DB Multiverse

Member page of   Frorenst

Frorenst is part of the DBMultiverse team.
  • Draw pages!!
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Frorenst 15 April
Hello, after page 102, I will put this comic on a hiatus for personal reasons.

kkk was saying:
Rodriog was saying: Gohan have been ban for multiverse for racist tweets on the past
Is retard a racist word? I thought it only means the person is stupid. (I'm not a native speaker)

It's not racist, it has nothing to do with race. It is ableist though and quite offensive to some people so don't use it at home! :P
DB Blancoverse page 100
Frorenst 15 March
Néa Archi was saying:
Frorenst, at the beginning you were inspired by Kakumei for your style, but it's been a certain number of pages that I no longer recognize this style, especially the faces, have you changed your style or is it a natural evolution (that I find it very quickly) of your style? In any case I find that your comic strip moves away from the DB style

Eh bien, pour commencer, avec ce chapitre, j'ai basculé mes appareils de Clip Studio sur un ordinateur avec une tablette (sans écran) vers Procreate sur iPad où je peux réellement voir l'écran sur lequel je dessine. J'ai donc dû réapprendre ma pratique.

A part ça mon style évolue assez vite car... je n'ai pas de style. Je dessine simplement comme j'aime, et ce que j'aime change constamment. Je pense qu'un changement majeur est dû au fait que j'ai récemment lu des mangas seinen comme Jojo et Berserk depuis le début de ce fancomic, et cela m'a fait réaliser que j'aime les dessins plus détaillés, pas les dessins rapides de la plupart des mangas shonen.

Quand je dessine, je dis : « c'est comme ça que je l'aime aujourd'hui » et non « c'est comme ça que ça devrait être ». Demain, je pourrais l'aimer différemment, donc je suis toujours ouvert à changer ma façon de faire. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 93
Frorenst 26 February
Lo-Linku was saying:
Is it possible to have this page in color without the bubbles please? She is magnificent

j'ai fait un coloriage du premier panneau, mais je n'ai pas le temps de faire le reste.

[img] 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 88
Frorenst 25 February
Q: Why does Goku have Black hair here?

He uses True Ultra Instinct, a "new" form of Ultra Instinct revealed in the Granolah saga where Goku can use his emotions to help him fight more effectively. Better than the, also black haired, 'Ultra Instinct -Sign-,' and perhaps more suited to him than the silver haired 'Perfected Ultra Instinct.' Now, is True UI stronger than Perfect UI for Goku? Find out the answer in the next exciting episode of DBB!
When I did my research I found mixed opinions on this. Some say True UI is stronger based on feats and logic because it allowed him to totally overwhelm Gas when PUI couldn't do anything. They also believe there is a so-called True-Perfect UI that Goku used unconsciously at one point, which rectifies Goku using the supposedly weaker and more taxing PUI against Gohan Beast in the recent Chapter 102 of the DBS manga. Others follow the narrations that tell us that True UI does not make him stronger but only allows him to use his emotions to fight better, which implies that PUI is still stronger physically, but not as efficient in fighting. Indeed it's kind of confusing, lol.

But artistically the reason is because I find it nicer to have a contrast between the fighters, the light fights the dark.

f60outrunn was saying:
Is Gohan in Beast mode here? it looks like he is a regular SSJ?

What is Beast mode? He is not Oozaru here. This is Gohan Blanco. Looks like SSJ yes, but his hair is white not yellow! Totally different! 3 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 88
Frorenst 19 February
team gast was saying:
Quiza pregunto esto muy tarde pero donde chucha esta broly?

Eliminé esta información del guión porque retrasaría innecesariamente la pelea, así que lo diré aquí:

Está haciendo algunos recados para Whis. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 86
Frorenst 18 February
The Gohan Beast vs Ultra Instinct fight roughly coinciding with the start of the fight here is quite surprising indeed! Based on what I see in the manga, the fight in this comic is quite different. So you can enjoy having two interpretations! 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 86
Frorenst 10 February
MeMeOrMe was saying:
guilarai said:
DBS and the dilation of durations! XD
DBS pfffffff...

on travaille avec ce qu'on a ! :D
DB Blancoverse page 83
Frorenst 10 February
AceVary was saying:
Haven't seen him in years??

theSSJguy was saying:
AceVary was saying: Haven't seen him in years??
Yeah what’s that all about??

Superhero takes place 3 years after the granola saga, and in DBS chapter 101 (although not canon to this comic since it was published after I wrote this) Goku says "It's been too long!" when he visits Gohan at the end of the chapter, indicating that he has not seen him for a very long time. Even still, in the End of Z chapters of DBZ, Goku did not meet Bulma for 5 years and was perfectly fine not communicating with his son or family for 7 years in the afterlife, when he DOES have the ability to do so with King Kai's help. So it's not unreasonable for him to go through long periods of having 0 contact with certain people.

