es überstürzt finden, dass gohan auf einmal wieder Hoffnung bekommen hat. Ich kann euch zum Teil verstehen, aber auf der anderen Seite glaube ich dass gohan auch sehr depressiv war wegen er die einzige Hoffnung war. Ich kann mir etwa vorstellen Wass für eine Last dass ist, dass man sogar nicht mehr stärker wird egal wie oft man trainiert. kann einen jungen teenager ziemlich brechen. Und dass er diese Last nicht mehr alleine bewältigen muss, und ihm Hoffnung gibt, kann ich verstehen. Siehe da er sieht sogar im letzten chapter dass Trunks fliegt und sieht dementsprechend sein Potenzial.

Bitte nicht Doppelposten (Regel #9), du kannst deinen Kommentar auch editieren, wenn du etwas hinzufügen möchtest. Ich habe auf der letzten Seite nichts gesagt, da bereits zu viel Zeit vergangen ist, um den Kommentar zu editieren und da es momentan hier immer noch ziemlich tot ist im Kommentarbereich... aber auf dieser Seite hättest du es noch bearbeiten können. Nur als kleiner Hinweis für die Zukunft. :)

buuu was saying:
Und damit ist das kapitel vorbei?

Korrekt. Als nächstes kriegen wir endlich das Flashback Kapitel mit Mystic Radditz! 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2355
ZenBuu 20 حزيران
RoyalProf was saying:
Deutsche Eiche sagte: Was zum Geier macht Vegetto denn? Sieht er denn nicht, dass sein Gegner etwas besonderes ist?
Sieht er schon aber er will die Gelegenheit nutzen um mal mit voller Kraft kämpfen zu können. Dieser vegetto hat ja auch bereits 2 mal gegen broly gekämpft also weiß er sehr wohl was Brolys Fähigkeiten sind. Aber wie oft hat Vegetto die Möglichkeit mit einem unzerstörbaren Boxsack kämpfen zu können.

"Deutsche Eiche" hat den Kommentar von Buu auf der nächsten Seite zitiert. ^^ 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 190
ZenBuu 20 حزيران
WukongTheMighty was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: BMS was saying: But alas, at least it's about over it seems, and will be another one to File 13 just like the early Bojak specials haha.
I think its really funny and ironic that you say this, while having a pfp of the first Bojack special, that you seem to dislike so much. ;D

MysticVegito was saying: ZenBuu was saying: Dear god, as soon as Gohan appears on the screen, all the negative comments start again...I'm so glad we are nearly done with this special. Reading most comments during this special was super awful and no fun anymore.

My dude, it's not the fact that Gohan appearing on screen that pisses people off, far from it, but his behavior and dialogue that he spouts what is prompting those negative comments, especially since the distasteful Baba segment. Also, this isn't the first time in DBM's history where you have a backlash for the story direction, be it specials or tournament, but if other specials are written in this way, then prepare yourself for far more negative comments. Just saying.
My dude...it's the fact that people get "pissed off" about this in the first place. Some people here take this way too serious. I love DB too, otherwise I wouldn't be here and part of the DBM team. But this is still a free to read webcomic about Dragon Ball ffs. I almost get the feeling some people here feel insulted on a personal level by what they see and now they feel the need to shit on almost everything that gets released here. I see people here complain every day, on nearly every page. Funnily, most of them only leave negative comments, never something positive. They are weirdly silent during some pages, when they have nothing to complain about. Coincidence? I think not.

Also strangely, me and many others don't have a problem with this special or Salagir's writing decisions in general. Weird, huh? Does that mean we have no idea how DB works? Is our opinion wrong now? Are all the negative comments necessarily wrong because of that? No, not really. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But there is still a thin line that gets crossed many times by people (on both sides tho).

And before this comes up again, no we don't only want asskissers here, you can obviously criticise if you really feel the need to, but do it respectful. I've seen people flat out insulting Salagir and calling all of his writing "garbage/trash" etc. And people who defend it/like the story, are pathetic. They even go on a personal level with the insults. No joke, these comments were made.

You said yourself, "But who am i to dictate your writing decisions? shrug" sorry to say it harsh like that now, but you definitively will NOT dictate any writing here. This is still Salagir's story and he can do whatever he wants. Wether you like it or not. Agree to disagree, but do not blindly jump on a hate train while being super disrespectful (not talking about you here, just generally) to the author or people who enjoy this special/story. But sure, I'm always prepared for "far more negative comments".....

WukongTheMighty was saying: BMS was saying: Daiko was saying: Man this special was boring. Really sucked.

Yeah I kinda have to agree with this. From the weird Baba segment, to Gohan just completely crapping himself constantly, this special has just kind of...."been a thing". What was the point of divergence from this timeline and the Future Timeline? The Roshi bike race? Just a lot of questions that don't really matter as this was written pretty poorly. But alas, at least it's about over it seems, and will be another one to File 13 just like the early Bojak specials haha.
No no, this special occured in all of the Future Universes, not just the one where the androids won.
Baba told Gohan to eat shit and die face down in a puddle in despair in 3 of the 20 universes we see in DBM.

