DB Multiverse
صفحة العضو ZenBuu
Colorist/Mod/Translator for DBM.
If you want to help our coloring project, message me on discord. [Zen Buu #4075] :-)
Link to my DeviantArt:
Link to my twitch account, where I livestream sometimes:
If you want to help our coloring project, message me on discord. [Zen Buu #4075] :-)
Link to my DeviantArt:
Link to my twitch account, where I livestream sometimes:
ZenBuu هو/هي جزء من فريق دراغون بول ملتيفرس يقوم/تقوم بـ:
- إشراف على التعليقات.
- ترجمة إلى اللغة الألمانية
- العمل على القصص النصية dbm
- العمل على القصص النصية hanasia
- العمل على القصص النصية u14
- العمل على القصص النصية u14b
- العمل على القصص النصية u16
- العمل على القصص النصية u19
- العمل على القصص النصية u4
- لمزيد من المعلومات، انتقل إلى صفحة المؤلفين.
Isn't that Janemba made out of all the evil in U5? So by that logic, he should be way stronger than in the fusion reborn movie, since apparently XXI's universe is empty, because he devoured all of it. I'm confused why people scale this Janemba at the same power level as in the movie. The movie obviously didn't happen in DBM, hence why Goku didn't recognize him. So this Janemba can (and should) be different.
Also Gast is stronger than a SSJ3. If Janemba is the same power level like in the movie, he would've crushed him already. Unless Gast wants to hold back again for a challenge. 4 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2392
Also Gast is stronger than a SSJ3. If Janemba is the same power level like in the movie, he would've crushed him already. Unless Gast wants to hold back again for a challenge. 4 Replie(s)
Drasknes44376 was saying:
This definitely one the things I love about this color version. Where you can go back to the original version compare and contrast, like the scene where the Buu heads are stops. The sudden blue adds an extra impact.
SuperSaiyanGodVegeto was saying:
The colors add so much more detail that you would never see in the black and white version
We are happy you enjoy it, thanks for your nice comments! :)
Also, take a look at Bra's shoes! ;P
PrinceOfTheHood was saying:
" Unser " Vater sagt die da einfach ... ... ... ... ich cringe so hart ... ... ...
Der arme Gohan hat aber auch echt ein Kackleben manchmal. Immer ist irgendwas nerviges los : immer ist irgendeine nervige, zu stark geratene Nervensäge von der Leine,
in " Universum 16 " gibt es nun einen Dauer-Fusionskasper, der JÜNGER ist als Gohan - aber sich anmaßt, dessen "Vater" sein zu wollen,
plus eine durch das Potara-Potenzial dieses Fusionskaspers zu stark geratene Göre, die auch so redet, als wäre Vegetto wirklich der Vater auch von Son Gohan ... ...
Und keine Möglichkeit in sicht, die beiden Nervensägen auf kurz oder lang loswerden zu können. x'D Son Gohan ist nicht zu beneiden. Trotz all seiner Kraft nicht.
Universum 18 " dodged a bullet " also ist " einer Kugel ausgewichen " damit, das Vegetto wieder zu Goku und Vegeta auseinanderfusioniert wurde. Vor allem Gohan hatte dadurch ein weitaus weniger nerviges Leben als in Universum 16.
Aber so ist das halt. Dragon Ball ist fiktives Universum. Und in Multiversum-Fiktionen kann der Plot schonmal verrückt spielen. Keine Sorge Gohan. Du bist fiktiv in unserer Welt und das heisst Du wirst niemals wirklich leiden können. (lol)
Der arme Gohan hat aber auch echt ein Kackleben manchmal. Immer ist irgendwas nerviges los : immer ist irgendeine nervige, zu stark geratene Nervensäge von der Leine,
in " Universum 16 " gibt es nun einen Dauer-Fusionskasper, der JÜNGER ist als Gohan - aber sich anmaßt, dessen "Vater" sein zu wollen,
plus eine durch das Potara-Potenzial dieses Fusionskaspers zu stark geratene Göre, die auch so redet, als wäre Vegetto wirklich der Vater auch von Son Gohan ... ...
Und keine Möglichkeit in sicht, die beiden Nervensägen auf kurz oder lang loswerden zu können. x'D Son Gohan ist nicht zu beneiden. Trotz all seiner Kraft nicht.
Universum 18 " dodged a bullet " also ist " einer Kugel ausgewichen " damit, das Vegetto wieder zu Goku und Vegeta auseinanderfusioniert wurde. Vor allem Gohan hatte dadurch ein weitaus weniger nerviges Leben als in Universum 16.
Aber so ist das halt. Dragon Ball ist fiktives Universum. Und in Multiversum-Fiktionen kann der Plot schonmal verrückt spielen. Keine Sorge Gohan. Du bist fiktiv in unserer Welt und das heisst Du wirst niemals wirklich leiden können. (lol)
Tatsächlich fällt mir gerade auf, dass Bra eigentlich "Mein Vater" auf französisch sagt. Das ist ein Übersetzungsfehler.
Übrigens, achtet mal auf Bra's Schuhe... ;P
★Ab jetzt kommen immer jeden Dienstag und Samstag neue Seiten!
Seite 20 wurde geändert! (Dort ist ein Fehler unterlaufen und sie wurde früher veröffentlicht, als geplant.)
★Wenn ihr noch die alte Seite seht (nur ein Panel, mit einem Charakter), drückt STRG+F5 um die richtige Seite angezeigt zu bekommen!
★Eure Kommentare wurden auf die Seite verschoben, wo die Seite eigentlich erscheinen sollte! Ihr werdet sie in einer Woche sehen!
Yamoshi Story page 20
Seite 20 wurde geändert! (Dort ist ein Fehler unterlaufen und sie wurde früher veröffentlicht, als geplant.)
★Wenn ihr noch die alte Seite seht (nur ein Panel, mit einem Charakter), drückt STRG+F5 um die richtige Seite angezeigt zu bekommen!
★Eure Kommentare wurden auf die Seite verschoben, wo die Seite eigentlich erscheinen sollte! Ihr werdet sie in einer Woche sehen!
kari was saying:
So wie ich es verstanden habe hat Broly, Freezer ganzen Körper mit seiner Gesamten Hand zu Staub verarbeitet. Xd Freezer hast mich dennoch stolz gemacht dass du Broly für 1 Sec paralysiert hast. Ich würde mir aber wünsche (das geht beim gesamten Comic jetzt) dass man besser sieht wie sie Sterben und man nicht extra noch dreimal Überlegen muss.
Bis jetzt sind nur Cooler, Cell und Freezer tot. 1 Replie(s)
Osha was saying:
Hopefully his mom's death wasn't by natural cause.
I doubt her getting murdered by Koshihikari, counts as a death by natural cause.
RoyalProf was saying:
Weiß man eigentlich Buyon wirklich Buu ist der Bee absorbiert hat? Würde auch erklären warum er das weiß. Wahrscheinlich hat Gohan ihm das irgendwann erzählt.
Das wird tatsächlich auf den nächsten Seiten ausführlich aufgeklärt! :)
Triz was saying:
The amount of work you guys are putting into this is awesome. It is really breathing in new life to an already amazing story.
Thanks! We are glad you guys are enjoying it! :)
Sheppard was saying:
Das erste Panel sieht einfach nur geil aus in Farbe
Vielen Dank!
Autschmenno was saying:
Danke schön, das war eine schöne Story.
Die Story geht noch weiter ^^
Aber ja, war ein cooles Kapitel.
Teleported_Bread was saying:
Another ending (I think) that's... probably too soon. But a good arc otherwise.
Too soon? This chapter had 122 pages, that's much more than the previous chapters. I think it even lasted a bit too long. 2 Replie(s)
Young Ghost was saying:
So I'm a bit confused, is this Canon to DBM or just a fan made thing?
Salagir didn't said yet if this is canon to DBM or not. He just green light it.
solwitar was saying:
RIP Vegeta, oh wait he's now erased! Frieza better achieve golden form if he doesn't want to get squashed by Broly.
That was Gohan in panel 2, not Vegeta. 2 Replie(s)
ElTioLaVara was saying:
Parece que Zen Buu absorbió también a Barbie
¡Y parece que absorbiste un payaso, viendo tus comentarios! :D 1 Replie(s)
AberrantDesign was saying:
iron leaf was saying: I think that for all we know that multiversal threat could be the U16 Jaykals using the U1 multiversal travel technology to send their genetically enhanced Jaykal super soldiers accross the multiverse to conquer the multiverse.
I honestly don't know what you're talking about here. The Jaykals from the U16 special can't travel to other dimensions/universes/timelines. How do you come to that conclusion, please?
I think what happy's trying to say is "We don't know for sure who Piccolo was referring to when he said 'He's a threat to all universes', it could be anyone, even the Jaykals", it's just worded weirdly
I honestly don't know what you're talking about here. The Jaykals from the U16 special can't travel to other dimensions/universes/timelines. How do you come to that conclusion, please?
I think what happy's trying to say is "We don't know for sure who Piccolo was referring to when he said 'He's a threat to all universes', it could be anyone, even the Jaykals", it's just worded weirdly
It's not worded weirdly, it doesn't make sense at all. XD
I'm 99% sure Piccolo refers to XXI in the vision.
God damn! So they did the wet t-shirt contest afterall! Oddly enough, I'd say Mrs. Papa wins this one. XD
Also, this looks like a GTA loading screen. :D
Super Dragon Bros Z page 87
Also, this looks like a GTA loading screen. :D
Gogetto was saying:
Do they still have 3 wishes from this dragon?
Didn't you read the last page? 1 Replie(s)
coolschweiz was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Blau Broly sagte: also das geht mir jetzt doch etwas zu schnell mit den feinden erledigen ich frag mich ob Buu auch schon erledig ist
Nur Cooler und Cell sind tot.
coolschweiz sagte: Nächste Seite taucht Goku auf und rettet Vegeta und Gohan
Ist das im untersten Panel an Brolys Mund die Zunge von ihm oder ein Stück von Cell?
Werden Goku und Vegeta gegen Broly ihre neuen Formen (DBM Version vom UI) zeigen
Dieser Kampf findet von der Timelinie vor dem Vargas Tunier statt oder liege ich falsch
Dieser Broly geht oder wird beim Tunier dabei?
1. Das ist Broly's Zunge.
2. Nein, werden sie nicht. Außerdem ist das nicht die "UI" Version von DBM. Es ist eher mit der Mystic Form zu vergleichen.
3. Das ist U20 Broly, der gegen Vegetto beim Turnier gekämpft hat. Logischerweise passiert das alles vor dem Turnier und zeigt, wie Broly im Eisblock gelandet ist, nachdem er das gesamte Universum vernichtet hat. Zeitlich gesehen spielt es ein Jahr nachdem Broly aus dem schwarzen Loch entkommen ist. (Siehe Kapitel 80 und 81 von DBM)
Schade hatte gehoft Final War spielt nach dem Tunier weg dem Endergebnis (Broly wäre nach der Schwarzenloch Geschichte während der Reise durch Universum einfach eingefrorren)
Sollte der Kampf von Uni 18 Kapitäl 78 nicht auch im Uni 20 passiert sein?
Trainig zur Mystic Form sollte in diesem Zeitraum spielen
Nur Cooler und Cell sind tot.
coolschweiz sagte: Nächste Seite taucht Goku auf und rettet Vegeta und Gohan
Ist das im untersten Panel an Brolys Mund die Zunge von ihm oder ein Stück von Cell?
Werden Goku und Vegeta gegen Broly ihre neuen Formen (DBM Version vom UI) zeigen
Dieser Kampf findet von der Timelinie vor dem Vargas Tunier statt oder liege ich falsch
Dieser Broly geht oder wird beim Tunier dabei?
1. Das ist Broly's Zunge.
2. Nein, werden sie nicht. Außerdem ist das nicht die "UI" Version von DBM. Es ist eher mit der Mystic Form zu vergleichen.
3. Das ist U20 Broly, der gegen Vegetto beim Turnier gekämpft hat. Logischerweise passiert das alles vor dem Turnier und zeigt, wie Broly im Eisblock gelandet ist, nachdem er das gesamte Universum vernichtet hat. Zeitlich gesehen spielt es ein Jahr nachdem Broly aus dem schwarzen Loch entkommen ist. (Siehe Kapitel 80 und 81 von DBM)
Schade hatte gehoft Final War spielt nach dem Tunier weg dem Endergebnis (Broly wäre nach der Schwarzenloch Geschichte während der Reise durch Universum einfach eingefrorren)
Sollte der Kampf von Uni 18 Kapitäl 78 nicht auch im Uni 20 passiert sein?
Trainig zur Mystic Form sollte in diesem Zeitraum spielen
Kapitel 78 findet im Jahr 786 statt, genau wie Kapitel 80/81. Schwer zu sagen was zuerst passiert ist. Theoretisch sollten die Ereignisse von Kapitel 78 natürlich auch in U20 passiert sein, es sei denn Broly hat die Erde früher angegriffen, als sie im RvGuZ trainiert haben.
Sayazur, der Autor, meinte das sie nicht wirklich genug Zeit hatten um die neue Form zu lernen. Aber es warten trotzdem noch ein paar Überraschungen auf euch, bleibt gespannt!
Und mal so nebenbei, diese Geschichte wurde von Salagir (noch) nicht als DBM Canon bezeichnet. Man sollte das Ganze also vermutlich nicht allzu ernst nehmen. 1 Replie(s)
Blau Broly was saying:
also das geht mir jetzt doch etwas zu schnell mit den feinden erledigen ich frag mich ob Buu auch schon erledig ist
Nur Cooler und Cell sind tot.
coolschweiz was saying:
Nächste Seite taucht Goku auf und rettet Vegeta und Gohan
Ist das im untersten Panel an Brolys Mund die Zunge von ihm oder ein Stück von Cell?
Werden Goku und Vegeta gegen Broly ihre neuen Formen (DBM Version vom UI) zeigen
Dieser Kampf findet von der Timelinie vor dem Vargas Tunier statt oder liege ich falsch
Dieser Broly geht oder wird beim Tunier dabei?