But anyway, the point of this page is actually to make fun of this exact bit of oversight in DBS' story/Goku's characterization. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 83
Frorenst 29 January
Wendigo was saying:

So I saw the film, but in fact, I would never have understood that it was this passage that I had to have in mind. Probably, in my humble opinion, we should have had an image of Cell Max before?

Peut-être avez-vous raison, lorsque je faisais du storyboard, je ne voulais pas vraiment faire ça parce que je ne voulais pas faire trop de redessins à partir du film.

J'aurais peut-être dû écrire plus clairement dans la narration "il y a 1 semaine, après le combat avec Cell Max"
DB Blancoverse page 80
Frorenst 29 January
Wendigo was saying:
Um, what's really going on?
We see Gohan and Piccolo go into space and suddenly, Gohan/Piccolo/Krilin/C18 are fleeing an explosion then presto Gohan, dirty from a fight, is with his daughter.

I don't understand if it's happening at the same time, if there's a vision of the future (is that new?), or if it's something else :/

Page 76, coin inférieur droit : Texte indiquant il y a 1 semaine. La page à l'extérieur des panneaux devient noire, ce qui indique visuellement qu'il s'agit d'un flashback.

Pour l'ordre des actions de Gohan, référez-vous au chapitre 100 du manga DBS. Ou regardez les 5 dernières minutes du film DBS Superhero. Il échappe à l'explosion du cadavre de Cell Max. Puis la bataille est terminée, il détransforme embrasse Pan.
DB Blancoverse page 80
Frorenst 27 January
mich.sp was saying:
I understand that the character, due to his status and power, allows for deep developments but I will never understand how in most fanmangas Whis is someone serious and concerned about the universe, in Super he would be more worried about the food that Bulma will offer him than by Gohan xD

Es cierto que esto no es propio de Whis. En el manga de DBS, Whis no tenía idea de lo que estaba sucediendo en la Tierra y no tenía conocimiento sobre el poder de Gohan.

Sin embargo, me tomo la libertad porque hace que la historia sea más interesante, en lugar de dejarlo como un personaje de broma despistado. Incluso si puede ser un poco nervioso xd 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 79
Frorenst 26 January
Rodriog was saying:
Did you travel 5,000,000,000,000 Light Years just to be told that?

Don't they have space WhatsApp or something like that?

Quizás no esté claro, aquí están hablando telepáticamente. El Grande Padre aparece en su mente. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 79
Frorenst 21 January
Kanyon was saying:
"Glad to see you back and hope you had a good relaxing break.

Thanks, I really didn't draw for this comic for 3 weeks XD.
DB Blancoverse page 77
Frorenst 15 January
AceVary was saying:
Anyone else loving this? ^_^ (anyone else have to zoom in on this to read those two lines?)

I made the text slightly smaller overall to avoid it taking too much space over the arts (from size 14 -> size 12), which was one critique I got on the last chapter. For spreads it indeed gets especially small, so you'll have to zoom in if your monitor isn't so big.
DB Blancoverse page 76
Frorenst 14 January
Néa Archi was saying:
I recognize Frorenst's paste but since I have never seen a drawing by Ammar, I would like to know what exactly he did in this drawing :o

il a fait les aplats avant d'ombrager. C'est un processus simple mais cela prend du temps, donc moins d'effort pour moi au final :D 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 119
Frorenst 23 December
J.I.L was saying:
You're saying artist voluntary chose and tell these stories? Nah. I thought it was saligir who gives the orders of what stories to commission and do.

There's a list. If an artist wants to do a special he chooses from that list. Most of the special chapters are not planned (when to release them) so there's no priority of which to tell. According to Ouv, the schedule for special chapters next year is still unknown. It depends on whatever is finished by the cartoonists. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2281
Frorenst 11 December
La dernière page du chapitre 2 !

Et cela signifie aussi une pause, et cette fois-ci c'est un peu plus long. Je vous rappelle que j'ai eu une pause d'une semaine entre le chapitre 1 et le chapitre 2. Cette fois, ce sera environ 2-3 semaines, jusqu'à début janvier. Alors à l'année prochaine ! 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 74
Frorenst 11 December
The last page of chapter 2!

And that also means a break, and this time it is a bit longer. I remind you I had a 1 week break in the space between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. This time it will be about 2-3 weeks, until the beginning of January. So see you next year!

Q: Where is the oxygen?

Like @MisterDragonBall says, it's miniaturized! Dr Hedo incorporates Capsule Corp tech in his new inventions! 2 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 74
Frorenst 9 December
Acacia Avenue was saying:
No ok qua è abbstanza deludente... Non mi aspettavo fosse un semplice problema di ossigeno, dovrebbero avere impedimenti anche a livello di pressione e temperatura... Oddio la HTC forse quelle temperature ce le ha quindi almeno da quel lato dovrebbero compensare.
Il discorso resta sempre che una tuta spaziale avanzata dovrebbe risolvere tutto... Sempre se regga il viaggio alle loro velocità.