At least we learned...
wait, what DID we learn from this special, anyway? That Baba is a terrible person in the DBMverse?
You can't stop that overly sarcastic attitude of yours, huh? It's actually really ridiculous by now ngl. ;P

YellNinja1600 was saying: I didn’t read what anyone above me said but why is Roshi dead if this special also covers Universe 12?

But even in the Kakarot game Roshi was alive in his submarine.
Maybe you should read the comments then. The answer is literally here in the comments of this page...by Salagir himself.

And since when do we take DBZ games as canon? That's hilarious tbh xD

Razmalian was saying: I feel like everyone forgets so much about Gohan because all they see is the image they made up in their heads off of like 3 moments they liked and NOTHING ELSE.

Gohan was NEVER a fighter.

Gohan NEVER enjoyed fighting.

Gohan was ALWAYS terrified of violence when he was younger.

Gohan was USUALLY fairly quick to give up.

Gohan was NEVER going to be as good as Goku, nor as stubborn as Vegeta, nor as mentally sound as Piccolo, nor as patient as Roshi, nor as determined as Trunks would later be forced to be.

GOHAN. IS NOT. A SAIYAN. He is a Saiyan HYBRID of a Human.

Humans give up when facing a superior power. Hell, humans will do ANYTHING to live, even if it means hiding and living like trash.

But Humans will even fight on if it's meaningless, for no other reason than because they HAD to.

Gohan isn't this "I'll save the world!" Superman-esqe being y'all made up. He's just a scared child trying to make sense of a world full of violence he never wanted nor can do anything about. He doesn't have Goku's drive nor Vegeta's pride. He doesn't have Chichi's fury nor does he have her determination.

The reason Gohan fought for so long is literally ONLY BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE COULD. The human side of him won't let Trunks and Bulma try to handle things while he leaves to train - and this means fighting as hard for as long as possible and hoping he can one day defeat them before they kill everyone. He doesn't have Piccolo, Roshi, Vegeta, Krillin, Goku or even Yamcha or Tien to guide and help him. He has no one, no way to see the future and no way to win.

Do you wanna know why he fought in the past?

When he flipped out against Raditz, all he wanted was to help his dad so he could go home from this scary situation. He had his dad with him and seeing him hurt broke his temper so bad it caused his power to explode for the first time.

When he fought against the Saiyans, he knew Goku would arrive some time that day. For him, all he had to do was help buy time for Goku to come back - he never once intended to fight Nappa and Vegeta, nevermind the Saibamen that sprouted up unexpectedly. All of those losses hurt him pretty badly, and his snapping at Nappa was just a childish outburst, expected when the only "family" you've had for nearly a year, your friends and father's friends are falling left and right. He had Goku to rely on for hope - if he stayed long enough, his dad would come, and all would be well again. That was his hope.

When he fought on Namek, he only did so because he saw a way to help his dad and bring back those who had died. I'm gonna break down the Namek time because it's actually pretty cool but still nothing like Gohan's true self:

>Against the aliens (Freeza Force), he wanted to slip by, get the Dragon Balls, wish everyone back, and leave. No intention of Red Ribbon-ing the Freeza Force, because eventually, his dad would come.

>Against Dodoria, who could stand idly by and let some innocent child be slain again? Remember, he's still a child - but he's also Human. Familial bonds are very strong with Humans. You yourself wouldn't let some bully attack a child while you could stop it, right? In this case, this one was all Gohan - though what followed was pretty standard for Gohan. I don't think he could've won against Dodoria (at that time) - though I could honestly be wrong. Regardless, the aim is the same - stall for time, get the Dragonballs, resurrect everyone, wait for daddy.

>Against the Ginyu Force, he KNEW Goku was on his way. Things happened too fast, so Gohan of course had to fight. His thinking was that if he somehow survived here, his dad would come, everyone would come back and all would be well. Here we see Gohan's own personal pride come out for the first time, though to be brutally honest even this isn't Gohan's will to fight here, moreso a will to stand against everything going against him. He's still part human, very stubborn, and his friend and Vegeta are down. (To be honest, that was a little too close. I think this is where the Saiyaman would eventually be born from.) Also, seeing his dad's body being stolen and losing his shit, yeah, THAT one was pure Gohan. Please don't steal his dad's body - Gohan is a terrified child, but he's also a terified Saiyan child with lots of repressed trauma. You can't afford that bill.

>Against Freeza himself, well, this again stems from his hope in his father. Hold out long enough for Goku to recover and let his dad take care of things (though to be honest he'd probably have pitched in because by now he's aware he can at least help, at least until Freeza started transforming, and then things just went off a cliff). In this, he had hope in his father (and later fear because his father had NEVER been this angry before in Gohan's entire life, but to be fair, who wouldn't be scared??).