Ist das im untersten Panel an Brolys Mund die Zunge von ihm oder ein Stück von Cell?
Werden Goku und Vegeta gegen Broly ihre neuen Formen (DBM Version vom UI) zeigen
Dieser Kampf findet von der Timelinie vor dem Vargas Tunier statt oder liege ich falsch
Dieser Broly geht oder wird beim Tunier dabei?
1. Das ist Broly's Zunge.
2. Nein, werden sie nicht. Außerdem ist das nicht die "UI" Version von DBM. Es ist eher mit der Mystic Form zu vergleichen.
3. Das ist U20 Broly, der gegen Vegetto beim Turnier gekämpft hat. Logischerweise passiert das alles vor dem Turnier und zeigt, wie Broly im Eisblock gelandet ist, nachdem er das gesamte Universum vernichtet hat. Zeitlich gesehen spielt es ein Jahr nachdem Broly aus dem schwarzen Loch entkommen ist. (Siehe Kapitel 80 und 81 von DBM) 1 Replie(s)
Kalenz was saying:
How did the Varga survive the gravity?
Gravity got turned back to normal at the begin of the quarter finals. (Page 1895)
That's very odd from XXI to announce openly to Gast, that he doesn't have an instant attack planned.
Also, why exactly was Uuv (the dark Varga) in the ring? What was he doing there? Cleaning up the messed up body from I'k'l? Wasn't he in the Varga tower? Though I think this might be some subtle foreshadowing that he thinks that in the first panel and suddenly XXI stands behind him.
I will throw the theory in the room that XXI later possesses Uuv to get access to the U1 Varga technology. He was already a Majin earlier in the rebellion and acts pretty sus overall. Now this page again. This way he would actually be a threat to the multiverse, just like Piccolo said I'm the vision. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2383
Also, why exactly was Uuv (the dark Varga) in the ring? What was he doing there? Cleaning up the messed up body from I'k'l? Wasn't he in the Varga tower? Though I think this might be some subtle foreshadowing that he thinks that in the first panel and suddenly XXI stands behind him.
I will throw the theory in the room that XXI later possesses Uuv to get access to the U1 Varga technology. He was already a Majin earlier in the rebellion and acts pretty sus overall. Now this page again. This way he would actually be a threat to the multiverse, just like Piccolo said I'm the vision. 1 Replie(s)
Autschmenno was saying:
Vielleicht ist XXI auch der Held dieser Geschichte und wir verstehen alles falsch.
Ich weiß nicht aber von der gewohnten Formel abzuweichen das Goku und so immer gewinnen wäre mal etwas.
Ist die Erwartung das alles "gut" wird?
Nur weil der Elder Kai eine Angst hat muss sich das doch nicht bestätigen. Vlt ist dieser XXI eine ganz andere Version dessen was er fürchtet.
Ich weiß nicht aber von der gewohnten Formel abzuweichen das Goku und so immer gewinnen wäre mal etwas.
Ist die Erwartung das alles "gut" wird?
Nur weil der Elder Kai eine Angst hat muss sich das doch nicht bestätigen. Vlt ist dieser XXI eine ganz andere Version dessen was er fürchtet.
Also ich weiß ja nicht... ob alle Universen verschlingen zu wollen, so heldenhaft ist? Denke eher nicht. XD
I'k'l hat offenbar XXI's Gedanken gelesen und das sogar nochmal bestätigt. (Page 2323)
Viel wichtigere Frage, was hat Uuv eigentlich im Ring gemacht?
PrimeFighter was saying:
Uzurper was saying: Bye Cooler, enjoy non-existence....oh wait
We really need an up/down vote system for comments. This had me so ded
We really need an up/down vote system for comments. This had me so ded
No we don't, because we actually briefly had one in the past and you can probably imagine how some individuals abused that feature. 1 Replie(s)
Mr. Gohan94 was saying:
Existieren nicht noch die Potara von Kibitoshin?
Nein, die haben Goku und Vegeta vor dem Kampf mit Kid Buu zerstört, weil sie lieber mit ihrer eigenen Kraft gewinnen wollten. 1 Replie(s)
JustSaiyan was saying:
I'm calling BS on this page!
Gast could have absolutely healed Vegetto back to full power. He does not WANT to, for good reason.
Gast could have absolutely healed Vegetto back to full power. He does not WANT to, for good reason.
Vegetto literally says himself on page 230 that namekian healing isn't enough for him anymore. 2 Replie(s)
ZidaneTribal was saying:
Great page, still salty that the brothers lost, though. Please do not delete this harmless comment again.
You posted your comment in the german comment section in english. Of course it gets delete there.
FearfulDivine was saying:
iron leaf was saying: FearfulDivine was saying: Why was my comment removed??
Glad to see we are finally getting back to the tournamentI'll take the blame for that. We have been trying for a long time to ensure that rule #5 is not broken. No comments with capital letters. However, since this is a special page, we generally wanted to be accommodating. Nevertheless, I would ask you to avoid writing in capital letters, please.
I see, I had no idea I've been trying to find the rules but I don't see them could you lead me to where they are so I can see for the future
Glad to see we are finally getting back to the tournamentI'll take the blame for that. We have been trying for a long time to ensure that rule #5 is not broken. No comments with capital letters. However, since this is a special page, we generally wanted to be accommodating. Nevertheless, I would ask you to avoid writing in capital letters, please.
I see, I had no idea I've been trying to find the rules but I don't see them could you lead me to where they are so I can see for the future
You see the rules below the box where you write your comment. It's actually not that hard to find. The default text even tells you to read the rules underneath before commenting.
COsim was saying:
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying: I do have to wonder what XXI's universe looks like by now after what? 75 Million years....I'k'L said he devoured it so is it just darkness? Are there still some stars?
I really hope that XXI is actually going to show us something more than just a one hit K.O. again.
It was highly disappointing with Universe 4 Buu and it will be horrible if it happens here.
I get that XXI "Never takes risks" but can't he just encounter something unexpected?
I mean Zen Buu was impressed with his power so clearly he has more than just magic.
Im betting that a part of XXI's power is an evil wish granting dragon. Gast will have to face not only XXI in regards to magic, but also, an opposite of his own's culture's creation, thus making this not just a battle of power, but a fight with some sort of meaning for the character, which should end with a meaningful outcome.
I really hope that XXI is actually going to show us something more than just a one hit K.O. again.
It was highly disappointing with Universe 4 Buu and it will be horrible if it happens here.
I get that XXI "Never takes risks" but can't he just encounter something unexpected?
I mean Zen Buu was impressed with his power so clearly he has more than just magic.
Im betting that a part of XXI's power is an evil wish granting dragon. Gast will have to face not only XXI in regards to magic, but also, an opposite of his own's culture's creation, thus making this not just a battle of power, but a fight with some sort of meaning for the character, which should end with a meaningful outcome.
Please do not double post (rule #9). You can edit your comments for some time, if you want to add something.
Guys, please calm down.
We had to delete a lot of comments here. Do not insult others as stupid or whatever for "not paying enough attention so that means you don't have any clue about DB at all". Do not provoke or insult people who criticise this scenario and people who criticise, do not provoke or insult people who like/defend what happened here. If you predicted it correctly, congratulation, take a cookie. But don't be an asshole about it towards others who didn't.
Adding my 2 cents; I'm definitely a bit disappointed by this too, especially after the hype from the last page. With every new page we got, I was sure that all of this has to be real. Guess I was wrong then. What actually annoys me more than this is a vision, is the fact they really just lost like this to Vegeta.
Other than that, I liked Kakaditz, a shame we won't see him again. On the other hand it means we hopefully get a better (real) plan by Old Kai instead of this. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2378
We had to delete a lot of comments here. Do not insult others as stupid or whatever for "not paying enough attention so that means you don't have any clue about DB at all". Do not provoke or insult people who criticise this scenario and people who criticise, do not provoke or insult people who like/defend what happened here. If you predicted it correctly, congratulation, take a cookie. But don't be an asshole about it towards others who didn't.
Adding my 2 cents; I'm definitely a bit disappointed by this too, especially after the hype from the last page. With every new page we got, I was sure that all of this has to be real. Guess I was wrong then. What actually annoys me more than this is a vision, is the fact they really just lost like this to Vegeta.
Other than that, I liked Kakaditz, a shame we won't see him again. On the other hand it means we hopefully get a better (real) plan by Old Kai instead of this. 2 Replie(s)
Das hier ist allerdings nicht Ginyu, welcher trainiert hat, um diese Form zu halten. Es wurde gesagt, dass Cold sich in dieser Form nicht mehr unter Kontrolle hat.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 13
Fate was saying:
Man it's gonna take weeks and months for my favorite chapters to be colored
Before someone barges in to say that coloring is totally easy and takes no time and effort again...
Depending on the choice of your favorite chapters, probably years. Though we might have already colored it, since we have everything in full color now up to chapter 82 where Goku vs Uub begins. Maybe we switch back to 4 pages a week if we get done some of the extra stuff we planned.
But if you want high quality, you have to wait for it. Next pages are a very good example for the quality you can expect! :) 1 Replie(s)
Cold should actually be completely white in his original form.
And how can he hold it anyway? Wasn't it said he can't control himself then and only Ginyu managed to control the original form? 3 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 13
And how can he hold it anyway? Wasn't it said he can't control himself then and only Ginyu managed to control the original form? 3 Replie(s)
Guys, please do not double post. You can edit your posts (rule #9), thanks.
There is only one page left. We should get a news about chapter 101 in the next week. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2377
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying:
Yeah....it's impressive that Vegeta has held on to Super Saiyan 3 for this long but I think he's on his last legs.
We do at least get to see where "Ultimate Raditz" is now. I'm guessing this is going to be the end for Universe 13 and it will end with Vegeta dying.
Although I have to say the suspense is killing me with regards to Gast vs. XXI
I also know that Vegetto (Somehow) was healed after I'k'L (Since he's here now) but I really need to see how the hell he managed to survive.
About how many pages are left in this special about?
We do at least get to see where "Ultimate Raditz" is now. I'm guessing this is going to be the end for Universe 13 and it will end with Vegeta dying.
Although I have to say the suspense is killing me with regards to Gast vs. XXI
I also know that Vegetto (Somehow) was healed after I'k'L (Since he's here now) but I really need to see how the hell he managed to survive.
About how many pages are left in this special about?
There is only one page left. We should get a news about chapter 101 in the next week. 1 Replie(s)
This page goes hard! Kakarotto's insanity on full display lol
So U18 did teach them something it seems.
DB Multiverse page 2377
So U18 did teach them something it seems.
Leute, wir übernehmen ausschließlich die Sound Effekte der englischen Version. Wäre sonst auch nochmal ein Haufen mehr Arbeit. ^^
Es gibt wenige Ausnahmen wo wir die SFX ersetzen, aber nur weil die alte Version nicht so gut aussah.
Habe sowieso nie wirklich verstanden warum es da auf jeder Sprache Unterschiede gibt. Bei japanisch oder so kann ich es verstehen. Aber warum muss zB Deutsch, Englisch UND Französisch Unterschiede haben?
DBMultiverse Colors page 212
Es gibt wenige Ausnahmen wo wir die SFX ersetzen, aber nur weil die alte Version nicht so gut aussah.
Habe sowieso nie wirklich verstanden warum es da auf jeder Sprache Unterschiede gibt. Bei japanisch oder so kann ich es verstehen. Aber warum muss zB Deutsch, Englisch UND Französisch Unterschiede haben?
DestroyerOfVegetards was saying:
twitch.tv/reileo was saying: DrewSaga was saying: Hello Operator was saying: Ol' Emperor Vegeta can't hold onto his hyper form much longer and, unlike Goku, neither of these boys would wait to "fight him at his best."
I fully believe that Raditz can take out a base level Vegeta. My money is on Vegeta dropping his from and the brothers finishing him off.
Nappa? I honestly don't think he cares who wins. He seems to enjoy just going with whichever flow keeps him alive.
Still doesn't answer the time inconsistencies and I would have love to have seen more of Mystic Raditz in the main story but I would be content if these two got their "happy" ending.
Only thing that makes me think this might all be a drawn out vision is the name. A ton of people were upset about Kakaditz but that feels like a REALLY intentional choice on the writer's part. Kaka is a word for shit and ditz is a way of saying stupid or crazy. Saying their fusion is crazy as shit is a nice little play on words... but a little too on the nose to NOT be a joke to me.
Nah I definitely think Nappa cares. Raditz and certainly Kakarotto will treat him even worse than Vegeta. He's better off with the status quo unchanged but he won't find himself so lucky.
At the same time though, he is quite old and likely 5-15 Years away from old age getting to him and it seems like he has had enough of this shit. It's possible Nappa survives by leaving the place and isolating himself (I don't think Raditz and Kakarotto would be that motivated to go after Nappa like they are with Vegeta). If Nappa wasn't a Saiyan then he'd probably want to live the last years of his life more quietly and in peace outside of Vegeta's tyranny and having to babysit Kakarotto. But who knows, maybe Nappa does something stupid by showing his face to Raditz and Kakarotto and either gets killed or becomes a slave to them.
I think things go up to the part where Vegeta is exhausted but still has the advantage and is about to execute both of them. But then Nappa arrives and disintegrates Vegeta. It would be an artistic way to give him his revenge, and Salagir has already done something similar by having Vegeta defeat Cell.
I even think that Vegeta from Universe 18, back at the beginning of DBM, purposely baited Nappa from Universe 13 by saying, "I killed Nappa on Earth." It was a subliminal message from him to Nappa, like "stay alert, he might decide to discard you at any moment." Nappa might remember that.
With Vegeta dead, Kakarotto suggests killing Nappa, but Raditz's kaioshin block kicks in, and he suggests that they live in peace without unnecessary killings and fights, and that Nappa will just accept and turn a chef :P.
Yes. To deflect Frieza's anger, Vegeta decapacitated Kakarot and planned to kill both Raditz and Nappa after that. I think all of them still remember that. Vegeta is selfish and wouldn't hesitate to kill his comrades, if that benefits him.