C'è un problemino di leggi della fisica però... 12 ore di viaggio significa che il pianeta di Beerus è a 12 ore luce dalla Terra. Possibile?

Poi scusa, propulsione "da dentro" di un'astronave... In che senso? Vogliono uscire nei motori e sparare attacchi di Ki all'indietro? Sempre il problema di dover stare nello spazio c'è.

1. La funzione di una tuta spaziale è consentire all'utente di rimanere in vita nello spazio. Quindi, anche se quelle altre cose fossero un problema per questi superumani divini, sarebbero comunque coperti dalla tuta spaziale.

2. Si muovono più veloci della luce... non pensarci.

3. Qualcuno nella sezione commenti francese lo aveva previsto. Ero sorpreso. Ciò che intendevo è che rimangono all'interno della nave e avvolgono il loro ki attorno alla nave dall'interno, proprio come un combattente potrebbe avere il ki attorno ai propri vestiti per renderlo più resistente. Volavano quindi come farebbero normalmente, ma portavano con sé la nave, come se la nave stessa fosse i loro vestiti. Avrei voluto far parlare Piccolo più a lungo qui ma il testo occupa già troppo spazio, e l'idea viene comunque scartata. Essenzialmente la stessa soluzione di avere una tuta spaziale, ma troppo complicata.

Ancora 1 pagina rimasta! 3 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 73
Frorenst 8 December
Apocalipticototal was saying:
If Gas managed to get from one end of the universe to the other in a few minutes, undoubtedly Gohan blanco and orange Piccolo can reach Beerus' planet in an hour or a little more.

Well...WHAAAT? Frorents, don't you know that Hedo was born in 758? I mean, he's a year younger than Gohan, what wrong guide or page have you read to say that Hedo was born in 754?

It's not very important anyway...

I remember going to the dbz fandom wiki to do research on the character and it said 754. I swear to god I double-checked and that's why I included it because the factoid startled me, but now it says 759 (so you are also a little wrong, lol). I checked the edit history of the Dr Hedo page it turns out this memory is totally untrue, even dating back to before I wrote this chapter it said 759. I don't know if I'm stupid or this is some kind of Mandela effect, but whatever, the result is that Hedo is older than Gohan in Blancoverse and we will stick to it! XD

I wonder if this will break someone's immersion for this comic, but I already changed small details from Superhero anyway (Goku's clothes is End of Z now). I'll also say that Blancoverse is meant to be sort of an AU fiction, that is close but not quite with canon. 2 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 73
Frorenst 6 December
Goku Metz was saying:
lolware disait : Goku Metz disait : Vous oubliez que non seulement ils peuvent pas respirer dans l'espace mais aussi ils font une tenue de cosmonaute ou une sorte d'armure pour ne pas succomber au zéro absolu dans l'espace aucun organisme vivant ne peut survivre moins d'une minute. A part Broly et les membres des démons du froid c'est les rares à ne pas en avoir besoin de respirer et de pas craindre le froid de l'espace
L’espace n’est pas au zéro absolu, mais quelques degrés au dessus du fait des rayonnements qui le baignent, et comme il n’y a quasiment pas de matière, il n’y a presque pas de transfert de chaleur. Survie selon la NASA: jusqu’à 90 secondes.


Aussi, on a vu Goku se battre contre Beerus dans l’espace sans trop en souffrir, si mes souvenirs sont bons, alors…

Oui mais ils semblent que les dieux n'ont aucun problème pour respirer dans l'espace et ne pas avoir froid même Goku quand il est SSJG

Eh bien, l'aura de SSG est le feu, alors peut-être que cela aide.

Et pour expliquer que Goku soit capable de respirer dans l'espace lors de son combat avec Beerus, il existe de nombreuses couches de l'atmosphère terrestre. Cela va jusqu'à 600 km, ce qui correspond bien à ce que l'on pourrait considérer comme « l'espace ». Donc Goku a encore accès à un tout petit peu d'oxygène là-bas, et quant à la façon dont ils sont capables de fonctionner avec si peu d'oxygène... eh bien, ce sont des surhumains XD
DB Blancoverse page 72
Frorenst 6 December
nonno was saying:
Imbarazzante. Solo per farci dire che i personaggi sono OP, ci troviamo a delle stupidate cosmiche.

1. Gohan come fa a sapere la posizione di qualcosa di cui fino a poco tempo fa non sapeva nemmeno l'esistenza. Fa persino DELLE STIME. LoL.
2. Con la stessa velocità da loro rappresentata i personaggi potrebbero essere ovunque, nel giro di 1 decimo di secondo (se impieghi 2 h ad andare a un luogo che è a MILIARDI di distanza, raggiungere qualcosa che è MIGLIAIA risulta un niente.
3. Sanno fare tutto, ma non sanno che esistono bombole dell'ossigeno! XD XD XD.
4. Che bello Dragon Ball Super!