>The fight against Vegeta afterwards is sorta a mix between a tantrum, outrage, fear for his father and outright peak anger boiling over. I kinda wish Gohan had won tbh - Vegeta needs to be down a few million pegs.

>Against Freeza and Cold, he was ABSOLUTELY ready to fight. The reason? His dad was on his way. That, and he'd grown a lot. But he still HATED violence, HATED fighting and HATED having to harm others. He's still a child, after all.

>Against the Androids, well.....yeah. Awkward. But he still had hope. Well, had hope. Until Vegeta (and then Krillin) literally fumbled the nuclear footballs. Though honestly, I don't blame Krillin as much as I genuinely despised Vegeta for what he did. The fuck, man.

>Against Cell, well, he was hoping his dad was kidding about Gohan being stronger than him and that his dad would eventually win. Allow me to remind you he is still a child, it's okay to be naive. Things went....uh, wow. What a train wreck. Firstly, Goku GIVES UP (WHAT), then nominates Gohan (wait WHAT), and then just as Gohan has decided to wear him down so he can deliver a decisive strike, Cell, suddenly....uh, loses all fatigue (and won't have to eat for like 10 days) (GOKU???????). And then, just as Gohan is forced to try and find the will to fight, an Android of all things tries to talk some sense into Gohan, and is promptly killed trying to lift his spirits. Right. So....Gohan, having FINALLY fucking had enough people die in front of him, loses his shit, and then loses his literal senses, commits infanticide, and damn near commits fratricide several times over, pulls a Vegeta and then also loses his arm to save Vegeta (of all people) (Wow Vegeta is doing a lot of damage, goddamn). Somehow, SOMEHOW he managed to pull through (only because again, his dad LITERALLY spoke to him from beyond to motivate him). He only succeeded because his dad helped him to.

>Against Bojack, I think that one still counts. His dad helped, sure, a lot actually, but once he realized he HAD the means to stopping them, there went Bojack's chance of stopping Gohan. To be honest, Goku could probably have fought Bojack and won. But Gohan (when fully determined to fight) is pretty much Goku's opposite - good luck, you should've fucking left long ago, because now you die. Don't touch his friends/family/world. (no really, please don't, he has Chichi's temper.)

>Against Buu, well....He felt he had no choice but to fight. After all, his father wouldn't go down without doing nothing. Surely, Son Goku's son could stop Buu before things got worse, right? That was his sole hope - stop it before the situation gets Vegeta'd. Fate is cruel for no reason.

>Against Buu, well....I mean, he WAS him. He was apparently also Vegeta because he not only lost his intelligence but also lost his sense of self. The rest is, uh...pretty self-explanatory. It all blew up in his face. Literally. It actually killed him this time.

[End of Z]

[Start of Super]

Against Freeza, well, he had to buy time. His dad would come, and so would Vegeta, so surely he could survive that long, right?...Right?

Against his Dad, he just...Actually, I think this one was literally just a refresher. And then his other half of him (his Saiyan half) woke up and he wanted the smoke. And I won't lie, that fight was fun to watch. It REALLY makes a difference how good his fights are when he's not forced to shoulder the burden of the entire solar system, huh?

Against Lavender, uh...yeah, pretty much every fight from here on out was just Gohan being Gohan - hyper intelligent and nearly impossible to break hope-wise. I mean, look what he did to Golden Freeza and later Dyspo (especially Dyspo, damn) once he had the chance to fight back. Good lord.

Even in the manga, he wasn't fighting to buy time, he fought to save the world (and the future) on his own. Though honestly he still holds hope, now just he includes himself in that hope too.

Even in GT he still fought for hope of a better future and he had people to rely on and help him.

But here, he has NO ONE. His last friend in this world that he could count on for reinforcement (and teaching) has died.

>His dad is dead to a virus no one saw coming nor could treat.

>Vegeta, someone Gohan really doesn't like, is dead.

>Krillin, Goku's oldest friend, is gone.

>Yamcha, his oldest rival, is gone.

>Piccolo, his only real teacher, is gone.

>And now Roshi, his true only teacher and beacon of wisdom, is dead.

He's too weak to save anyone.

He's too young to know what to do.

He's too unprepared to learn anything.

He's too scared to fight still. (He's still a child)

He's too dependent on everyone to go alone.

What could he possibly do now?

Who could he possibly ask for help?

Where could he possibly go?

When could he possibly train?

Why was he the only one left?

Why him?

There's no one left.

And soon (at this rate), there'll be no one left.

Gohan, a terrified child, forced to fight nearly all his life against odds he frankly never really had a chance against nor fully understood to begin with. Friends he really only knew through his dad, a Saiyan who he only really associates with because his father saw something with him that Gohan could never have seen, and a Namekian he only really looks up to because he has so little of his own life to pull from.

Gohan, with all of this, now alone because anything remotely close to him is now gone.

There's no hope for a child who never wanted a fight.