So yeah, maybe Nappa will join the two brothers to wreck Vegeta. And I don't remember if he had any personal beef with those two, so maybe they will spare him.
I fully believe that Raditz can take out a base level Vegeta. My money is on Vegeta dropping his from and the brothers finishing him off.
Nappa? I honestly don't think he cares who wins. He seems to enjoy just going with whichever flow keeps him alive.
Still doesn't answer the time inconsistencies and I would have love to have seen more of Mystic Raditz in the main story but I would be content if these two got their "happy" ending.
Only thing that makes me think this might all be a drawn out vision is the name. A ton of people were upset about Kakaditz but that feels like a REALLY intentional choice on the writer's part. Kaka is a word for shit and ditz is a way of saying stupid or crazy. Saying their fusion is crazy as shit is a nice little play on words... but a little too on the nose to NOT be a joke to me.
Nah I definitely think Nappa cares. Raditz and certainly Kakarotto will treat him even worse than Vegeta. He's better off with the status quo unchanged but he won't find himself so lucky.
At the same time though, he is quite old and likely 5-15 Years away from old age getting to him and it seems like he has had enough of this shit. It's possible Nappa survives by leaving the place and isolating himself (I don't think Raditz and Kakarotto would be that motivated to go after Nappa like they are with Vegeta). If Nappa wasn't a Saiyan then he'd probably want to live the last years of his life more quietly and in peace outside of Vegeta's tyranny and having to babysit Kakarotto. But who knows, maybe Nappa does something stupid by showing his face to Raditz and Kakarotto and either gets killed or becomes a slave to them.
I think things go up to the part where Vegeta is exhausted but still has the advantage and is about to execute both of them. But then Nappa arrives and disintegrates Vegeta. It would be an artistic way to give him his revenge, and Salagir has already done something similar by having Vegeta defeat Cell.
I even think that Vegeta from Universe 18, back at the beginning of DBM, purposely baited Nappa from Universe 13 by saying, "I killed Nappa on Earth." It was a subliminal message from him to Nappa, like "stay alert, he might decide to discard you at any moment." Nappa might remember that.
With Vegeta dead, Kakarotto suggests killing Nappa, but Raditz's kaioshin block kicks in, and he suggests that they live in peace without unnecessary killings and fights, and that Nappa will just accept and turn a chef :P.
Yes. To deflect Frieza's anger, Vegeta decapacitated Kakarot and planned to kill both Raditz and Nappa after that. I think all of them still remember that. Vegeta is selfish and wouldn't hesitate to kill his comrades, if that benefits him.
So yeah, maybe Nappa will join the two brothers to wreck Vegeta. And I don't remember if he had any personal beef with those two, so maybe they will spare him.
On page 1122 Old Kai reads Raditz' mind and says he would love to kill "the other two", so apparently he also wants to kill Nappa. 1 Replie(s)
newman was saying:
I see nothing but praise on this site except for the rare occasion like this when people don’t like your product.
You must see another comment section than me. Because this definitely isn't a rare occasion. ;p 1 Replie(s)
Ok, I think this is enough now. That old never-ending "just because your comic is free, it isn't protected by any criticism"-debate should rest now.
I just guess some people will never understand the difference between simple whining and actual constructive criticism. Small hint: comments like "lame lame lame lame", so the very first comment on this page, are not the latter. This is just bashing DBM and is definitely not welcome here. I tell you another little secret: you CAN say that you dislike something, without being an asshole. And I mean this in general, not aimed at specific users now. How surprising, eh? We were being too nice lately I guess. Normal users don't even see the full extent this toxicity goes, because we delete stuff that goes too far too, you know. Time to be a little bit more harsh again. You have been warned enough on this page now.
Also do not wonder when you react to comments like that, while defending DBM, why your comments get deleted too... it's because you created more off topic. (Rule #16 and #18).
So again, one last time:
Constructive criticism, while staying respectful: good.
Just bashing DBM, without any substance to the "criticism": not good.
DB Multiverse page 2374
I just guess some people will never understand the difference between simple whining and actual constructive criticism. Small hint: comments like "lame lame lame lame", so the very first comment on this page, are not the latter. This is just bashing DBM and is definitely not welcome here. I tell you another little secret: you CAN say that you dislike something, without being an asshole. And I mean this in general, not aimed at specific users now. How surprising, eh? We were being too nice lately I guess. Normal users don't even see the full extent this toxicity goes, because we delete stuff that goes too far too, you know. Time to be a little bit more harsh again. You have been warned enough on this page now.
Also do not wonder when you react to comments like that, while defending DBM, why your comments get deleted too... it's because you created more off topic. (Rule #16 and #18).
So again, one last time:
Constructive criticism, while staying respectful: good.
Just bashing DBM, without any substance to the "criticism": not good.
So I would say everyone here let of some steam and now we can calm down a bit again. Thank you. :)
Page 1614 shows clearly she grew a new arm. Her old arm is shown on the floor of the last panel. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2374
ssss was saying:
DrewSaga was saying: Goku Yellow was saying: DarthMeteos was saying: Old Kai clearly implies he can only split up newer fusions on this page.
It previously happened in Majin Boo when the kais broke up Vegetto.
People love to complain without having an ounce of knowledge or media literacy.
Last sentence really makes you sound like an arrogant prick. Could you explain why he didn't do that for himself when he accidentally fused with the old hag in this DBM lore? Or why he didn't do that for Kibitokai as well when they realized they couldn't infuse or offer any sort of help against Buu that they already couldn't provide while unfused
Not that hard to explain, their fusion likely stabilized immediately when it happened since those fusions involved the Kaioshins themselves.
ssss was saying: Beelzejow was saying: Salagir once again destroying the established lore and irritating his loyal fanbase. You would have thought he learned his lesson(s) from the various examples (Senzu regrowing limbs, despite not one panel in the original Dragon Ball manga SHOWING THIS, being a prime one) people listed in the Majin Bra arc.
Ah yes, as long as we pretend that senzu healing a massive gaping hole in Yamcha is any less farfetched than Bra using senzu to reestablish a connection between her severed arm.
Pretty sure that she grew a new arm completely.
No she didn't. She grabbed the other piece that Cell shot off, connected it to her stump, and used the senzu to heal the connection. But again, it doesn't matter since the Dragon Ball manga said that Future Gohan would have been able to heal his arm if he said senzu.
It previously happened in Majin Boo when the kais broke up Vegetto.
People love to complain without having an ounce of knowledge or media literacy.
Last sentence really makes you sound like an arrogant prick. Could you explain why he didn't do that for himself when he accidentally fused with the old hag in this DBM lore? Or why he didn't do that for Kibitokai as well when they realized they couldn't infuse or offer any sort of help against Buu that they already couldn't provide while unfused
Not that hard to explain, their fusion likely stabilized immediately when it happened since those fusions involved the Kaioshins themselves.
ssss was saying: Beelzejow was saying: Salagir once again destroying the established lore and irritating his loyal fanbase. You would have thought he learned his lesson(s) from the various examples (Senzu regrowing limbs, despite not one panel in the original Dragon Ball manga SHOWING THIS, being a prime one) people listed in the Majin Bra arc.
Ah yes, as long as we pretend that senzu healing a massive gaping hole in Yamcha is any less farfetched than Bra using senzu to reestablish a connection between her severed arm.
Pretty sure that she grew a new arm completely.
No she didn't. She grabbed the other piece that Cell shot off, connected it to her stump, and used the senzu to heal the connection. But again, it doesn't matter since the Dragon Ball manga said that Future Gohan would have been able to heal his arm if he said senzu.
Page 1614 shows clearly she grew a new arm. Her old arm is shown on the floor of the last panel. 1 Replie(s)
Ryuzaki_Doragon was saying:
PiccoloDieMayo sagte: RoyalProf sagte: Sind das in Panel 3 alles King of Fighters/Fatal Fury Charactere?
Nein, nur Terry und Iori. Ganz rechts ist Ken aus Street Fighter und die beiden links sind Liu Kang aus Mortal Kombat und ein... Gogeta Cosplayer
Könnte der Gogeta Cosplayer Salagir darstellen?
Nein, nur Terry und Iori. Ganz rechts ist Ken aus Street Fighter und die beiden links sind Liu Kang aus Mortal Kombat und ein... Gogeta Cosplayer
Könnte der Gogeta Cosplayer Salagir darstellen?
Denke das soll Gogeta Jr. sein. 1 Replie(s)
Infernape2244 was saying:
Autschmenno sagte: Ich versteh den letzten Satz nicht... Mal schauen was auf englisch geschrieben steht
Statt "den Zähnen" wäre hier "seinen Zähnen" die bessere Übersetzung gewesen.
Statt "den Zähnen" wäre hier "seinen Zähnen" die bessere Übersetzung gewesen.
Sehe dort ehrlich gesagt keinen großen Unterschied.
Omegat0r was saying:
Dieses leichte leuchten in Boos augen feier ich sehr. Weiter so :D
Vielen Dank!
DrewSaga was saying:
The colors on the last panel make Buu look more menacing than the black and white page.
Uzurper was saying:
Oooooh, I love that shade of red in his eyes.
Thanks guys, glad you like it! :)
Kakaditz: Gets one single gut punch by Vegeta, because he is clearly holding back and got surprised... (should he scream that into the readers face for people to understand that?)
Readers: that doesn't make any sense, this is so ridiculous, how can he lose so badly against Vegeta, this fusion is such a "jobber", like usual they only make fun of Raditz!!!!1!1!
Are you guys really thinking that Kakaditz is losing here because of one surprise punch to his stomach? Like seriously wtf.
Did you wanted only one panel where Vegeta gets oneshotted and that's it? That's very boring in my opinion. I wanted to see an actual fight as conclusion to U13's story and I'm happy we got one, that's not really that one sided.
This is the first time Vegeta actually connected a punch, before Kakaditz was effortlessly trading blows with Vegeta, even with a smile, not breaking a sweat, while Vegeta takes this very seriously. Not to mention he easily tanked a huge Final Flash and just had some burn marks on him. Both Kakarotto and Raditz would have been dust individually if that hit them.
Its always funny when people immediately jump to conclusions after one page/panel, instead of seeing the whole bigger picture. What if Kakaditz actually kills Vegeta next page? I'm very sure some people would then complain again that this ended way too quickly. And that none of this makes sense, because DBM power scaling is total garbage. Sigh... 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2371
Readers: that doesn't make any sense, this is so ridiculous, how can he lose so badly against Vegeta, this fusion is such a "jobber", like usual they only make fun of Raditz!!!!1!1!
Are you guys really thinking that Kakaditz is losing here because of one surprise punch to his stomach? Like seriously wtf.
Did you wanted only one panel where Vegeta gets oneshotted and that's it? That's very boring in my opinion. I wanted to see an actual fight as conclusion to U13's story and I'm happy we got one, that's not really that one sided.
This is the first time Vegeta actually connected a punch, before Kakaditz was effortlessly trading blows with Vegeta, even with a smile, not breaking a sweat, while Vegeta takes this very seriously. Not to mention he easily tanked a huge Final Flash and just had some burn marks on him. Both Kakarotto and Raditz would have been dust individually if that hit them.
Its always funny when people immediately jump to conclusions after one page/panel, instead of seeing the whole bigger picture. What if Kakaditz actually kills Vegeta next page? I'm very sure some people would then complain again that this ended way too quickly. And that none of this makes sense, because DBM power scaling is total garbage. Sigh... 3 Replie(s)
I can't wait for the tournament to end just for people to say none of this happened, because all of this is happening in Old Kais head. Man, I wonder why he wasn't in Death Note, with all that mental gymnastics. XD
Seriously, with every new page we get, it seems very very unlikely that is ISN'T real. As if a character never held back in DB and got beat up/surprised for that. First panel should say everything already. As if that ever worked for Vegeta, that's why he makes that face in panel 2. Kakarotto's sadistic side wants to see Vegeta suffer, so he takes his time killing him. 4 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2371
Seriously, with every new page we get, it seems very very unlikely that is ISN'T real. As if a character never held back in DB and got beat up/surprised for that. First panel should say everything already. As if that ever worked for Vegeta, that's why he makes that face in panel 2. Kakarotto's sadistic side wants to see Vegeta suffer, so he takes his time killing him. 4 Replie(s)
kari was saying:
Bruder dieser Schlag enttäuscht mich dachte Kakaditz wäre stärker
Weil sich ein DB Charakter noch nie zurückgehalten hat und dann plötzlich aufs Maul bekommen hat? Ich sag nur Goku und Vegeta's erster Kampf. Vegeta war weitaus stärker als Goku und hat trotzdem kassiert.
Ich denke es sollte offensichtlich sein, dass Kakaditz Vegeta's Tod hinauszögern will. Wenn das erste Panel nicht danach schreit, weiß ich auch nicht. Wann hat es Vegeta je was gebracht, wenn er Ki Blasts so spammt? Also bitte xD 3 Replie(s)
LSSJ4_Broly was saying:
papupata was saying: Ahh, he should have stretched his arms to restrain Bracaa's whole body
yeah, like in DBS:SH when he held Cell Max, man, sometimes it's sad DBS isn't canon here
yeah, like in DBS:SH when he held Cell Max, man, sometimes it's sad DBS isn't canon here
No, that's absolutely a good thing. DBShit is trash. And I'm gonna die on this hill! :) 1 Replie(s)
Cricker was saying:
Kann Goku nicht 1 Jahr lang Energie für eine Genkidama sammeln oder (kaioshin) Broly in ein schwarzes Loch teleportieren?
Ersteres könnte sein, dann braucht er eine Ablenkung.
Ersteres könnte sein, dann braucht er eine Ablenkung.
Schwarzes Loch? Viel Glück damit xD 1 Replie(s)
RoyalProf was saying:
Gibt es einen bestimmten Grund warum die Soundeffekt Texte auf der Seite geändert wurden? Irgendwie ein bisschen random.