PS so benissimo che DB non è scientifico, ma è la base di un fumetto decente, quello di fornire elementi che siano verosimili, l'assurdo lo lasciamo alle opere demenziali o quelle scritte male COME QUESTO.

Per il punto numero 1, è facile immaginare che Bulma abbia mostrato a Gohan una mappa con la posizione e la distanza dalla Terra poco prima di questa scena. E poi lui stesso ha calcolato quanto velocemente sarebbe potuto arrivare lì da solo, perché è un maledetto nerd. Ho ritenuto non necessario mostrarlo direttamente, perché lo scopo della scena è mostrare quale sarà il loro metodo di viaggio spaziale per il resto del fumetto, non Gohan che impara la cosmologia.

Per 2, sì, sarebbe molto facile per loro fare il giro della terra molte volte. Questo è qualcosa di coerente con il canone di Dragon Ball. Non vedo come questo possa criticare il mio lavoro. Forse il mio traduttore è infastidito.

Per 3, immagino di non averci pensato. Sicuramente mi hai portato lì!


Comunque colgo l'occasione per annunciare che questo capitolo termina con 2 pagine. Ci sarà poi una pausa fino all'inizio di gennaio, prima del capitolo 3. Mi spiace per il ritmo, non riesco a disegnare velocemente e sono appena passato a un altro tablet, il che lo ha reso ancora più difficile, ma ora sto iniziando ad abituarmi. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 72
Frorenst 27 November
Zarbon TFS was saying:
Jiren está se lembrando de El Hermano, parça do Gohan Blanco Calvo.

Outubro? uau, esses comentários são antigos. de qualquer forma, isso significa que você é um tradutor e se você se pergunta por que as páginas do próximo capítulo ainda não têm texto, é porque haverá uma pausa até o início de janeiro, quando este capítulo terminar. então darei os textos no final de dezembro :) 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 70
Frorenst 20 November
Faridprox was saying:
Gokusan925 was saying: Faridprox was saying: Gokusan925 was saying: Black Freezer? aguarda, este manga lleva planeandose desde hace poco entonces?

esto va después de super hero, ya había pasado la saga de granola así que es evidente que este black freezer, sabiendo que debuto antes que gohan beast y Orange piccolo

Black Freezer apareció en el manga en Agosto de 2022, y Super Hero se estreno en Junio, que estás diciendo? Si el creador mete a Black Freezer en su historia significa que la misma no está planeada desde el principio, espero no sea así
a enserio? perdón, mi error, aunque si fuera reciente o no, no sabemos cuanta repercusión haya sabiendo que de momento solo es una imagen de los más poderosos del universo 7, y al salir black Freezer no habría inconveniente en ponerlo

sabiendo como son las historias aquí, si es muy probable que se este haciendo sobre la marcha, o al menos un par de conceptos ya estarían hechos y al paso del tiempo van cambiando

Si quieres confiar en mi palabra:

Se me ocurrió la historia/trama completa después de que terminó el arco de Granolah el 31 de octubre de 2022 (sí, lo recordé y anoté el día exacto de la inspiración). Descubrí los detalles y amplié algunas cosas desde entonces, pero nada ha cambiado realmente en el panorama general. Por ejemplo, el final en sí no ha cambiado, pero la batalla anterior ha evolucionado mucho.

En definitiva esta historia ya estaba planeada hace un tiempo. Realmente es cuestión de cómo dibujarlo y hacerlo presentable XD 3 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 68
Frorenst 20 November
Sì, avevo promesso di fare una pagina colorata per ogni capitolo!

Moicy was saying:
Itan ha detto: Quello alla sinistra di Gohan è Goku?

Alla sua sinistra dici? Credo sia Broly, ma non ci giurerei.

Hai ragione, è Broly, quello coperto dall'ombra.
DB Blancoverse page 68
Frorenst 13 November
PrinceOfTheHood was saying:
DrewSaga was saying: Jeez Jiren, I don't think seeking power is gonna bring you true happiness nor the "truth" for that matter.

He is just the most extreme form of : I want to possess Strength SO GREAT that i can "always" protect everyone i can from any Evildoer possible - kind of Person.

His "Traumata" he had from his Past, with his Village destroyed or so - reminds me a tiny little bit of Goblin Slayer.

Jiren is firmly set on his Path, giving his all and his best so that this crap can never happen again under his watch. To reach his Goal, he is willing to do almost everything. He surely denies and refuses to go down a villainous Path, though.