What could he possibly reasonably do?

And before you answer that, don't look at it through the BS lens of "a world made of cardboard". Look at it through the lens of a child finally realizing what his father's had to deal with and is unable to handle it anymore. Of all those connections gone for...well, nothing.

Of course Gohan would feel hopeless.

Not even Freeza was this bad.

This is who Gohan truly is. Given what's happening, can you even blame him?
I absolutely agree with you, good comment! :)

SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying: Thank you for at all of your work. I know this may not be worth as much but I know that we would basically have no content during this time if you didn't.
Anyway for what it's worth.
Well, you don't have to thank me personally, afterall this special was not made by me. ^^
But you can still enjoy DBM colors in the meantime. :)

Also, please do not double post, you can edit your posts!

Sarcasm? No, I'm not being sarcastic. If I was being sarcastic I'd have said something that wasn't true. That was me actively showing contempt for Baba. Aside from that, everything else I said was completely true. Gohan will end up as a corpse lying face down in a puddle. All of this build-up that doesn't relate either to Future Trunks or Future Bulma is kinda pointless because we know it goes nowhere.
Whatever arc that Gohan is being written to go through HAS no narrative pay-off. The narrative pay-off here is him dying pathetically off-screen thanks to underestimating 17.
That's not how satisfying stories are written and that is why people are being so critical towards this. We don't actively need to see Gohan go through all this suffering and start griping about how he wants to die and meet his family or whatever before apparently eventually getting over it and then going on a suicide mission to fight 17 and 18 to die anyway.
It's not good to expand out on Future Gohan because he has the opposite of a satisfying character arc, no matter what he does on the journey, it's doomed to failure.
Stories like this are just total bummers and it's been done too much in DBM already.

The first time we saw an "Everyone dies, everyone fails, everything sucks" universe special, it was pretty shocking in its own right, but when you keep doing it over and over it loses its impact. If that's the story that Salagir wants to write, that's the story Salagir wants to write, but I don't feel like it has near as much narrative impact as it could have. This is why Toriyama had an editor, people always underestimate the importance of somebody who can tell the main creative mind "No.".
For Dragon Ball even, you've got the Buu Saga where Toriyama had the most creative freedom because at that point he was the most popular mangaka like, literally ever.
It's not just Salagir or DBM or whatever, I'll point out problems in whatever story I read. Even if I enjoy it, being able to point out and discuss the flaws in a story is crucial for a healthy audience, as well as the growth of a writer.
Back to my point about Dragon Ball, the Buu Saga is easily the worst written Saga in Dragon Ball. People always try to say Dragon Ball Super is where Goku becomes a sort of thoughtless jerk, but in reality that was all set up by the Buu Saga. I'll mock Emo Gohan here, but that doesn't mean I won't mock Asshole Goku in the Buu Saga, where...
— "Gohan... if you interfere in this meaningless tournament match where you're watching the girl you like getting brutally beaten, you'll be disqualified from it!"
— He didn't care about Gohan getting his energy stolen
— He could've instantly used Super Saiyan 3 to defeat everyone on Babadi's ship rather than play literally into the villain's hands despite Kaioshin constantly stating how important it was that they didn't let Buu be resurrected. (Goku fucking around and not listening t Shin here indirectly leads to almost the entire planet temporarily dying)
— He could've used Super Saiyan 3 to instantly defeat Majin Vegeta by knocking him out.
— He could've used Super Saiyan 3 to kill Fat Majin Buu (He said that he would've been able to do this himself, but he wanted to give the eight year olds a shot. He thought Gohan was dead at the point he fought Buu, so it had to be the literal non-fighter children he wanted to fight chaos given form)
— Tried to bribe Old Kai with another man's wife. (Or well, not technically wife, it's never canonically been mentioned Vegeta and Bulma married)

Ok, I'm gonna be honest here now.

I think you should really reread your comments before you post them. Or reread the comments in your comment history (which are visible to everyone here, except for the deleted once of course). You have answered other comments, including mine in the past, with a lot of sarcasm sprinkled in. Your comments come across pretty snobby sometimes. I saw you kind of mocking other people for stating their opinion, which brings me to my next point... fine, if we wanna be nitpicky about semantics now, let me rephrase it then.

WukongTheMighty was saying:
I'll mock Emo Gohan here

^^^ This ^^^

That's exactly what gets so annoying over the time, at least for me. You do this a lot. I mean we get it after the first time already. And as you already mentioned yourself, you're not only doing it here, just reread your comment history for example.

In my opinion it's sometimes better to just say nothing at all. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2354
ZenBuu 20 حزيران
Xadirius was saying:
Maybe Tambo's mother was born without a tail like Trunks or had it permanently removed like Gohan, since her parents might have known the danger. Tambo then just has one as a genetic throwback or oversight. The oversight being, if his mother was killed before having a chance to remove it and being the only one who knows of the transformation. Because I highly doubt this would be something people would share outside of the family.