Wir übernehmen ausschließlich die sfx der englischen Version. Ist auch nicht die erste Seite bei der wir das machen, tatsächlich seit Anfang an. ^^
Würde ja ewig dauern die sfx der deutschen Version auch nochmal neu zu cutten.
DestroyerOfVegetards was saying:
Hello Operator was saying: Personally, loving every bit of this. Kakaditz literally meants Sh*t Crazy and it's a perfect name for their union.
I DO still believe this is Elder Kai playing out future events as the warping of the panel a few pages back still has not been explained, that said, while I DO think Kakaditz can fully take Emperor Vegeta, he would totally be eclipsed by XXI. I think he's stronger even than Ultimate Gohan... but Super Sayain Zero Goku and Vegeta, Vegetto, Gast, and a few others are all going to be able to take him easily.
I DO wonder if the potential unlock that Raditz got transfers over to Kakarot when they fuse. If so, that would explain in part why Kakaditz is vastly improved over his previous self. I would also say that, to be completely fair, with as cocky as Raditz is, the hardest fight he probably ever had was against the Goku/Piccolo team up. We honestly do not have any clue what his "potential" is as he has only fought significantly weaker opponents up to this point and has never had the chance to excel.
I'm team Kakaditz. Immortality means you have broken the Zenkai Boost formula.
In page 1698-1699, Kakarotto seemed to suggest that he still got Zenkai boosts even when he became immortal and could not die.
I DO still believe this is Elder Kai playing out future events as the warping of the panel a few pages back still has not been explained, that said, while I DO think Kakaditz can fully take Emperor Vegeta, he would totally be eclipsed by XXI. I think he's stronger even than Ultimate Gohan... but Super Sayain Zero Goku and Vegeta, Vegetto, Gast, and a few others are all going to be able to take him easily.
I DO wonder if the potential unlock that Raditz got transfers over to Kakarot when they fuse. If so, that would explain in part why Kakaditz is vastly improved over his previous self. I would also say that, to be completely fair, with as cocky as Raditz is, the hardest fight he probably ever had was against the Goku/Piccolo team up. We honestly do not have any clue what his "potential" is as he has only fought significantly weaker opponents up to this point and has never had the chance to excel.
I'm team Kakaditz. Immortality means you have broken the Zenkai Boost formula.
In page 1698-1699, Kakarotto seemed to suggest that he still got Zenkai boosts even when he became immortal and could not die.
Salagirs headcanon is, that Saiyans stop getting Zenkai boosts after they unlocked SSJ. The only exception in DBM is Cell.
RoyalProf was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: RoyalProf sagte: Wieso der ganze Aufwand? Eine SSJ Fusion von irgendeinem Mix aus Goku, Gohan oder Vegeta sollte doch ausreichen.
Dieser Broly hat nen schwarzes Loch getankt, ich wage zu behaupten, dass egal was du auf ihn wirfst, nicht funktionieren wird. Wobei ich mir nur bei Daburas Spucke und Karbonit nicht ganz sicher wäre.
Nachdem das unser U20 Broly ist, der schwächer war als Vegetto und ultimate Gokhan stärker sein sollte als Vegetto SSJ3 denke ich, dass die Fusion reichen sollte.
Dieser Broly hat nen schwarzes Loch getankt, ich wage zu behaupten, dass egal was du auf ihn wirfst, nicht funktionieren wird. Wobei ich mir nur bei Daburas Spucke und Karbonit nicht ganz sicher wäre.
Nachdem das unser U20 Broly ist, der schwächer war als Vegetto und ultimate Gokhan stärker sein sollte als Vegetto SSJ3 denke ich, dass die Fusion reichen sollte.
Ultra Buu war ebenso weitaus stärker als Broly. Und ich würde auch sagen stärker als ein Gokhan. Die ganze Kraft hat ihm nichts genützt. Wenn schon ein schwarzes Loch nichts gegen Broly bringt, sehe ich nicht wie noch mehr Power es schaffen sollte ihn aus dem LSSJ zu knocken. Nicht mal SSJ3 Vegetto's Final Dragon Flash konnte Broly aus dem LSSJ knocken. Zugegeben, dort hat er seine Power auch noch mehrmals verdoppelt, allerdings sollte ein schwarzes Loch bereits mehr als genug sein.
Und ausserdem wissen wir ja alle, dass egal was sie versuchen, nichts funktionieren wird. U20 Broly zerstört ja trotzdem am Ende sein gesamtes Universum.
Andy was saying:
Decay sagte: Wie funktioniert das eigentlich mit der Mystic Form bei Fusionen? Bei Gohan ist das ja so, dass er seine Base hat, dann SSJ und dann Mystic.
Hat Kakaditz hier die SSJ formen übersprungen, und ist direkt in den Mystic Mode gegangen? Dann hätte er hier sogar den SSJ3 übersprungen, weil selbst ein Gotenks sich in einen SSJ3 verwandeln kann. Dann wäre Kakaditz mit seiner Unsterblichkeit sogar Vegetto überlegen. Was sogar ein Grund für sein Ausraster sein können, weil man den Kämpfer wegschickt, der hätte wirklich mit ihm konkurrieren können, wenn Kakaditz wirklich so stark ist.
Oder besteht Kakaditz nur aus Mystic und Base Kakarott? Das heißt den SSJ Vorteil den Goku hätte bringen können gibt es hier gar nicht? Dann wäre Kakaditz wirklich nur normales SSJ3 Niveau, weil Raditz ja fast SSJ3 Niveau hat, und Kakarotts Base eigentlich gar nichts bringt.
Ich hatte bislang den Eindruck, als ob die Base und die Mystic bei Son Gohan keinen großen Unterscheid mehr machen. Wir haben ja auch beide Gohan's aus U16 und U18 gesehen, wie sie von jetzt auf gleich im Kampf gegen Babidi mitgemischt haben. Kakaditz meinte ja auch, dass er keine Verwandlungen bräuchte.
Es scheint so, als ob bei den Mystic Kämpfern die Base bereits das volle Potenzial ausschöpft, ohne die Verwandlungen und dem daraus resultierenden hohen Energieverbrauch. Und die Fusionen scheinen immer das beste aus beiden Kämpfern zu vereinen, insbesondere die Potaras.
Ich meine, Kakaditz kämpft hier bereits mit voller Kraft und spielt ein bisschen mit Vegeta. Oder er will seine Kraft testen, bevor er Vegeta tötet.
Vegetto kann jedenfalls auch unsterbliche Charaktere "töten", da er die Seele seines Gegners auslöschen kann. Das hat er auf Page1254 klar gemacht. Wenn die Vargas Kakaditz nicht nach U13 schicken, wird Vegetto sich wahrscheinlich darum kümmern.
Hat Kakaditz hier die SSJ formen übersprungen, und ist direkt in den Mystic Mode gegangen? Dann hätte er hier sogar den SSJ3 übersprungen, weil selbst ein Gotenks sich in einen SSJ3 verwandeln kann. Dann wäre Kakaditz mit seiner Unsterblichkeit sogar Vegetto überlegen. Was sogar ein Grund für sein Ausraster sein können, weil man den Kämpfer wegschickt, der hätte wirklich mit ihm konkurrieren können, wenn Kakaditz wirklich so stark ist.
Oder besteht Kakaditz nur aus Mystic und Base Kakarott? Das heißt den SSJ Vorteil den Goku hätte bringen können gibt es hier gar nicht? Dann wäre Kakaditz wirklich nur normales SSJ3 Niveau, weil Raditz ja fast SSJ3 Niveau hat, und Kakarotts Base eigentlich gar nichts bringt.
Ich hatte bislang den Eindruck, als ob die Base und die Mystic bei Son Gohan keinen großen Unterscheid mehr machen. Wir haben ja auch beide Gohan's aus U16 und U18 gesehen, wie sie von jetzt auf gleich im Kampf gegen Babidi mitgemischt haben. Kakaditz meinte ja auch, dass er keine Verwandlungen bräuchte.
Es scheint so, als ob bei den Mystic Kämpfern die Base bereits das volle Potenzial ausschöpft, ohne die Verwandlungen und dem daraus resultierenden hohen Energieverbrauch. Und die Fusionen scheinen immer das beste aus beiden Kämpfern zu vereinen, insbesondere die Potaras.
Ich meine, Kakaditz kämpft hier bereits mit voller Kraft und spielt ein bisschen mit Vegeta. Oder er will seine Kraft testen, bevor er Vegeta tötet.
Vegetto kann jedenfalls auch unsterbliche Charaktere "töten", da er die Seele seines Gegners auslöschen kann. Das hat er auf Page1254 klar gemacht. Wenn die Vargas Kakaditz nicht nach U13 schicken, wird Vegetto sich wahrscheinlich darum kümmern.
Ich bin mir immer noch sicher, dass das nur ein Bluff von Vegetto war um Ginyu zum Körpertausch zu zwingen. Ich kenne den Novel, da begegnet er Pandora, einem unsterblichen. Durch diesen wollte er diese Soul Crusher Technik entwickeln. Aber warum hat er dann nicht einfach Ginyu's Seele zerstört, anstatt nur zu drohen? 1 Replie(s)
RoyalProf was saying:
Ist das sowas wie die Ikari Form von Broly aus DBS (Kraft des Ozaru ohne Formwechsel), oder interpretiere ich das falsch?
Das sollte die Ikari Form sein, ja.
RoyalProf was saying:
Wieso der ganze Aufwand? Eine SSJ Fusion von irgendeinem Mix aus Goku, Gohan oder Vegeta sollte doch ausreichen.
Dieser Broly hat nen schwarzes Loch getankt, ich wage zu behaupten, dass egal was du auf ihn wirfst, nicht funktionieren wird. Wobei ich mir nur bei Daburas Spucke und Karbonit nicht ganz sicher wäre. 2 Replie(s)
Pinball was saying:
So is having the winner of the tournament listed on the Tournament Help page an accident or what?
That it says Mary Sue is the winner, doesn't answer your question already?
Ayashi was saying:
Amusing fact: there's two Four-star Dragon Balls and no Five-star.
But the 5-star DB is in the top right corner? And the top middle DB is the 6-star DB, you just don't see the bottom 2 stars, because it's covered by the 7-star DB. Though the latter has its stars weirdly aligned. 1 Replie(s)
happywarrior99 was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Though some things are weird here indeed. Vegetto being totally normal after being shattered into a million pieces? Piccolo doesn't wear his cape and Gohan only wears his muscle shirt.I think that it is highly suspicious that:
— Page 2359, page 2360 and the other pages from this special actually showing Elder Kai not dancing while performing the mystic power up ritual on Raditz even though dancing is actually a required component of the mystic power up ritual.
— U16 Vegetto is so cheerful after he was publicly humiliated by I'K'L's magic hax publicly shattering U16 Vegetto to pieces in front of all of the tournament spectators.
— The Kaioshins not being show yet trying to cancel the tournament again after I'K'L, Yamcha and the androids fought against each other during a fight that was not a part of the tournament.
— The tournament organizers not being show yet trying to punish I'K'L, Yamcha and the androids for breaking the tournament rules when they fought against each other during a fight that was not a part of the tournament.
— Future Trunks being near the U13 saiyans despite the risks on page 2363.
— Gast knowing a forcefield technique that is as big as the tournament arena but that he did not use when he fought Raichi's Ghosts despite Ghost Broly trying to attack the tournament spectators.
— Elder Kai's crystal ball being smaller on page 2359 than the size it was show to have on page 2366.
— On the first panel of page 2358 Elder Kai's crystal ball is smaller than his hands but on the third panel of page 2358 Elder Kai's crystal ball is bigger than his hands.
I think that this DBM chapter is probably Elder Kai's imagination.
— Page 2359, page 2360 and the other pages from this special actually showing Elder Kai not dancing while performing the mystic power up ritual on Raditz even though dancing is actually a required component of the mystic power up ritual.
— U16 Vegetto is so cheerful after he was publicly humiliated by I'K'L's magic hax publicly shattering U16 Vegetto to pieces in front of all of the tournament spectators.
— The Kaioshins not being show yet trying to cancel the tournament again after I'K'L, Yamcha and the androids fought against each other during a fight that was not a part of the tournament.
— The tournament organizers not being show yet trying to punish I'K'L, Yamcha and the androids for breaking the tournament rules when they fought against each other during a fight that was not a part of the tournament.
— Future Trunks being near the U13 saiyans despite the risks on page 2363.
— Gast knowing a forcefield technique that is as big as the tournament arena but that he did not use when he fought Raichi's Ghosts despite Ghost Broly trying to attack the tournament spectators.
— Elder Kai's crystal ball being smaller on page 2359 than the size it was show to have on page 2366.
— On the first panel of page 2358 Elder Kai's crystal ball is smaller than his hands but on the third panel of page 2358 Elder Kai's crystal ball is bigger than his hands.
I think that this DBM chapter is probably Elder Kai's imagination.
You should probably reread DBM, since you got the dancing part and some other stuff totally wrong.
— They already finished that during the Majin rebellion, because the dancing part comes before the meditation part anyway. Page 1408, page 1521, page 1523, page 1527, page 1888.
— That's not future Trunks in the background of page 2363 panel 1, that's #17. Also, U12 and U14 balconies are right next to U13, where else would they be? And what danger are you talking about? Nappa is clearly chilling.
— To Gast, he can do such a force field, as shown at page 1349. He just didn't do it with Raichi, because he went immediately after the source for the ghosts...Raichi. And Broly didn't even attacked a spectator, he just went through the barrier, when Gast destroyed Raichi's machine.
— The rest you mentioned is just you being overly nitpicky in my opinion.
Gourcuff87 was saying:
Ci sta. Più avanti viene citato il cambio di armature e qui era chiaramente il momento giusto per richiederle.
Eleim è il biondo che parla ed è un po il leader.
C'è poi Nedwood che abbiamo visto attivo nella rivolta di Babidy, Xelioum e Naurb quello grosso che è stato posseduto.
Mancano qui Phipsil e Tidar.
Ma non ricordo il nome dell'altro biondo che è quello che ha avuto meno spazio e nessun ruolo : Eleim, Tidar e Xelioum match nel torneo.