I'd say he would go down a villainous path if it benefited him. Universe 11 is just justice-oriented. The strongest people are good guys, superheroes so he follows in their footsteps. Even when exposed to the multiverse the Universe 7 people are mostly good guys. So for him, based on empirical evidence, good is strength and evil is weakness. 2 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 66
Frorenst 3 November
CaptainKashup was saying:
The last few pages, including this one, is basically Liquid vs Ocelot from MGS4.
I'm not even complaining, as it is one of the greatest final "rival" fight ever made, just thought it was funny lol

I read about metal gear solid 4 (never played or know a slightest clue about it), and I find there is small but vocal criticism of it having very long cutscenes. Now its funny that most of the criticism of this goku vs vegeta fight is also about it being too long; this fight carries MGS4 not only in choreography but in how it impresses the reader! lol. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2263
Frorenst 1 November
Aspres was saying:
“If I wasn’t interested, maybe your speech wasn’t interesting”

DB Blancoverse page 62
Frorenst 31 October
kkk was saying:
vwishmwahuul was saying: You're Name was saying: Okaaaaay what

So he didn't really changed deep down after the tournament?
Was that speech just facade?

Could just be an outburst. Toppo and Jiren may be sworn allies but I can see them not having the best relationship outside of work. Also, is this after the tournament or a past event? I know they mentioned universe 7 but it seems like not knowing about other universes was something unique to 7. And during the tournament it was clear that Belmond had already selected him
If this comic follows chronological order, then this is after Gohan got his Blanco (or Beast) form, which is after the Tournament of Power.

I think I remember writing "meanwhile in Universe 11" in the transition page. 2 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 62
Frorenst 13 October
DrewSaga was saying:
Toppo: "Sorry, I am retiring from being a Warrior of Justice to being a Lord of Destruction so that I can be your enemy potentially and possibly Jiren putting me in my place."

I feel like the two are contradictory. This is something DBS never cleared up and I hoped this would too. Like what kind of superhero team is the Pride Troopers even that they are led by a guy planning to become a Destruction God (which would go against any decent sense of justice). They did call that group on the last page a terrorist group but that might be propaganda (since it's easy to justify murdering millions of innocent people by saying "we gotta stop the terrorists", after all, the worst terrorists on Earth today do just that) rather than them being an actual terrorist group (though that I wouldn't be sure of).

I guess Toppo got tired of all the paper work and didn't wanna tell anybody. Maybe he puts it all on Jiren (even though Jiren isn't leadership material)

KidTrunks was saying: Belsurs was saying: When the galaxy's chief of security runs off to join the circus

Not just any circus, the destruction circus

The Circus of Destruction.

In DBS the Gods of Destruction are not really villains (aside from universe 9, dunno whats up with them even their supreme kai is evil). Remember that Universe 7 has the third lowest mortal score = Beerus has done his job not so good. So destroying planets on a whim as Beerus displays in a sort of villainous act is not the norm. Universe 11 has the fourth highest mortal score, so Clown person is actually quite a good man. In the manga I believe it is implied he works with the Pride Troopers quite regularly and is on good terms, which is I guess exactly why Toppo is his chosen successor. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 57
Frorenst 9 October
Yamcha17 was saying:
Goku Metz said:Well, I find that the enemy looks like a certain “my name is Groot” no need to give the reference

I rather find that they look like Faceless (from Warcraft) without the tentacles.
And one of the Pride Troopers has the same hat as Tohru in Jojolion.

Three months of siege on the other hand, I find it short, either the Pride Troopers have cut off all sources of supply very well, or the extra-terrestrial race has prepared very poorly.

la référence est en fait celle-ci (avec quelques libertés) : https://aliens.fandom.com/wiki/Bug_Facer

et pour la durée des combats, la plupart des combats en db ne durent que quelques minutes :P
DB Blancoverse page 56
Frorenst 7 October
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying:
I think Toppo's arms should be a bit longer

AberrantDesign was saying:
Toppo looks really good in a suit! He seems a bit thinner than I remember though... Is that just me?

Yea, I drew him more thinner and taller than how he is in his official character sheet. His arms should probably be a bit bigger/longer. I would certainly exaggerate his design a bit more in future chapters, but for how he is more "humanlike!"

Let's say maybe he lost weight and improved his posture for some reason.
DB Blancoverse page 55
Frorenst 4 October
Finally dude, a big beam attack!
DB Multiverse page 2250
Frorenst 2 October
didd was saying:
c'est moi ou la fille au premier plan de la case 3, à 2 mains gauche ?

Oh no!
DB Blancoverse page 54
Frorenst 1 October
Hello, so now ends the first half of the chapter. That part was actually supposed to be taken mostly "off-screen," in my first scripts but I thought that it would be stupid to not give more drawings to the orange and white fight even if it's not so much. Now this next half is the main part to me and might as well be considered another chapter entirely.
DB Blancoverse page 54
Frorenst 1 October
Acacia Avenue was saying:
Frorenst ha detto: Acacia Avenue ha detto: Gohan talking like that with a smile on his face... God, I think it's a little out of character. It could be more or less the same arrogance inherited from his father that he showed against Buutenks that is resurfacing, or it could be a consequence of the transformation as this fan manga wants to understand it, but this "confidence" in general Gohan has never had .