"Oh by the way. If my kid's tail grows back, don't let them look at the full moon. Or everyone will die, K?" "Have a good sleep over sweetie."

"Wait what?"

Goten-Kun already answered you, but let me add something:

Check page 150 again. :)
321Y page 289
ZenBuu 20 حزيران
BMS was saying:
But alas, at least it's about over it seems, and will be another one to File 13 just like the early Bojak specials haha.

I think its really funny and ironic that you say this, while having a pfp of the first Bojack special, that you seem to dislike so much. ;D

MysticVegito was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Dear god, as soon as Gohan appears on the screen, all the negative comments start again...I'm so glad we are nearly done with this special. Reading most comments during this special was super awful and no fun anymore.

My dude, it's not the fact that Gohan appearing on screen that pisses people off, far from it, but his behavior and dialogue that he spouts what is prompting those negative comments, especially since the distasteful Baba segment. Also, this isn't the first time in DBM's history where you have a backlash for the story direction, be it specials or tournament, but if other specials are written in this way, then prepare yourself for far more negative comments. Just saying.

My dude...it's the fact that people get "pissed off" about this in the first place. Some people here take this way too serious. I love DB too, otherwise I wouldn't be here and part of the DBM team. But this is still a free to read webcomic about Dragon Ball ffs. I almost get the feeling some people here feel insulted on a personal level by what they see and now they feel the need to shit on almost everything that gets released here. I see people here complain every day, on nearly every page. Funnily, most of them only leave negative comments, never something positive. They are weirdly silent during some pages, when they have nothing to complain about. Coincidence? I think not.

Also strangely, me and many others don't have a problem with this special or Salagir's writing decisions in general. Weird, huh? Does that mean we have no idea how DB works? Is our opinion wrong now? Are all the negative comments necessarily wrong because of that? No, not really. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But there is still a thin line that gets crossed many times by people (on both sides tho).

And before this comes up again, no we don't only want asskissers here, you can obviously criticise if you really feel the need to, but do it respectful. I've seen people flat out insulting Salagir and calling all of his writing "garbage/trash" etc. And people who defend it/like the story, are pathetic. They even go on a personal level with the insults. No joke, these comments were made.

You said yourself, "But who am i to dictate your writing decisions? shrug" sorry to say it harsh like that now, but you definitively will NOT dictate any writing here. This is still Salagir's story and he can do whatever he wants. Wether you like it or not. Agree to disagree, but do not blindly jump on a hate train while being super disrespectful (not talking about you here, just generally) to the author or people who enjoy this special/story. But sure, I'm always prepared for "far more negative comments".....

WukongTheMighty was saying:
BMS was saying: Daiko was saying: Man this special was boring. Really sucked.

Yeah I kinda have to agree with this. From the weird Baba segment, to Gohan just completely crapping himself constantly, this special has just kind of...."been a thing". What was the point of divergence from this timeline and the Future Timeline? The Roshi bike race? Just a lot of questions that don't really matter as this was written pretty poorly. But alas, at least it's about over it seems, and will be another one to File 13 just like the early Bojak specials haha.
No no, this special occured in all of the Future Universes, not just the one where the androids won.
Baba told Gohan to eat shit and die face down in a puddle in despair in 3 of the 20 universes we see in DBM.

At least we learned...
wait, what DID we learn from this special, anyway? That Baba is a terrible person in the DBMverse?

You can't stop that overly sarcastic attitude of yours, huh? It's actually really ridiculous by now ngl. ;P

YellNinja1600 was saying:
I didn’t read what anyone above me said but why is Roshi dead if this special also covers Universe 12?

But even in the Kakarot game Roshi was alive in his submarine.

Maybe you should read the comments then. The answer is literally here in the comments of this page...by Salagir himself.

And since when do we take DBZ games as canon? That's hilarious tbh xD

Razmalian was saying:
I feel like everyone forgets so much about Gohan because all they see is the image they made up in their heads off of like 3 moments they liked and NOTHING ELSE.

Gohan was NEVER a fighter.

Gohan NEVER enjoyed fighting.

Gohan was ALWAYS terrified of violence when he was younger.

Gohan was USUALLY fairly quick to give up.

Gohan was NEVER going to be as good as Goku, nor as stubborn as Vegeta, nor as mentally sound as Piccolo, nor as patient as Roshi, nor as determined as Trunks would later be forced to be.

GOHAN. IS NOT. A SAIYAN. He is a Saiyan HYBRID of a Human.

Humans give up when facing a superior power. Hell, humans will do ANYTHING to live, even if it means hiding and living like trash.

But Humans will even fight on if it's meaningless, for no other reason than because they HAD to.

Gohan isn't this "I'll save the world!" Superman-esqe being y'all made up. He's just a scared child trying to make sense of a world full of violence he never wanted nor can do anything about. He doesn't have Goku's drive nor Vegeta's pride. He doesn't have Chichi's fury nor does he have her determination.