Naurb quello grosso, posseduto e innamorato di Phipsil
Nedwood e Phipsil forte ruolo nella rivolta (compagni?)
E l'altro biondo appunto è stato trascurato...
Eleim è il biondo che parla ed è un po il leader.
C'è poi Nedwood che abbiamo visto attivo nella rivolta di Babidy, Xelioum e Naurb quello grosso che è stato posseduto.
Mancano qui Phipsil e Tidar.
Ma non ricordo il nome dell'altro biondo che è quello che ha avuto meno spazio e nessun ruolo : Eleim, Tidar e Xelioum match nel torneo.
Naurb quello grosso, posseduto e innamorato di Phipsil
Nedwood e Phipsil forte ruolo nella rivolta (compagni?)
E l'altro biondo appunto è stato trascurato...
Tidar è ancora morto. E non abbiamo incluso Phipsil, perché lo avevamo fatto troppe volte in precedenza e alcune persone si lamentavano del fatto che la forzassimo troppo nella storia. 1 Replie(s)
Cosmo was saying:
goten-kun sagte: Lupina36 sagte: War mir irgendwie klar. Aber ich frage mich ernsthaft woher Tambo sein Sayajinblut hat. Von seinem Vater schon mal nicht vielleicht hatte seine Mutter einen Sayajin in ihrer Ahnenreihe. Vielleicht sogar Son Goku höchstpersönlich! Oder Vegeta. Wer weiß das schon?
Aus Kapitel 3 wissen wir, dass auch Tambos Mutter einen Schwanz hatte.
Frage mich nur woher. Da schon Trunks, Goten, Pan und Bra (Bulla) keinen mehr hatten
Aus Kapitel 3 wissen wir, dass auch Tambos Mutter einen Schwanz hatte.
Frage mich nur woher. Da schon Trunks, Goten, Pan und Bra (Bulla) keinen mehr hatten
Gehe stark davon aus, dass Chichi und Bulma die abgeschnitten haben, als sie noch klein waren. Wie bei Son Bra zB. 1 Replie(s)
EVA-03 was saying:
Macht Sinn, die Helioten mit Sonderseiten stärker einzubinden. Wobei ich Phipsil gerne auch in der Standart-Rüstung gesehen hätte
Die haben wir extra nicht hinzugefügt...da es tatsächlich einige Leute gab, die sich darüber extrem aufgeregt haben. Ammar mag Phipsil sehr, und einige haben ihm dann vorgeworfen das er Phipsil noch mehr in den Comic zwingen möchte, als sie es sowieso schon später wurde, mit Son Bra. Wenn du Phipsil sehen willst, schau dir zB page 29 an. 1 Replie(s)
CBslayeR was saying:
Looks like they're completely skipping the specials, that's perfectly fine and I honestly don't blame them.
I wonder if the coloring team will ever do their own special? That could be really cool.
I wonder if the coloring team will ever do their own special? That could be really cool.
Yeah, as I mentioned multiple times by now ^^ specials have many different artstyles and some are already colored, some we didn't want to color honestly. It wouldn't make much sense to include them, if it's already colored and not our style.
And we have more than enough to do with coloring. Though you might still see an official DBM special chapter from one of us in the future. :)
Superman55aa was saying:
Off topic question: will this fan manga disappear from the server/internet if I take a break from this for a while(to recharge my social batteries or whatever/detox from social media and politics/media/etc).
That I can binged the new stuff later on when refreshed.
Other then that. cool color page.
That I can binged the new stuff later on when refreshed.
Other then that. cool color page.
I don't quite understand the question. Why would it just suddenly disappear? DBM is running for 16 years now and is planned to run for probably 10 more years. And even when it's finished, it won't just get suddenly deleted. That would be super weird.
BullShark was saying:
How are they gonna contact the headquarters? They are in a different universe.
They need the Vargas for that.
They need the Vargas for that.
They did ask the Vargas
Jojo was saying:
Look at the Demon King showing bits of Heroism.
That's U16 Piccolo.
Though some things are weird here indeed. Vegetto being totally normal after being shattered into a million pieces? Piccolo doesn't wear his cape and Gohan only wears his muscle shirt. 2 Replie(s)
RoyalProf was saying:
Die gemerchten Auren sehen nicht aus. Ist es Absicht, dass der Bereich zwischen Vegetto und Broly im 3. Panel eher gelblich als grünlich ist um zu zeigen, dass vegetto eigentlich stärker ist oder sehe ich schon Details die eigentlich gar keine sind?
Die sehen "nicht" aus? Meintest du nice? ^^
Und letzteres ist der Fall. Eigentlich sollten beide hier (noch) gleich stark sein, wie die letzten Seiten deutlich gezeigt haben. War übrigens bereits letzte Seite so, mit den gemischten Auren. :D
Grabnatz was saying:
Mmh der Satz mit "die meisten unserer Freunde" nervt etwas. Das heißt wohl man wird Tenshinhan, Krillin und Yamchu nicht im Kampf sehen. Dafür aber Radditz?????
Glaube kaum, dass ihm groß eine Wahl gelassen wird. Goku sagt ja er kann seine Freunde nicht zwingen (könnte er schon, wird er aber nicht machen, es ist Goku), Radditz und co. hingegen schon. Immerhin besteht ja das Risiko, komplett ausgelöscht zu werden, sollten sie nochmal sterben. Ausserdem sind die eh nur Fodder. 1 Replie(s)
HandeMC was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Ich verstehe nicht ganz, wieso Leute Probleme mit der zeitlichen Einordnung haben.
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.
Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.
Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.
Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD
Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.
Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt.
In Dragonball Super bei der Goku Black Saga hat ja der ehemalige fusionierte Kaioshin, (der sich von den Dragonballs wünschte wieder getrennt zu sein) erklärt, das die Potaras nur dauerhaft bei den Kaioshins funktionieren, also mindestens ein Partner muss Kaioshin sein, damit die Fusion bleibt, bei anderen löst sie sich irgendwann auf.
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.
Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.
Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.
Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD
Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.
Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt.
In Dragonball Super bei der Goku Black Saga hat ja der ehemalige fusionierte Kaioshin, (der sich von den Dragonballs wünschte wieder getrennt zu sein) erklärt, das die Potaras nur dauerhaft bei den Kaioshins funktionieren, also mindestens ein Partner muss Kaioshin sein, damit die Fusion bleibt, bei anderen löst sie sich irgendwann auf.
Das hier ist aber DBM und nicht DBS. Solche Regeln gelten hier nicht, oder wie erklärst du, dass U16 Vegetto seit 20 Jahren fusioniert bleibt? :)
Und mal ganz nebenbei, finde ich diesen Retcon in DBS mehr als unsinnig. Wie so vieles in DBS, aber das sprengt jetzt den Rahmen. 1 Replie(s)
sonypham was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Ich verstehe nicht ganz, wieso Leute Probleme mit der zeitlichen Einordnung haben.
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.
Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.
Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.
Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD
Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.
Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt.
Ist das deine Interpretation der Geschehnisse und des zeitlichen Ablaufs? Oder ist ist das ein Fakt? (vllt kennst du ja mehr Details als moderator).
Btw. mein erster Kommentar seit Jahren :D
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.
Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.
Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.
Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD
Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.
Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt.
Ist das deine Interpretation der Geschehnisse und des zeitlichen Ablaufs? Oder ist ist das ein Fakt? (vllt kennst du ja mehr Details als moderator).
Btw. mein erster Kommentar seit Jahren :D
Das ist lediglich meine Interpretation der Ereignisse.
Und wenn überhaupt wäre es mein Status als Übersetzer, der mich mehr wissen lässt, als zB Moderatoren. ^^
Gogetto was saying:
How is that door elder kai went out of still standing lol? Didn't kakaraditz just destroy the entire room? I can't wait to see vegitos reaction here lol. They literally destroyed a giant chunk of the arena.
Also is that Nappa getting blown away in the first panel lol?
Also is that Nappa getting blown away in the first panel lol?
Should be kinda obvious that he wasn't in the U13 apartment with Kakaditz and Vegeta. Otherwise he would be dust now.
Damian Qualshy was saying:
So where was that in the previous chapters? What the hell are those retcons now?
What retcon? This happens seemingly some time after IKL.
vwishmwahuul was saying:
Wouldn’t a mortal and immortal fusing turnout like Zamasu where half the body melts?
Thankfully no, because this is no DBS(hit). Where that also happened anime only btw. :)
Ayashi was saying:
The Perfect Warrior you say?
Well, I have to tell you the honest truth as I see it, in this world, nothing perfect exists. That may sound cliché, but it’s the truth.
The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what’s the point of achieving perfection? And the answer I came up with was nothing.
Not one thing.
The truth of the matter is, I despise Perfection. If something is truly Perfect, then that's it. There is no room for imagination, no space for intelligence, or ability, or improvement.
Perfection is a Dead End. A condition of Hopelessness.
Always strive to be better than anything that came before you. But not Perfect. Take joy and trying to exceed your grasp in trying to reach for something that in the end, maybe, in fact, impossible to reach.
Well, I have to tell you the honest truth as I see it, in this world, nothing perfect exists. That may sound cliché, but it’s the truth.
The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what’s the point of achieving perfection? And the answer I came up with was nothing.
Not one thing.
The truth of the matter is, I despise Perfection. If something is truly Perfect, then that's it. There is no room for imagination, no space for intelligence, or ability, or improvement.
Perfection is a Dead End. A condition of Hopelessness.
Always strive to be better than anything that came before you. But not Perfect. Take joy and trying to exceed your grasp in trying to reach for something that in the end, maybe, in fact, impossible to reach.
You must hate Cell then. XD
happywarrior99 was saying:
If this event is not Elder Kai's imagination, then it seems like that whatever Elder Kai did to U13 Raditz's mind did not carry over to Kakaditz.
Edit: Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus he cannot be "send back" to Universe 13.
YellNinja1600 was saying: What a bad move giving Raditz potara earrings. But after a battle of Vegito owning him he will be sent back to his universe. Friendly reminder that Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus the Vargas cannot send Kakaditz to Universe 13 without his consent.
saber16 was saying: So, if this Vegeta was decentigrated... Who was the Vegeta android 17 snapped a chunck of hair off?Either U13 Vegeta was revived by Zen Buu or U2 Mary Sue rewound time to save U13 Vegeta or this DBM chapter events are Elder Kai's imagination or U13 Vegeta somehow just survived that attack.
brolyhater was saying: Either way, Kakaditz just murdered a bunch of spectators, his universe is definitely going to be disqualified.Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus his actions would not cause the U13 saiyans to get disqualified.
Edit: Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus he cannot be "send back" to Universe 13.
YellNinja1600 was saying: What a bad move giving Raditz potara earrings. But after a battle of Vegito owning him he will be sent back to his universe. Friendly reminder that Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus the Vargas cannot send Kakaditz to Universe 13 without his consent.
saber16 was saying: So, if this Vegeta was decentigrated... Who was the Vegeta android 17 snapped a chunck of hair off?Either U13 Vegeta was revived by Zen Buu or U2 Mary Sue rewound time to save U13 Vegeta or this DBM chapter events are Elder Kai's imagination or U13 Vegeta somehow just survived that attack.
brolyhater was saying: Either way, Kakaditz just murdered a bunch of spectators, his universe is definitely going to be disqualified.Kakaditz was born on Universe 0, thus his actions would not cause the U13 saiyans to get disqualified.
Kakaditz is still part from U13, it doesn't matter if he was "born" in U0, he is still from U13. Otherwise the Cell Jrs. Cell made would also be from U0. And when did the Vargas technology ever ask someone who is supposed to be send home, for permission to do that? Did they ask Zen Buu, when he was forcefully send home by the Vargas back up system? Did they ask Babidi, Buu and Dabura? Did they ask U20 Broly? I guess not...
And how the hell should Zen Buu revive U13 Vegeta, when the former isn't even in U0 anymore? This is after IKL. Buu is long gone and let me tell you a secret...he won't come back nor does he have any particles left from him in U0, he doesn't plan anything in the shadows or something like that. We should just accept that finally. ;) 3 Replie(s)
Ich verstehe nicht ganz, wieso Leute Probleme mit der zeitlichen Einordnung haben.
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.
Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.
Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.
Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD
Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.
Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2366
Am Anfang des Kapitels stand "Vor einiger Zeit" auf dem Cover. Wir konnten sehen, dass es direkt nach XXI vs Buu war und bevor dieser nachhause geschickt wurde.
Dann, nach page 2359, kam ein Zeitsprung über die 3. Nachtruhe, in welcher Old Kai das Ritual beendet hat.
Zeitlich eingeordnet spielt das irgendwann nach IKL (ich vermute während Gast vs XXI) und ist somit nicht mehr wirklich ein Flashback.
Und Potara Fusion sollte permanent sein. Oder weshalb denkt ihr bleibt Vegetto fusioniert? Bestimmt nicht weil er die Klamotten so toll findet. XD
Das er unbewusst von den Kaoshins in Buu defusioniert wurde, war eine Ausnahme. Denn ich glaube das hing damit zusammen, dass sie von Buu absorbiert wurden. Kann mir daher nicht vorstellen, dass jetzt der ehemalige Groß-Kaioshin einfach so Vegetto defusionieren kann. Dann wäre Vegetto's Ausraster schon von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und das ganze "es gibt keinen Weg meinen Vater zu besiegen" von Bra in der Vision macht keinen Sinn mehr.
Wobei ich mir dennoch vorstellen könnte, dass Gohan ihn mehr oder weniger damit bedroht ihn zu defusionieren. Er hatte ja bereits mit den Kaioshins, unter anderem auch über Vegetto, gesprochen. Das endet dann mit Vegetto der Gohan würgt. 2 Replie(s)
Nfan8762 was saying:
Are we going to get the parts of this fight that were used for the beginning of the original comic?
Stevethebarbarian was saying:
Nfan8762 was saying: Are we going to get the parts of this fight that were used for the beginning of the original comic?
No, those won’t appear in DBM Colors, at least not in the forseeable future.
No, those won’t appear in DBM Colors, at least not in the forseeable future.