è semplicemente felice di trovare una direzione nella sua piccola ricerca

A little clarification: the translator you used erroneously translated "boh" (which is just an exclamation, as if "eh...") with "god", dunno why but it made my comment sound like I'm upset when in reality I'm just a bit perplexed.

Does "Him being happy of finding a direction" mean that in your fan manga, after being retold the lesson, he finally has his mind "in the game" and finally decided to stop slacking off? Am I understanding it correctly?

I don't think it would ever be in character for him to ever be totally "in the game", because he does not derive any sort of primal pleasure from fighting like his father, other saiyans, or other warrior-type characters in general. So no he is not "losing it" and becoming excited for fighting and increasing his strength through training like others here, that was not my intention.

What I am trying to convey however is that his new power, as conveyed through narration in the first 2 pages of this chapter and page 22, is giving him a sense of longing to figure out where it comes from. This is indeed the premise of the first few chapters of the story. So he smiles here as if to say "Now can finally have an answer to this question once I visit Whis." Furthermore, he has not ever been to Beerus' Planet, so he is a bit excited to go there for the first time. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 53
Frorenst 1 October
Acacia Avenue was saying:
Gohan talking like that with a smile on his face... God, I think it's a little out of character. It could be more or less the same arrogance inherited from his father that he showed against Buutenks that is resurfacing, or it could be a consequence of the transformation as this fan manga wants to understand it, but this "confidence" in general Gohan has never had .

è semplicemente felice di trovare una direzione nella sua piccola ricerca 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 53
Frorenst 30 September
Apocalipticototal was saying:
Estaba empezando a preocuparme, en las anteriores páginas se notaba un cierto bajón de calidad, pero aquí ya se a recuperado en su totalidad.

Ahora todo el mundo le llama ultra instinto a todo, algunos lectores de Multiverse llaman a la nueva transformación de Goku y Vegeta con la doctrina egoísta, y ahora en esta historia Gohan llama al modo bestia UI, ¿Es acaso tan complicado entender que algo es el ultra instinto solo cuando suena el chan chan chan chan chan tararara?

Desafortunadamente no hay música en los cómics XD 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 53
Frorenst 30 September
Delphince was saying:
Not that consulting a know-it-all is a bad idea, but it's already canon that Ultra Instinct is the angelic form. Piccolo just contradicted himself by saying it's distinctly different in function from UI, but strongly resembles the function of what is canonically UI.

he didn't say distinctly different in general function, he says "some ways". so it is to say that generally there's a big similarity but there are key differences or missing features. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 53
Frorenst 9 September
Dragomaniaco was saying:
AFF! Ta tendo até aquelas transformações RIDICULAS que apareceu em Dragon Ball Super Heros por aqui. Agora só falta aparecer também o Vegeta PUNK de cabelo todo roxo e com as suas sobrancelhas raspadas

Adicionaremos esse também, não se preocupe.
DB Blancoverse page 47
Frorenst 1 September
Apocalipticototal was saying:
Falon escribió: Me siento robado de que me roben los memeh impunemente. Ahora me vuelvo a mi cueva, no quiero seguir destruyendo esta bonita comunidad.
Por fin sales de la falcueva, jaja a ti y a unos pocos se les ocurrió esa referencia, pero no recuerdo bien que fue primero, si tu edit o este dibujo de Forenst, aunque probablemente fuiste tu ya que este pedazo de dibujo denota mucho mayor tiempo dedicado.

Si realmente quieres saberlo, me inspiré cuando alguien publicó ese panel original del manga de Piccolo levantándose como una predicción en broma de lo que sucedería a continuación en el discordia inglés/francés de dbm. Nunca revisé los sitios en español.

entonces se ve que varias personas pueden hacer el mismo chiste xd 1 Replie(s)
Minicomic page 124
Frorenst 14 August
i didnt actually name this but you can call this the 'Orange Zone Explosion'!
DB Blancoverse page 40
Frorenst 12 August
Xeno was saying:
Frorenst was saying: Ok, but you mention its poorly drawn? Seriously? I mean I drew the extra page on page 34 and I think it kinda sucks, but this small one here? It's perfectly adequate, I even think its more detailed than most of the faces on this page. It really seems you are overreacting about how phipsil's inclusion disturbs you that you think the drawing somehow stands out as a sore thumb when really it doesn't.
To be more specific, not poorly drawn as in lacking quality, it just doesn't match the rest of the page's style, which makes it stand out a lot by contrast, which makes it "poorly drawn" by context.

Point is even if that panel was drawn by Asura at his peak, if he just put an Asura-like Phipsil there it would still be a mess cause it wouldn't fit the content, and that one doesn't.

And that's the main reason I dislike these "fixes", even for things lime the Recoome one. The change in artist is obvious so it's hard to ignore. Once again, if every odd panel was drawn by Asura and every even panel was drawn by poissonlabo, the problem would be the same. The lack of consistency in the art style is a notable problem.