The reason Gohan fought for so long is literally ONLY BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE COULD. The human side of him won't let Trunks and Bulma try to handle things while he leaves to train - and this means fighting as hard for as long as possible and hoping he can one day defeat them before they kill everyone. He doesn't have Piccolo, Roshi, Vegeta, Krillin, Goku or even Yamcha or Tien to guide and help him. He has no one, no way to see the future and no way to win.

Do you wanna know why he fought in the past?

When he flipped out against Raditz, all he wanted was to help his dad so he could go home from this scary situation. He had his dad with him and seeing him hurt broke his temper so bad it caused his power to explode for the first time.

When he fought against the Saiyans, he knew Goku would arrive some time that day. For him, all he had to do was help buy time for Goku to come back - he never once intended to fight Nappa and Vegeta, nevermind the Saibamen that sprouted up unexpectedly. All of those losses hurt him pretty badly, and his snapping at Nappa was just a childish outburst, expected when the only "family" you've had for nearly a year, your friends and father's friends are falling left and right. He had Goku to rely on for hope - if he stayed long enough, his dad would come, and all would be well again. That was his hope.

When he fought on Namek, he only did so because he saw a way to help his dad and bring back those who had died. I'm gonna break down the Namek time because it's actually pretty cool but still nothing like Gohan's true self:

>Against the aliens (Freeza Force), he wanted to slip by, get the Dragon Balls, wish everyone back, and leave. No intention of Red Ribbon-ing the Freeza Force, because eventually, his dad would come.

>Against Dodoria, who could stand idly by and let some innocent child be slain again? Remember, he's still a child - but he's also Human. Familial bonds are very strong with Humans. You yourself wouldn't let some bully attack a child while you could stop it, right? In this case, this one was all Gohan - though what followed was pretty standard for Gohan. I don't think he could've won against Dodoria (at that time) - though I could honestly be wrong. Regardless, the aim is the same - stall for time, get the Dragonballs, resurrect everyone, wait for daddy.

>Against the Ginyu Force, he KNEW Goku was on his way. Things happened too fast, so Gohan of course had to fight. His thinking was that if he somehow survived here, his dad would come, everyone would come back and all would be well. Here we see Gohan's own personal pride come out for the first time, though to be brutally honest even this isn't Gohan's will to fight here, moreso a will to stand against everything going against him. He's still part human, very stubborn, and his friend and Vegeta are down. (To be honest, that was a little too close. I think this is where the Saiyaman would eventually be born from.) Also, seeing his dad's body being stolen and losing his shit, yeah, THAT one was pure Gohan. Please don't steal his dad's body - Gohan is a terrified child, but he's also a terified Saiyan child with lots of repressed trauma. You can't afford that bill.

>Against Freeza himself, well, this again stems from his hope in his father. Hold out long enough for Goku to recover and let his dad take care of things (though to be honest he'd probably have pitched in because by now he's aware he can at least help, at least until Freeza started transforming, and then things just went off a cliff). In this, he had hope in his father (and later fear because his father had NEVER been this angry before in Gohan's entire life, but to be fair, who wouldn't be scared??).

>The fight against Vegeta afterwards is sorta a mix between a tantrum, outrage, fear for his father and outright peak anger boiling over. I kinda wish Gohan had won tbh - Vegeta needs to be down a few million pegs.

>Against Freeza and Cold, he was ABSOLUTELY ready to fight. The reason? His dad was on his way. That, and he'd grown a lot. But he still HATED violence, HATED fighting and HATED having to harm others. He's still a child, after all.

>Against the Androids, well.....yeah. Awkward. But he still had hope. Well, had hope. Until Vegeta (and then Krillin) literally fumbled the nuclear footballs. Though honestly, I don't blame Krillin as much as I genuinely despised Vegeta for what he did. The fuck, man.

>Against Cell, well, he was hoping his dad was kidding about Gohan being stronger than him and that his dad would eventually win. Allow me to remind you he is still a child, it's okay to be naive. Things went....uh, wow. What a train wreck. Firstly, Goku GIVES UP (WHAT), then nominates Gohan (wait WHAT), and then just as Gohan has decided to wear him down so he can deliver a decisive strike, Cell, suddenly....uh, loses all fatigue (and won't have to eat for like 10 days) (GOKU???????). And then, just as Gohan is forced to try and find the will to fight, an Android of all things tries to talk some sense into Gohan, and is promptly killed trying to lift his spirits. Right. So....Gohan, having FINALLY fucking had enough people die in front of him, loses his shit, and then loses his literal senses, commits infanticide, and damn near commits fratricide several times over, pulls a Vegeta and then also loses his arm to save Vegeta (of all people) (Wow Vegeta is doing a lot of damage, goddamn). Somehow, SOMEHOW he managed to pull through (only because again, his dad LITERALLY spoke to him from beyond to motivate him). He only succeeded because his dad helped him to.