They won't appear at all, look at my comment from last page. :)
Damian Qualshy was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: thebritwriter was saying: Teleported_Bread was saying: Sayazur was saying: thebritwriter was saying: So broly was doing nothing in the span of a year? The guy that can now one hit galaxies (or at least destroy a super black hole) just did nothing since? He defeated the strongest fusion imaginable but individual training will overcome that? I’m sure at this point good chunk of the universe is void of galaxies with the way broly is.
Just use the namekian dragon ball to bring back someone as a immortal and wish them to be Lssj. Or have Goku and vegeta have potara, wish back and then grant immortality.
the whole year later aspect opens up more problems then it should , at this point this chapter will be more about how well drawn the action is. I personally think this whole year later was a bad call.
Edit: I’m I disappointed? Pretty much, it wouldn’t hurt to have a more creative story take and having a year later as I said opens up more problems because Goku and co do have more options then broly has, something a whole year makes would make more of a problem. Also are the dragon balls strong enough to bring back galaxies lost due to the rampage inbetween? No but they have been ignored for sake of training up when instead of gambling on shortcuts as examples I mentioned above. And as said before the whole year tagline takes away any suspense, the situation is bad but it’s still controllable with Goku relying on a whole year for his plan and robs of any desperation. It could had been done better which I think is a valid critique.
Honestly, I don't understand you. You regularly comment on other comics on the site, only to decry them for free under the guise of "constructive criticism".
There's really nothing to the story (like with Yamoshi, for example) and you're shooting down the projects.
It's all the more sad that you're part of the DBM team too, but you behave like the unpleasant people you're supposed to moderate.
Yes, there are a billion solutions for dealing with Broly, as with all DB's previous threats, but in this case there's no scenaristic interest and nothing to tell.
This story is just for fun, that's all. Sad to have to remind a "moderator" of this...
You havent't read the story yet, and
Well, that's how it is, but you should know that you're just unpleasant and that turning your comments yellow doesn't change anything.
People like him will do this for things like reactions, and it causes trouble that usually ranges in the form of conflict. It's a wonder he doesn't get banned for this. They're probably the same kind of user who victim blames Son Bra or something in the mainstream story despite every false criticism about her being not only blatantly untrue but so obviously not seen in the story once you actually read it.
People like me can also reply again on this forum.
For the record I got out of my way in finding a artist not just to help with zenbuu but to help salagir work on a special, so I am committed to this project, just as I given up some work time just to reply to this.
Now I can be but critical on criticism, I always have been for years but I also been supportive of work. I was critical of goten-kun work early on but was won over because there were new ideas etc. I stand by my comments on this special so far, the only reason I’m even replying back is because someone mentioned my comment got a reaction from the author.
It’s not like DBM has been hitting ever story out of the park, the Facebook reviews and a twitter post criticising DBM are evident but I will be fair and balanced whenever I can. I more or less resigned from this and may comment on the action.
What I do take issue with is thinking I go out of my way causing trouble. If you think that click on the report feature.
Sawyzer has every right to say his side but I also have every right to respond to anyone who suggests I’m causing trouble, pointing out how the story being presented as lacking any meaningful content is fair because it is. If the creator disagrees that’s his fine but I still stand by it.
It's literally the 4th page of the story dude.
ZenBuu was saying: Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.
Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members.
Probably because he has the same "comment flair" like the mods, and that being the different background color.
When you click on the avatar from a user, you get to the users account page, where you can see all of their (of course non deleted) comments and also what role that member has, if part from the DBM team.
Still, it would be wise to change the colors to differintieate between mods, authors and regular readers. Instead of having the same for mods and authors. Not everyone goes to the profile of the user apparently.
Just use the namekian dragon ball to bring back someone as a immortal and wish them to be Lssj. Or have Goku and vegeta have potara, wish back and then grant immortality.
the whole year later aspect opens up more problems then it should , at this point this chapter will be more about how well drawn the action is. I personally think this whole year later was a bad call.
Edit: I’m I disappointed? Pretty much, it wouldn’t hurt to have a more creative story take and having a year later as I said opens up more problems because Goku and co do have more options then broly has, something a whole year makes would make more of a problem. Also are the dragon balls strong enough to bring back galaxies lost due to the rampage inbetween? No but they have been ignored for sake of training up when instead of gambling on shortcuts as examples I mentioned above. And as said before the whole year tagline takes away any suspense, the situation is bad but it’s still controllable with Goku relying on a whole year for his plan and robs of any desperation. It could had been done better which I think is a valid critique.
Honestly, I don't understand you. You regularly comment on other comics on the site, only to decry them for free under the guise of "constructive criticism".
There's really nothing to the story (like with Yamoshi, for example) and you're shooting down the projects.
It's all the more sad that you're part of the DBM team too, but you behave like the unpleasant people you're supposed to moderate.
Yes, there are a billion solutions for dealing with Broly, as with all DB's previous threats, but in this case there's no scenaristic interest and nothing to tell.
This story is just for fun, that's all. Sad to have to remind a "moderator" of this...
You havent't read the story yet, and
Well, that's how it is, but you should know that you're just unpleasant and that turning your comments yellow doesn't change anything.
People like him will do this for things like reactions, and it causes trouble that usually ranges in the form of conflict. It's a wonder he doesn't get banned for this. They're probably the same kind of user who victim blames Son Bra or something in the mainstream story despite every false criticism about her being not only blatantly untrue but so obviously not seen in the story once you actually read it.
People like me can also reply again on this forum.
For the record I got out of my way in finding a artist not just to help with zenbuu but to help salagir work on a special, so I am committed to this project, just as I given up some work time just to reply to this.
Now I can be but critical on criticism, I always have been for years but I also been supportive of work. I was critical of goten-kun work early on but was won over because there were new ideas etc. I stand by my comments on this special so far, the only reason I’m even replying back is because someone mentioned my comment got a reaction from the author.
It’s not like DBM has been hitting ever story out of the park, the Facebook reviews and a twitter post criticising DBM are evident but I will be fair and balanced whenever I can. I more or less resigned from this and may comment on the action.
What I do take issue with is thinking I go out of my way causing trouble. If you think that click on the report feature.
Sawyzer has every right to say his side but I also have every right to respond to anyone who suggests I’m causing trouble, pointing out how the story being presented as lacking any meaningful content is fair because it is. If the creator disagrees that’s his fine but I still stand by it.
It's literally the 4th page of the story dude.
ZenBuu was saying: Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.
Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members.
Probably because he has the same "comment flair" like the mods, and that being the different background color.
When you click on the avatar from a user, you get to the users account page, where you can see all of their (of course non deleted) comments and also what role that member has, if part from the DBM team.
Still, it would be wise to change the colors to differintieate between mods, authors and regular readers. Instead of having the same for mods and authors. Not everyone goes to the profile of the user apparently.
Personally I don't think that's necessary. It's been like that from the beginning afaik. I'm the most active mod for the english community anyway. And I'm also translator AND artist for the DBM colored version. Do I get a special color then? ;P 1 Replie(s)
PrinceOfTheHood was saying:
EstelFortuna was saying:
Feels more like a comedy extra chapter than an actual story chapter, and such an important one at that
Right ?
Gives One the Feeling sometimes, that Salagir and Asura don't really care that much about their MAIN Story and Work at all. But hey : if the Art of Asura is so good that they struggle to get new Chapters out sometimes and need like +3 Side-Chapters in the Meantime - then so be it.
I am just glad we see good Art most of the Time. Except for Example when it was Vegeta against Cell. That was kinda an Ouchie for this Story's glorious Art Standard.
Feels more like a comedy extra chapter than an actual story chapter, and such an important one at that
Right ?
Gives One the Feeling sometimes, that Salagir and Asura don't really care that much about their MAIN Story and Work at all. But hey : if the Art of Asura is so good that they struggle to get new Chapters out sometimes and need like +3 Side-Chapters in the Meantime - then so be it.
I am just glad we see good Art most of the Time. Except for Example when it was Vegeta against Cell. That was kinda an Ouchie for this Story's glorious Art Standard.
What a weird statement ngl. How does this chapter give you the impression Salagir and Asura don't care about the story?
Flashback chapters were always by different artists, no exception. Also I don't see the problem. We only had one special before this and this chapter is basically part of the main story.
And how exactly does the art style make this chapter seem like comedy? I'm genuinely curious. 1 Replie(s)
VegetaJr was saying:
Infernape2244 sagte: kari sagte: ZenBuu sagte: SSJ ist vollkommen unnötig, genau wie bei Gohan. Radditz hat sein gesamtes Potenzial entfesselt. SSJ wäre eher kontraproduktiv, da es ihn sogar noch Energie kostet, aber nicht stärker macht. Dasselbe hat Old Kai aber auch schon in DBZ zu Gohan gesagt. Das ist ja der gesamte Grundgedanke hinter dem Mystic Ritual. Quasi ein Cheat Code der dein gesamtes Potenzial in der Base Form freilegt, weshalb Verwandlungen unnötig sind.
Ja aber das ist eine Fusion und Kakarott hat die mystic Form nicht, also eine Hälfte von Kakaditz keine mystic form.
Kann mir vorstellen das wenn einer der 2 die Mystic Power hat die Fusion sie automatisch auch hat.
VegetaJr sagte: Ja ist ja jetzt die Frage ob Radditz Mythic jetzt einfach die Base Power war bei der Fusion mit Kakarott oder nicht, weil dann wäre Kakaritz in der Base schon krass und ka was passiert wenn er in den SSJ geht
Ey wie krass wäre ein Ssj 3 Golden Oozaru dann bei ihm (wenn gotenks den drauf hat dann save auch Kakaditz)
und genau das wissen wir ja nicht also ob Kakaditz die Mythic Form hat oder nicht
Ja aber das ist eine Fusion und Kakarott hat die mystic Form nicht, also eine Hälfte von Kakaditz keine mystic form.
Kann mir vorstellen das wenn einer der 2 die Mystic Power hat die Fusion sie automatisch auch hat.
VegetaJr sagte: Ja ist ja jetzt die Frage ob Radditz Mythic jetzt einfach die Base Power war bei der Fusion mit Kakarott oder nicht, weil dann wäre Kakaritz in der Base schon krass und ka was passiert wenn er in den SSJ geht
Ey wie krass wäre ein Ssj 3 Golden Oozaru dann bei ihm (wenn gotenks den drauf hat dann save auch Kakaditz)
und genau das wissen wir ja nicht also ob Kakaditz die Mythic Form hat oder nicht
Es macht meiner Meinung nach keinen Sinn, wenn er nicht Mystic ist. Das ist dasselbe Schwachsinn Prinzip wie bei DBS mit dem halb unsterblichen Zamasu, was übrigens auch nur im Anime so vorkam. Und selbst wenn dem so sein sollte...sollte Kakaditz auch ohne Verwandlung bereits stärker als Vegeta sein. Kakarott war ein SSJ2 und ich Stufe Raditz nicht allzu weit darunter ein. Diese Kombination macht ihn in meinen Augen alleine schon so stark wie Mystic Gohan. 2 Replie(s)
JamesM was saying:
Dude calls himself the Brit writer but only draws pages…
Ok but the main point is how do I see your name in authors BritWriter?
I saw ur bio say to check the authors page but I can’t find your name anywhere? Do you go by a nickname?
Ok but the main point is how do I see your name in authors BritWriter?
I saw ur bio say to check the authors page but I can’t find your name anywhere? Do you go by a nickname?
He is drawing a future special chapter, which is not finished and released yet, so obviously his name isn't listed yet on the authors page. Though he also has drawn minicomics.
Also, you don't know what he does besides DBM, so that first sentence is complete unnecessary provocation.
Damian Qualshy was saying:
thebritwriter was saying: Teleported_Bread was saying: Sayazur was saying: thebritwriter was saying: So broly was doing nothing in the span of a year? The guy that can now one hit galaxies (or at least destroy a super black hole) just did nothing since? He defeated the strongest fusion imaginable but individual training will overcome that? I’m sure at this point good chunk of the universe is void of galaxies with the way broly is.
Just use the namekian dragon ball to bring back someone as a immortal and wish them to be Lssj. Or have Goku and vegeta have potara, wish back and then grant immortality.
the whole year later aspect opens up more problems then it should , at this point this chapter will be more about how well drawn the action is. I personally think this whole year later was a bad call.
Edit: I’m I disappointed? Pretty much, it wouldn’t hurt to have a more creative story take and having a year later as I said opens up more problems because Goku and co do have more options then broly has, something a whole year makes would make more of a problem. Also are the dragon balls strong enough to bring back galaxies lost due to the rampage inbetween? No but they have been ignored for sake of training up when instead of gambling on shortcuts as examples I mentioned above. And as said before the whole year tagline takes away any suspense, the situation is bad but it’s still controllable with Goku relying on a whole year for his plan and robs of any desperation. It could had been done better which I think is a valid critique.
Honestly, I don't understand you. You regularly comment on other comics on the site, only to decry them for free under the guise of "constructive criticism".
There's really nothing to the story (like with Yamoshi, for example) and you're shooting down the projects.
It's all the more sad that you're part of the DBM team too, but you behave like the unpleasant people you're supposed to moderate.
Yes, there are a billion solutions for dealing with Broly, as with all DB's previous threats, but in this case there's no scenaristic interest and nothing to tell.
This story is just for fun, that's all. Sad to have to remind a "moderator" of this...
You havent't read the story yet, and
Well, that's how it is, but you should know that you're just unpleasant and that turning your comments yellow doesn't change anything.
People like him will do this for things like reactions, and it causes trouble that usually ranges in the form of conflict. It's a wonder he doesn't get banned for this. They're probably the same kind of user who victim blames Son Bra or something in the mainstream story despite every false criticism about her being not only blatantly untrue but so obviously not seen in the story once you actually read it.
People like me can also reply again on this forum.
For the record I got out of my way in finding a artist not just to help with zenbuu but to help salagir work on a special, so I am committed to this project, just as I given up some work time just to reply to this.