Also I do like Phipsil, to be clear on that. If dbm wants to do a special about her or focus the next main arc on her, I'm in. But do so with a reason for it, not just cause random staff member oversimps her and everyone else's passivity just allows it. Not even guessing here btw, I've seen this in action in some dbm streams, for example. Like the one that ended with a cover about Phipsil and Bra getting drunk.

Ah well if it's consistency I can understand. But i will make up an excuse. This is art, everything is intentional. If we want our new addition to stand out so that people notice then we make it stand out. Thus there isn't anything objectively at issue here. Sure if every odd panel was done by such person and even panel done by another it would look really stupid, but this is not the case. This is a replacement drawing that rarely ever happens, so lets make it special by slightly mimicing Asura's style instead of Gogeta Jrs, which you must admit is old and outdated by main chapter DBM's current standards.

And to note, the recoome drawing was literally traced off the one in the original version done by Faya (we only made a new one since we did not have the black and white version of those pages on the main comic. we only had older ones made by gogeta jr. that were scrapped by Salagir himself in favor of Faya's version). I only sacrificed some minor detail and I didn't try to implement my style at all, I didn't want it to stand out. I didn't even remember that I drew him there so I had to zoom in and flip between the original and the colored DBM version back and forth several times (because it's traced, tracing is boring). So it's a technical issue, we did not want to "fix" the drawing here, only to restore it so that it can be colored in this style. And you must have a really bright eye to catch something so slight, it's really not obvious.
DBMultiverse Colors page 41
Frorenst 11 August
Damian Qualshy was saying:
I see even the background characters changed a bit.. Saul Goodman everybody!

Glad you notice! There is also Shaggy behind him!! And some others...!

Xeno was saying:
I usually ignore this but I noticed something weird on the thumbnail and went to check if I was seeing things. Apparently colorists are like translators, they can't just respect the original work, they have to assume they know better and start changing things. (inb4 "but salagir checked this" argument)

It made me check old pages and I see it's not even the first time. I would understand fixing known mistakes, like a missing potara. Replacing poorly drawn background characters (like Recoome) already sounds like too much for me (specially considering the new one ain't specially flamboyant either...) but I can kinda get it since those were rushed and it could be counted as a "mistake". Extra pages shouldn't exist, but at least you can just ignore them. But this is just ridiculous. Phipsil's fanboy wants it so I guess we gotta see Phipsil everywhere, even if we have to remove old existing content to add a poorly drawn one that stands out like a sore thumb.

It's a shame such an interesting project will get soiled by such things.

Ok, but you mention its poorly drawn? Seriously? I mean I drew the extra page on page 34 and I think it kinda sucks, but this small one here? It's perfectly adequate, I even think its more detailed than most of the faces on this page. It really seems you are overreacting about how phipsil's inclusion disturbs you that you think the drawing somehow stands out as a sore thumb when really it doesn't. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 41
Frorenst 7 August
Néa Archi was saying:
As-tu eu des inspirations ou références pour cette page Frorenst?

Je n'ai utilisé aucune référence pour la pose elle-même. pour cela, je n'ai regardé que des feuilles d'anatomie pour solidifier la pose, mais sinon, c'est de l'imagination comme avec la plupart des choses. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 38
Frorenst 5 August

Nea Archi was saying:
Ah beurk cette langue horrible!

J'ai déjà envoyé un message à Salagir donc ça devrait être réparé bientôt. mais je suppose que vous devez lire l'anglais pour l'instant alors, quelle horreur !
DB Blancoverse page 37
Frorenst 5 August
Kingpin was saying:
The author of this work will have read One Piece...

in realtà non ho letto one piece, quindi se c'è una somiglianza qui non sarei in grado di capire 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 37
Frorenst 31 July
Le deuxième chapitre commence ! Bien que cela commence avec Gohan, Jiren apparaîtra plus tard, donc je ne vous ai pas totalement embobiné avec la couverture.

Je n'ai pas grand-chose d'autre à dire pour l'instant... alors profitez-en pendant que je travaille sur le chapitre 3 :)
DB Blancoverse page 36
Frorenst 31 July
The second chapter begins! While it starts off with Gohan, Jiren will appear later on so I didn't totally bamboozle you with the cover.

I don't have much else to say for now... so enjoy, while I work on chapter 3 :) 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 36
Frorenst 27 July
Why is he saying 'phlegm attack', isnt phlegm that stuff in your nose? he just scratched his butt, shouldn't it be poop smell attack or fart attack?

I check french version and the google translate makes it into 'fart ball', thats much more fitting. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2222
Frorenst 9 July 2023
KamiFR was saying:

Dans le manga(chapitre 30), il dit même qu'il a volé depuis une autre planète parce que ça va plus vite qu'en vaisseau XD

mm, je ne considère pas vraiment le manga dbs avant l'arc moro pour cette histoire puisque je ne l'ai pas lu. Je me suis concentré uniquement sur l'anime pour cela, mais de toute façon, je réécris également partiellement le personnage de Jiren pour cette histoire ...