>Against Bojack, I think that one still counts. His dad helped, sure, a lot actually, but once he realized he HAD the means to stopping them, there went Bojack's chance of stopping Gohan. To be honest, Goku could probably have fought Bojack and won. But Gohan (when fully determined to fight) is pretty much Goku's opposite - good luck, you should've fucking left long ago, because now you die. Don't touch his friends/family/world. (no really, please don't, he has Chichi's temper.)

>Against Buu, well....He felt he had no choice but to fight. After all, his father wouldn't go down without doing nothing. Surely, Son Goku's son could stop Buu before things got worse, right? That was his sole hope - stop it before the situation gets Vegeta'd. Fate is cruel for no reason.

>Against Buu, well....I mean, he WAS him. He was apparently also Vegeta because he not only lost his intelligence but also lost his sense of self. The rest is, uh...pretty self-explanatory. It all blew up in his face. Literally. It actually killed him this time.

[End of Z]

[Start of Super]

Against Freeza, well, he had to buy time. His dad would come, and so would Vegeta, so surely he could survive that long, right?...Right?

Against his Dad, he just...Actually, I think this one was literally just a refresher. And then his other half of him (his Saiyan half) woke up and he wanted the smoke. And I won't lie, that fight was fun to watch. It REALLY makes a difference how good his fights are when he's not forced to shoulder the burden of the entire solar system, huh?

Against Lavender, uh...yeah, pretty much every fight from here on out was just Gohan being Gohan - hyper intelligent and nearly impossible to break hope-wise. I mean, look what he did to Golden Freeza and later Dyspo (especially Dyspo, damn) once he had the chance to fight back. Good lord.

Even in the manga, he wasn't fighting to buy time, he fought to save the world (and the future) on his own. Though honestly he still holds hope, now just he includes himself in that hope too.

Even in GT he still fought for hope of a better future and he had people to rely on and help him.

But here, he has NO ONE. His last friend in this world that he could count on for reinforcement (and teaching) has died.

>His dad is dead to a virus no one saw coming nor could treat.

>Vegeta, someone Gohan really doesn't like, is dead.

>Krillin, Goku's oldest friend, is gone.

>Yamcha, his oldest rival, is gone.

>Piccolo, his only real teacher, is gone.

>And now Roshi, his true only teacher and beacon of wisdom, is dead.

He's too weak to save anyone.

He's too young to know what to do.

He's too unprepared to learn anything.

He's too scared to fight still. (He's still a child)

He's too dependent on everyone to go alone.

What could he possibly do now?

Who could he possibly ask for help?

Where could he possibly go?

When could he possibly train?

Why was he the only one left?

Why him?

There's no one left.

And soon (at this rate), there'll be no one left.

Gohan, a terrified child, forced to fight nearly all his life against odds he frankly never really had a chance against nor fully understood to begin with. Friends he really only knew through his dad, a Saiyan who he only really associates with because his father saw something with him that Gohan could never have seen, and a Namekian he only really looks up to because he has so little of his own life to pull from.

Gohan, with all of this, now alone because anything remotely close to him is now gone.

There's no hope for a child who never wanted a fight.

What could he possibly reasonably do?

And before you answer that, don't look at it through the BS lens of "a world made of cardboard". Look at it through the lens of a child finally realizing what his father's had to deal with and is unable to handle it anymore. Of all those connections gone for...well, nothing.

Of course Gohan would feel hopeless.

Not even Freeza was this bad.

This is who Gohan truly is. Given what's happening, can you even blame him?

I absolutely agree with you, good comment! :)

SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying:
Thank you for at all of your work. I know this may not be worth as much but I know that we would basically have no content during this time if you didn't.
Anyway for what it's worth.

Well, you don't have to thank me personally, afterall this special was not made by me. ^^
But you can still enjoy DBM colors in the meantime. :)

Also, please do not double post, you can edit your posts! 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2354
ZenBuu 19 حزيران
Dear god, as soon as Gohan appears on the screen, all the negative comments start again...I'm so glad we are nearly done with this special. Reading most comments during this special was super awful and no fun anymore. 5 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2354
ZenBuu 19 حزيران
Stevethebarbarian was saying:
godking was saying: Cannonically Roshi survives until Gohan is an adult.

Roshi will survive this

People have been saying this for this entire special for some reason. Roshi does NOT canonically survive. The History of Trunks is NOT canon to the dragon ball manga or to DBM. In the actual manga, Roshi’s fate is never confirmed, but is implied to be death because he never appears. In DBM, his fate is almost certainly death because he just got evaporated by a guy a trillion times stronger than him.

Yeah, it really feels like most people here have only watched the history of Trunks special and now think this counts as canon to DB and also DBM.