Now I can be but critical on criticism, I always have been for years but I also been supportive of work. I was critical of goten-kun work early on but was won over because there were new ideas etc. I stand by my comments on this special so far, the only reason I’m even replying back is because someone mentioned my comment got a reaction from the author.
It’s not like DBM has been hitting ever story out of the park, the Facebook reviews and a twitter post criticising DBM are evident but I will be fair and balanced whenever I can. I more or less resigned from this and may comment on the action.
What I do take issue with is thinking I go out of my way causing trouble. If you think that click on the report feature.
Sawyzer has every right to say his side but I also have every right to respond to anyone who suggests I’m causing trouble, pointing out how the story being presented as lacking any meaningful content is fair because it is. If the creator disagrees that’s his fine but I still stand by it.
It's literally the 4th page of the story dude.
ZenBuu was saying: Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.
Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members.
Probably because he has the same "comment flair" like the mods, and that being the different background color.
Just use the namekian dragon ball to bring back someone as a immortal and wish them to be Lssj. Or have Goku and vegeta have potara, wish back and then grant immortality.
the whole year later aspect opens up more problems then it should , at this point this chapter will be more about how well drawn the action is. I personally think this whole year later was a bad call.
Edit: I’m I disappointed? Pretty much, it wouldn’t hurt to have a more creative story take and having a year later as I said opens up more problems because Goku and co do have more options then broly has, something a whole year makes would make more of a problem. Also are the dragon balls strong enough to bring back galaxies lost due to the rampage inbetween? No but they have been ignored for sake of training up when instead of gambling on shortcuts as examples I mentioned above. And as said before the whole year tagline takes away any suspense, the situation is bad but it’s still controllable with Goku relying on a whole year for his plan and robs of any desperation. It could had been done better which I think is a valid critique.
Honestly, I don't understand you. You regularly comment on other comics on the site, only to decry them for free under the guise of "constructive criticism".
There's really nothing to the story (like with Yamoshi, for example) and you're shooting down the projects.
It's all the more sad that you're part of the DBM team too, but you behave like the unpleasant people you're supposed to moderate.
Yes, there are a billion solutions for dealing with Broly, as with all DB's previous threats, but in this case there's no scenaristic interest and nothing to tell.
This story is just for fun, that's all. Sad to have to remind a "moderator" of this...
You havent't read the story yet, and
Well, that's how it is, but you should know that you're just unpleasant and that turning your comments yellow doesn't change anything.
People like him will do this for things like reactions, and it causes trouble that usually ranges in the form of conflict. It's a wonder he doesn't get banned for this. They're probably the same kind of user who victim blames Son Bra or something in the mainstream story despite every false criticism about her being not only blatantly untrue but so obviously not seen in the story once you actually read it.
People like me can also reply again on this forum.
For the record I got out of my way in finding a artist not just to help with zenbuu but to help salagir work on a special, so I am committed to this project, just as I given up some work time just to reply to this.
Now I can be but critical on criticism, I always have been for years but I also been supportive of work. I was critical of goten-kun work early on but was won over because there were new ideas etc. I stand by my comments on this special so far, the only reason I’m even replying back is because someone mentioned my comment got a reaction from the author.
It’s not like DBM has been hitting ever story out of the park, the Facebook reviews and a twitter post criticising DBM are evident but I will be fair and balanced whenever I can. I more or less resigned from this and may comment on the action.
What I do take issue with is thinking I go out of my way causing trouble. If you think that click on the report feature.
Sawyzer has every right to say his side but I also have every right to respond to anyone who suggests I’m causing trouble, pointing out how the story being presented as lacking any meaningful content is fair because it is. If the creator disagrees that’s his fine but I still stand by it.
It's literally the 4th page of the story dude.
ZenBuu was saying: Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.
Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members.
Probably because he has the same "comment flair" like the mods, and that being the different background color.
When you click on the avatar from a user, you get to the users account page, where you can see all of their (of course non deleted) comments and also what role that member has, if part from the DBM team. 1 Replie(s)
Ok, first of all, Brit isn't even a moderator here. I have no idea how that false assumption was made.
Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 5
Second, he certainly won't get banned just for criticising the work. He still did it in a respectful manner, where other people are clearly struggling with. So please stop provoking each other here, I think that's especially unnecessary between team members. 1 Replie(s)
ElTioLaVara was saying:
Vegeta Castaño?
holajose was saying:
ElTioLaVara escribió: Vegeta Castaño?
sera por la iluminacion?
sera por la iluminacion?
Lo siento, no te ofendas, pero... ¿es esta la primera página que lees de DBM Colors? Vegeta siempre tuvo el cabello ligeramente castaño en nuestra versión. Consulta páginas más antiguas. No tiene nada que ver con la iluminación.
Ich finde ja die Reaktion schon etwas krass überzogen. Sofort beleidigen und den Tod wünschen. XD
Naja, irgendwie schienen mir diese Saiyajins bisher zu nett zu sein, daher passt das schon denke ich. ^^
Yamoshi Story page 11
Naja, irgendwie schienen mir diese Saiyajins bisher zu nett zu sein, daher passt das schon denke ich. ^^
kkk was saying:
Now that you're approaching the end of this chapter, where the original first 10 pages are supposed to happen, let's see how you handle it.
Ammar was saying: Also, if you pay attention to details, you should notice the difference about the last two panels. :)
The lines on Vegetto's face are red because those are his blood, while those on Broly's are black because he can't be injured?
I was wondering about Broly's invincibility in this fight before. I guess the black lines on him are just dirt, not an indication that he's hurt.
Ammar was saying: Also, if you pay attention to details, you should notice the difference about the last two panels. :)
The lines on Vegetto's face are red because those are his blood, while those on Broly's are black because he can't be injured?
I was wondering about Broly's invincibility in this fight before. I guess the black lines on him are just dirt, not an indication that he's hurt.
I already answered you about this almost 2 months ago.
We will not include those pages from the start. Mainly because they are colored in a different style than ours, so it would be a huge break in style if we suddenly include them. And it only shows some different angles. No need to include that. If you want to read it, just go to the original Comic. 1 Replie(s)
SSJ ist vollkommen unnötig, genau wie bei Gohan. Radditz hat sein gesamtes Potenzial entfesselt. SSJ wäre eher kontraproduktiv, da es ihn sogar noch Energie kostet, aber nicht stärker macht. Dasselbe hat Old Kai aber auch schon in DBZ zu Gohan gesagt. Das ist ja der gesamte Grundgedanke hinter dem Mystic Ritual. Quasi ein Cheat Code der dein gesamtes Potenzial in der Base Form freilegt, weshalb Verwandlungen unnötig sind.
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2365
Ryuzaki_Doragon was saying:
Karaditz oder Kakaritz wäre ja noch halbwegs wohlklingend, aber kakaditz?
Kakaritz klingt meiner Meinung nach alles andere als wohlklingend. Eher komplett falsch. XD
Karaditz klingt auch seltsam. Kakaditz vereint immerhin beide Hälften von deren Namen.
Alternativ können wir ja eine hypothetische Tanz-Fusion der Beiden einfach Radotto/Radarotto nennen. :D
WukongTheMighty was saying:
Your nickel was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
You know, you could just join their team if it's that easy to you. Sounds like they'd appreciate the help.
ZenBuu was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.
But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you.
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments
I value my free time much too highly for that.
DrewSaga was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
Not really. You still have to pick out the colors and gradients deliberately or your gonna have things look extremely weird and just straight up bad. And for shading and lighting you have to be very deliberate on those two parts or it will look bad. And don't count on AI for that yet (or ever really). And yes, ink costs are another big factor, but that doesn't stop a lot of DC and Marvel comics from being in color.
Yes almost as if WSJ is 500 pages long and your average comic is 20 pages long lmao
Also even with all that in mind it's still easy.
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
You know, you could just join their team if it's that easy to you. Sounds like they'd appreciate the help.
ZenBuu was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.
But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you.
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments
I value my free time much too highly for that.
DrewSaga was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
Not really. You still have to pick out the colors and gradients deliberately or your gonna have things look extremely weird and just straight up bad. And for shading and lighting you have to be very deliberate on those two parts or it will look bad. And don't count on AI for that yet (or ever really). And yes, ink costs are another big factor, but that doesn't stop a lot of DC and Marvel comics from being in color.
Yes almost as if WSJ is 500 pages long and your average comic is 20 pages long lmao
Also even with all that in mind it's still easy.
Oh my god, you are very funny dude. Your high horse attitude just reached a new height, congrats. Now I really want to see a colored page from you exactly in our style. Until tomorrow if possible, because it's so easy according to you. ;)
It's so easy, but you value your free time way to highly to "waste time" for this. So you do realize how time consuming this is? If it's so easy, you can do it very fast, so you don't waste much time coloring, huh? It took me some years to get to the level I'm at today, so what you say is total bullshit. Also you keep forgetting we don't get paid!!! How the hell do you compare us to paid magazines? Ridiculous.
I would go as far to say that if you know exactly what you are doing/have to do, it may be somewhat "easy". Or when you just do the flat colors, not including the shadings, lightnings, special effects and backgrounds...
Those things require some good knowledge how shading and contrasts works in the first place and this certainly can't be done by everyone (trust me, I've seen many cases where that mattered). You don't even know how difficult it is to find new colorists who can help us applying the same quality standard that we have set. And let's not forget, doing all that for free, which is mostly the biggest factor. Not many people want to put all their heart into this project, just to read comments like yours where you basically play down all the work and effort put into this or that greedy comment from "J.I.L".
Your nickel was saying:
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments
Thank you very much! Well it's basically always the same people who complain here and they complain about nearly everything anyway. Doesn't make it less annoying, but whatever.
DrewSaga was saying:
WukongTheMighty was saying: Your nickel was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
You know, you could just join their team if it's that easy to you. Sounds like they'd appreciate the help.
ZenBuu was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.
But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you.
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments
I value my free time much too highly for that.
DrewSaga was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
Not really. You still have to pick out the colors and gradients deliberately or your gonna have things look extremely weird and just straight up bad. And for shading and lighting you have to be very deliberate on those two parts or it will look bad. And don't count on AI for that yet (or ever really). And yes, ink costs are another big factor, but that doesn't stop a lot of DC and Marvel comics from being in color.
Yes almost as if WSJ is 500 pages long and your average comic is 20 pages long lmao
Also even with all that in mind it's still easy.
How does this disprove anything I said? The fact that most WSJs are in black and white and those comics are in color is because of the fact that most of those comics are around 20 Pages and WSJs are 500+ Pages.
And how many pages is DBM at excluding Specials, 1600? 1800 maybe? And this is Page 200.
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
You know, you could just join their team if it's that easy to you. Sounds like they'd appreciate the help.
ZenBuu was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.
But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you.
In spite of the complainers, I just want to say most of us here really do appreciate the work you guys put into this. I hope that's not getting tainted by those kinds of comments
I value my free time much too highly for that.
DrewSaga was saying: WukongTheMighty was saying: DrewSaga was saying: J.I.L was saying: I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
Because coloring pages (as well as shading and lighting) is way harder than you think. Why do you think a lot of manga is done in black and white usually other than to save time so that more pages can be made?
It's pretty easy to color, actually lmao. The reason wsj is in black and white is because costs. It's a long magazine and full color is expensive.
All comicbooks are full color.
Coloring is in truth an extremely easy job. Especially with modern image editing software.
Not really. You still have to pick out the colors and gradients deliberately or your gonna have things look extremely weird and just straight up bad. And for shading and lighting you have to be very deliberate on those two parts or it will look bad. And don't count on AI for that yet (or ever really). And yes, ink costs are another big factor, but that doesn't stop a lot of DC and Marvel comics from being in color.
Yes almost as if WSJ is 500 pages long and your average comic is 20 pages long lmao
Also even with all that in mind it's still easy.
How does this disprove anything I said? The fact that most WSJs are in black and white and those comics are in color is because of the fact that most of those comics are around 20 Pages and WSJs are 500+ Pages.
And how many pages is DBM at excluding Specials, 1600? 1800 maybe? And this is Page 200.
I'm pretty sure that there are more special pages than DBM main chapter pages. Should be still more than 1000 pages. That took us like 10 years to color and we even stopped at Goku vs Uub to finish the older Gogeta Jr. pages first, that was almost 3 years ago by now...just saiyan. 1 Replie(s)
The Mighty Hyena was saying:
Come on. This whole thing is irrelevant.
— ----
I am just here to enjoy the BS fest that this is going to be.
— ----
I am just here to enjoy the BS fest that this is going to be.
Kinda contradicting, but hey. Frankly...just don't read it then, if it's so irrelevant for you and if you are only going to potentially shit on this special in future pages.
thebritwriter was saying:
Sorry, did someone just upload an abridged version because it’s so wildly out of place that I honestly thought I was reading something else.
‘Apple looks bad so I’ll crush it or even bin it’
Person’s reaction ‘Oh you ruined everything and hope you die’ from the stall where you are selling to potential customers.
Also so we can have a slip a hint for him to investigate or take the story elsewhere.
It’s silly, you could have had her play it off or be bemused but secretly she’s angry and it’ll be more effective.
‘Apple looks bad so I’ll crush it or even bin it’
Person’s reaction ‘Oh you ruined everything and hope you die’ from the stall where you are selling to potential customers.
Also so we can have a slip a hint for him to investigate or take the story elsewhere.
It’s silly, you could have had her play it off or be bemused but secretly she’s angry and it’ll be more effective.
Just keep reading and eventually you will get the answer why she reacted like she did. That being said, yes this was an overreaction. But you'll see why later.
Tribun Erset was saying:
Przed nami jeszcze wiele stron walki, także przekonamy się. Choć osobiście uważam, że są w tym komiksie walki, które bardziej zasługują na rozwinięcie w kolorze. ^^
Niestety tworzenie stron bonusowych wymaga dużo pracy i w tej chwili po prostu nie mamy na to czasu. Ledwo udaje nam się wszystko pokolorować na czas.
J.I.L was saying:
I don't get it. There's yet to be any new panel/bonus scenes. So... why has it been only 3 days a week, lately?
I dont get it. Are you seriously asking this again? Can you be any more greedy? See extra pages as a bonus, not a given. Take what you get and do not demand stuff, period. You obviously have no clue how long it takes to only color a single page. As others have said, we also have our fulltime jobs and families to take care of. We do this for fun, in our free time...unpaid. Creating extra pages is a lot of work and consumes a lot of time. And just on a side note, at the moment we are only 2 active people on the coloring team, HomolaGábor and me.
But how about you give us a hand? Then you don't have to complain like you do all the time. But probably you would still complain anyway, since it would be too much work for you. 1 Replie(s)
Leute... ich habe es bereits mehrfach gesagt, aber wiederhole es gerne. Sind wir mal ehrlich und das sage ich als Buu fanboy. Zen Buu wird nicht zurückkehren. Das ist wirklich mehr als unwahrscheinlich in meinen Augen. Das einzige Szenario in dem das passieren würde, wäre wenn die Vargas in zurückholen, eventuell um gegen XXI zu helfen. Von selbst wird er U0 nicht finden, das hat die letzte von ihm in U4 mehr als deutlich gemacht.
Buu war einfach zu OP und wenn du Charaktere da hast, die einfach alles mit einem Schnippsen rückgängig machen können, fällt es schwer richtige Spannung mit Konsequenzen aufzubauen. Deshalb muss auch Gast irgendwie verschwinden. Ich glaube ja immer noch das XXI ihn einfach defusioniert. Sein Wunsch wäre damit erfüllt und Gast aus dem Bild für den finalen Arc. Allerdings wird er das wohl nicht freiwillig zulassen, da er XXI sicherlich misstraut und ebenso eine Herausforderung mag.
Fehlt nur noch, dass er mit dem Daumen auf sich zeigt. XD
DB Multiverse page 2364
Buu war einfach zu OP und wenn du Charaktere da hast, die einfach alles mit einem Schnippsen rückgängig machen können, fällt es schwer richtige Spannung mit Konsequenzen aufzubauen. Deshalb muss auch Gast irgendwie verschwinden. Ich glaube ja immer noch das XXI ihn einfach defusioniert. Sein Wunsch wäre damit erfüllt und Gast aus dem Bild für den finalen Arc. Allerdings wird er das wohl nicht freiwillig zulassen, da er XXI sicherlich misstraut und ebenso eine Herausforderung mag.
debu was saying:
Derlei Sprüche gingen zumindest für "unseren" Vegeta jedenfalls selten gut aus. xD
Fehlt nur noch, dass er mit dem Daumen auf sich zeigt. XD
Super Gojita 3 was saying:
The art is gorgeous. but the coloring is amazingly well done.
Thanks mate! Glad you like it! :)
Infernape2244 was saying:
Ok Panel 3 finde ich echt geil von den Farben. Gute Arbeit.
Danke! Tatsächlich ist diese Seite eine meiner Lieblingseiten dieses Kapitels, oder sogar vom ganzen Kampf!
Infernape2244 was saying:
ZenBuu sagte: Infernape2244 sagte: ZenBuu sagte: Infernape2244 sagte: ZenBuu sagte: Was für ne Wahl? Hat er vergessen, dass er 100 Seiten darüber geschwafelt hat Tambo zu töten? XD
Korrigier mich wenn ich falsch liege, aber am Anfang wollte er doch Tambo auf seine Seite ziehen oder nicht?
Denke er hat es so gemeint im Sinne von "Du bist nicht für mich also hab ich keine Wahl als dich zu töten".
Nein, er wollte zuerst das Tambo freiwillig mit ihm kommt, nur um dann eine Rede zu halten, wie wichtig es doch ist, dass er Tambo töten muss. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt hat er irgendwie versucht Tambo auf seine Seite zu ziehen. Er hätte ihn zwar auch sofort töten können, aber er wollte sich ja Zeit dafür nehmen.
Super Namek Piccolo sagte: „Du hast mir keine Wahl gelassen“
Damit meint er, dass er keine andere Möglichkeit mehr hatte als diese „verbotene“ Technik zu benutzen. Vor der Nutzung entschuldigt er sich beim Herrn der Kraniche. Also quasi „keine andere Wahl mehr gehabt“ als die Kiko Kanone zu benutzen.
Ich vermute Mal, niemand hat die Fähigkeit gemeistert und da sie Lebenskraft verbraucht, wurde sie verboten.
Das ist mir schon klar, ich wollte mich nur ein wenig darüber lustig machen, denn so wie er es formuliert, könnte man denken er wollte Tambo retten, statt ihn zu töten. XD
Ah okay dann hatte ich das falsch in Erinnerung. Muss glaub ich das Kapitel wenn es durch ist nochmal lesen. Bin sowieso über die Länge des Kapitels verblüfft. Es ist ja schon doppelt so lang wie die anderen.
So viele Seiten kommen jetzt gar nicht mehr von diesem Kapitel, ich glaube es sind circa 20. Aber du hast recht, dieses Kapitel ist das längste vom ganzen Comic mit 122 Seiten. Die letzten beiden Kapitel 6 und 7 sind dann wieder etwas kürzer. Kann es momentan kaum erwarten neuen Content von Goten-Kun zu bekommen, denn ich kenne bereits das Ende von Namekseijin und 321y. Mir gefallen seine Stories sehr.
Ich kann euch aber verraten, dass wir hier zukünftig noch mehr Comics von ihm zu sehen bekommen! :)
Ui da bin ich aber gespannt. Spielen diese dann auch im selben Kosmos wie diese beiden Comics oder sind die dann wieder komplett eigenständig?
Korrigier mich wenn ich falsch liege, aber am Anfang wollte er doch Tambo auf seine Seite ziehen oder nicht?
Denke er hat es so gemeint im Sinne von "Du bist nicht für mich also hab ich keine Wahl als dich zu töten".
Nein, er wollte zuerst das Tambo freiwillig mit ihm kommt, nur um dann eine Rede zu halten, wie wichtig es doch ist, dass er Tambo töten muss. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt hat er irgendwie versucht Tambo auf seine Seite zu ziehen. Er hätte ihn zwar auch sofort töten können, aber er wollte sich ja Zeit dafür nehmen.
Super Namek Piccolo sagte: „Du hast mir keine Wahl gelassen“
Damit meint er, dass er keine andere Möglichkeit mehr hatte als diese „verbotene“ Technik zu benutzen. Vor der Nutzung entschuldigt er sich beim Herrn der Kraniche. Also quasi „keine andere Wahl mehr gehabt“ als die Kiko Kanone zu benutzen.
Ich vermute Mal, niemand hat die Fähigkeit gemeistert und da sie Lebenskraft verbraucht, wurde sie verboten.
Das ist mir schon klar, ich wollte mich nur ein wenig darüber lustig machen, denn so wie er es formuliert, könnte man denken er wollte Tambo retten, statt ihn zu töten. XD
Ah okay dann hatte ich das falsch in Erinnerung. Muss glaub ich das Kapitel wenn es durch ist nochmal lesen. Bin sowieso über die Länge des Kapitels verblüfft. Es ist ja schon doppelt so lang wie die anderen.
So viele Seiten kommen jetzt gar nicht mehr von diesem Kapitel, ich glaube es sind circa 20. Aber du hast recht, dieses Kapitel ist das längste vom ganzen Comic mit 122 Seiten. Die letzten beiden Kapitel 6 und 7 sind dann wieder etwas kürzer. Kann es momentan kaum erwarten neuen Content von Goten-Kun zu bekommen, denn ich kenne bereits das Ende von Namekseijin und 321y. Mir gefallen seine Stories sehr.
Ich kann euch aber verraten, dass wir hier zukünftig noch mehr Comics von ihm zu sehen bekommen! :)
Ui da bin ich aber gespannt. Spielen diese dann auch im selben Kosmos wie diese beiden Comics oder sind die dann wieder komplett eigenständig?
Also ich weiß von Dragon Ball Ankoku, was mehr oder weniger dasselbe What If Szenario ist wie U13 in DBM, aber mit über 400 Seiten! Goku verletzt sich nie am Kopf und bleibt böse. Tatsächlich war das Ende von Part 2 von Namekseijin ursprünglich mal gedacht, eine Verknüpfung zu DB Ankoku herzustellen, Goten-kun hatte das aber nochmal geändert, um Part 3 von Namekseijin zu zeichnen. Auch meinte er, dass er dort einiges nochmal ausbessern muss, bevor es hier auf der Website erscheinen wird. Wer mal reinschauen will, ist aber nur französisch.
Davor soll es wohl noch ein What-If Szenario geben, worüber ich allerdings keine Infos habe. Da müssen wir uns überraschen lassen. :)
Salz was saying:
Hey ich hab ein Edit auf Tiktok hochgeladen bzw. jetzt schon das 3. In denen ich ein paar Seiten von DBM zeige.. Ist das überhaupt erlaubt frage ich mich?! Hab in den Tags angegeben, dass das DBM ist usw. Aber noch nicht explizit darauf hingewiesen.. Hier mal der Link zu dem Video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeGcNjXV, wenn jemand mal schauen will.. sagt mir aber auch ehrlich was ihr davon halten würdet?
Ich würde gerne nochmal auf Regel #6 hinweisen. Lasse das jetzt mal so stehen, aber für die Zukunft, gerade da dies dein erster Kommentar war...
Werbungen in den Kommentaren werden auch nicht mehr toleriert. Auch nicht nur einmal. Auch wenn du dich das erste Mal vorstellst. Auch wenn es um DBZ geht. Auch wenn sie kurz sind. Dafür gibt es die Sektion "Partnerseiten". Poste keine Links, außer, es hat direkt mit der aktuellen DBM-Seite zu tun.
So und auf der nächsten Seite werdet ihr auch den Namen dieser Fusion erfahren. Radotto, Radarotto, Kakitz, Kakaditz. Sucht euch was aus. :)
Sollte sich das jetzt wirklich alles nur imaginär in Old Kais Kopf abspielen, warum stellt er sich dann Nappa's Reaktion so detailliert vor?
Oder anders gefragt, was genau macht an diesem Szenario bisher keinen Sinn?
Die Textbox vom Kapitel Cover wurde nochmal geändert, falls ihr es nicht mitbekommen habt. Da steht jetzt "vor einiger Zeit" statt "Vor einer Stunde", dass war ein Fehler von Salagir. Dieses Szenario hier spielt jetzt gerade nach IKL. Denn wie bereits erwähnt, war dieser noch zugegen bei dem IKL Vorfall. Nach Page 2359 kam entweder ein Zeitsprung, oder das passiert alles nicht wirklich. Was ich sehr schade finden würde tbh
Warum trägt Vegeta überhaupt noch sein Cape? Page 2270...hat er es wieder angelegt um mit ein wenig Würde zu sterben?
Auch geil das er erstmal Tee gemacht hat. XD ich mag die Fusion jetzt schon! :D
Mugetsu was saying:
Oh sh*t xD Soll das ein Schatten sein ?
Das ist der Schatten von Vegeta's Rachen.
buuu was saying:
Nahro sagte: buuu sagte: Im fenster im letzten panel sieht es so aus als ob jemand zuschaut. Vielleicht der Elder kai?
Sieht mir eher nach Vegetas Spiegelbild aus.
Aber es ist so klein. Ein bischen wie kirby finde ich. Ausserdem ist da noch eine art flamme in einem kasten zu sehen (meine sicht)
Sieht mir eher nach Vegetas Spiegelbild aus.
Aber es ist so klein. Ein bischen wie kirby finde ich. Ausserdem ist da noch eine art flamme in einem kasten zu sehen (meine sicht)
Es ist definitiv Vegeta's Spiegelbild. 1 Replie(s)
Uzurper was saying:
Does anyone know where this thing is from?
BangBang was saying:
Uzurper was saying: Does anyone know where this thing is from?
Digimon, I think.
Digimon, I think.
That's not a Digimon, that's a Pokemon called Chansey. 2 Replie(s)
Panel 2 sieht mal richtig geil aus. Probs von mir!
Leider ist nicht der gesamte Comic in Farbe. :( 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 4
Leider ist nicht der gesamte Comic in Farbe. :( 1 Replie(s)
Also Gast is stronger than a SSJ3.
Gast's power has little to no consistency, but his raw power does not seem to exceed SSJ3 tier based on his performance against Ghost Vegeta and Broly. It is his magic that receives hyper-focus and makes him such a danger to all.
Also Gast is stronger than a SSJ3. If Janemba is the same power level like in the movie, he would've crushed him already. Unless Gast wants to hold back again for a challenge.
That’s not what was said about Janemba. He’s formed ”entirely by evil”, not by all evil of U5. So the concept is exactly the same as in the movie so far. Obviously he can be however strong the story needs him to be just like any other non-canon character here, but until we get confirmation of that, of course people will scale him according to the movie.
Also, Gast is not outright stronger than ssj3 in raw power, that much is clear from his performance against ssj3 Vegeta. And the Movie Janemba was clearly ssj3 tier himself, and together with his hax abilities was able to beat Goku quite quickly.
So Gast vs Movie Janemba’s power is actually very good matchup since Gast can’t use his op magic against him
Gast killed Hatchiyack, who should be, again, stronger just by logic. He was formed of all hatred from Raichis ghosts. You don't want to tell me this Hatchiyack was weaker than SSJ3 Vegeta? That doesn't make much sense.
Gast is known to hold back, we have clearly seen that with Piccolo Daimao. Piccolo also managed to land some hits on Gast there, does that mean Gast is weaker than him? No. He clearly says he wants some kind of challenge. Before his "fight" with Son Bra, he basically stated she is stronger than him in terms of raw power. And even then he planned to hold back against her at first. So personally I would cap him somewhere around Mystic Gohan and SSJ1 Bra.
What I want to say is, that he probably held back against SSJ3 Vegeta too, until Broly popped up and they tag team combo his ass.
Although I have to say that his desire for a challenge is in a big contrast to his desire to get a wish from the DBs to separate himself. He should prioritise his wish over a challenge in my opinion. He took a big risk against Raichi. Hopefully he doesn't do the same in this fight again. 1 Replie(s)