Either way, it wouldn't be the first time that DBM makes some small changes, especially regarding movie related stuff. Best examples would be Broly and Coola.
DB Multiverse page 2353
ZenBuu 19 حزيران
FrancisDB was saying:
goten-kun was saying: So, yes, the Mafuba was created to seal a demon, but I don't see why it couldn't work on other characters.
If Majin Buu isn't a demon, then what is?
The truth is, above all, that the author was not going to use this technique every time, it would be redundant.
But you have to find a reason, here is mine.
Also I don't think the Mafuba kills its user, even if the enemy is very powerful. Mutaito and Kame Sennin were old. But this is subject to debate. Like, if Tien could have done it, I don't think he would have died.
It's just that in DBS, the mafuba works successfully against Zamasu, and in DBM, it works "successfully" against Buu (if he hadn't kept pieces of him scattered around). So if you are going this way, you are choosing to go both against Toriyama and Salagir's canon

This comic has nothing to do with DBS, nor DBM tho? It only goes after the DB manga canon, with the exception of Beelzebub/Bracaa. So I don't see the issue here.

About the Mafuba again:

Let's be honest, just sealing him with Mafuba might be the most obvious solution, tho it's also a pretty boring way to end this fight against Bracaa. At least in my opinion. 1 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 493
ZenBuu 19 حزيران
coolschweiz was saying:
Er ist ja unsterblich
Das Tambo es nicht wusste war klar

Piccolo(alle anwesenden Namekaner)und Kibito Shin müssten es wissen

Ich wiederhole es gerne. Klar wussten die das. Jedoch dachten sie, dass es einen Versuch wert ist, seinen Körper komplett zu zerstören. Hat jedoch nicht funktioniert. Und ich sage es noch einmal, Mafuba wird auch nicht funktionieren. Das ist das erste mal, dass sie wirklich gegen einen unsterblichen Gegner kämpfen, mal abgesehen von Garlic Jr. der ja auch nicht Canon ist. Und eine Dead Zone gibt's hier auch nicht.

Allerdings hätte Kibitoshin Tambo ja kurz warnen können, als er ihn von der Erde geholt hat.
Namekseijin Densetsu page 493
ZenBuu 18 حزيران
Igyzone was saying:
Come on Piccolo, now is not the time for alzheimer's, mafuba him already!

Unless you forgot to bring a rice cooker or something....

Again...Mafuba won't work on Bracaa (according to Goten-kun, the author). 2 Replie(s)
Namekseijin Densetsu page 493
ZenBuu 18 حزيران
happywarrior99 was saying:
Roshi blocked the attack, which means he was not caught off guard. I think that maybe Roshi survives this attck and then he transforms into his max power form to stall for time.

ZenBuu was saying: You kinda act like this is a confirmed fact? I saw some people mention that before, but there is no real evidence that this is actually true.On U12, U14 and U15 Puar was show getting "killed" on page 1639, however Puar (or someone who looks like him) was show to be still alive and flying on the top right corner of the last panel of page 1664.

While it was not show how Puar survived Frieza's ki blast, I think that maybe Puar somehow dodged that attack via flying or he transformed into a form that could dig underground to evade that attack or he just transformed into a form that has regeneration such as a starfish form, an axolotl form or a flat worm form.

No offense, but what are you talking about? ^^

That doesn't make any sense, because you are contradicting yourself. You say yourself that Puar got killed already on page 1639. So how is he supposed to be alive again a few pages later?

What you see in the top right corner on page 1664 is clearly one of Dr. Gero's spy robots (I checked the HD page and I can confirm it's NOT Puar). It wouldn't make any sense to show Puar there, especially that far away and when we already saw him die some pages prior.

And even when they revived him and he somehow managed to disguise himself as the bike from #17, it doesn't make much sense that he also secretly switched places with Roshi between last page and this page here, without #17 noticing it. Roshi was right in front of him rushing over the finish line and #17 still on the bike. I fail to see how they switched places in that scenario, while I also think it's very very unlikely that the bike is actually Puar in the first place. Some people mentioned a "tail". I can't see a tail anywhere on this bike. I only see a bumper.

You are thinking way too hard about this and give Puar way too much credit imo. Frieza totally blasted him, no way he survived that.
DB Multiverse page 2353
ZenBuu 18 حزيران
ElGato99 was saying:
CaptainKashup was saying: brolyhater was saying: Amphiglossus was saying: if Roshi is seen alive inside a submarine in the Trunks special, why on earth was he killed now?

It’s not 1 to 1. Salagir doesn’t follow the script of the movies exactly, every special shown that delves into one of the movies changes the story/course of events.

Master Roshi hiding in a submarine like a coward isn’t a very good showing of the character anyway. You telling me Gohan and Trunks could’ve had a capable master all that time but he was too chicken and hid out in a submarine the whole time?

I'm pretty sure it's also an anime invention, as I have no recollection of Roshi appearing in the original manga version of Trunks special chapter.

Does this mean we'll see how Trunks gets Super Saiyan without Gohans death as a trigger.

Please do not double post (rule #9). You can edit your post, if you want to add something.

Rodriog was saying:

Please do not post comments fully written in caps (rule #5).
DB Multiverse page 2353
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