...mais oui, bien sûr, il peut voler (ils devraient ajouter des emotes dans la section des commentaires !)
DB Blancoverse page 34
Frorenst 8 July 2023
Ciao questa è l'ultima pagina di questo capitolo! Ora questo fumetto farà una piccola pausa per circa 2 settimane, direi, e poi tornerà con il capitolo 2.
DB Blancoverse page 34
Frorenst 8 July 2023
Bonjour, c'est la dernière page de ce chapitre ! Maintenant, cette bande dessinée fera une petite pause pendant environ 2 semaines, je dirais, puis elle reviendra avec le chapitre 2. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 34
Frorenst 8 July 2023
Hello this is the last page of this chapter! Now this comic will go on a small break for about 2 weeks I would say, and then it will returns with chapter 2.
DB Blancoverse page 34
Frorenst 3 July 2023
kkk was saying:
I'm not familiar with post-ToP DBS. Is there an in-universe explanation for Broly's power either in the movies or the manga?

There is none. In fact, DBS Broly and Kale from Universe 6 are not even referred to as legendary beings/super saiyans in name, at least as of now. They are only, as far as canon DBS is concerned, saiyan mutants with extraordinary power. So Broly being a definitive legendary being in this comic is something of an addition. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 33
Frorenst 3 July 2023
Pablo was saying:
One question, will this follow its own story, or does it have a panel limit?

1. Yes it has its own story. And there is no relation with DBM if you were thinking there would be.

2. I dont quite understand, why would there be a panel limit? This story goes as far as I want to.
DB Blancoverse page 33
Frorenst 2 July 2023
Regulus was saying:
There is an ambiguity with the character of Broly. In DBM it's the first Broly that is canon, in DBS it's the new Broly that is, with the last movie. So for this comic, which one are we talking about?
Okay then, since we're in a parallel universe, we can do whatever we want. ^_^

Salut, nous parlons du Broly du film DBS: Broly, le nouveau :)

Et pour information, cette bande dessinée n'a aucun rapport avec DBM et est totalement incompatible avec son histoire. C'est ma propre histoire et elle est simplement hébergée sur ce site parce qu'ils ont la gentillesse de me le permettre.
DB Blancoverse page 32
Frorenst 1 July 2023
BangBang was saying:
Did Whis just become more handsome?

I picture that the angels are like the elves in lord of the rings; they are more divine beings so they look more pretty than others. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 32
Frorenst 26 June 2023
Veruza was saying:
Il y a quand meme un énorme problème de rythme sur ce chapitre je trouve, quand on voit qu'on est a la page 31 et ce qu'il a raconté jusqu ici, c'est dommage!

Quand je lis la plupart des bandes dessinées, j'ai l'impression qu'elles vont trop vite, alors c'est peut-être pour ça.
DB Blancoverse page 31
Frorenst 17 June 2023
Moicy was saying:
Ma è una mia impressione o Gohan sembra aver cambiato faccia rispetto alla pagina precedente?

i disegni sono davvero incoerenti nei primi capitoli perché sto ancora cercando di trovare uno stile.

MilesEdgeworth was saying:
Moicy ha detto: Ma è una mia impressione o Gohan sembra aver cambiato faccia rispetto alla pagina precedente?

Sono diversi artisti se ci fai caso, solo che non sono riportati sulle pagine.

no sono solo io. nessun altro artista è elencato perché in effetti è l'unico. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 28
Frorenst 11 June 2023
TwoWordsMade3210 was saying:
This is my favorite series. The situation unravels and my imagination runs wild. I really love the take of Gohan White and Gohan Blanco. Really is impressive. I was honestly just expecting to see Gohan Blanco in a constant state. It turns out there are levels to his madness haha. I love to see more as the days go on.

I had reread the chapter to understand how these forms differed. I am still on the fence on the explanations so far. It's really interesting to see Gohan ain't just full ultimate from transforming. It's like another state before rage. I feel like that is the premise. I loved the movie so much. I honestly didn't expect DBM to have a seperate story for DBS continued. I have high aspirations for this in the future. Maybe one day I will go back and start my journey of reading this all over again. I loved reading it over again even if it were just the first chapter. I'm so excited for more releases

Glad you enjoy! It will be quite a long ride for this comic, I hope I can keep drawing for it for a while. And I still need to finish pretty much 40% of Chapter 2 so there might be a longer break once this chapter is over, a few weeks maybe? I'll try to do as much as possible though.
DB Blancoverse page 27
Frorenst 11 June 2023
Itan was saying:
Happy for the extra pages, but I repeat my doubts. Was there a need to restart the story from 0? Couldn't they hire these artists to help Asura with the main story?

Siamo principalmente coloristi, non disegnatori. E per quelli tra noi che disegnano, abbiamo i nostri progetti. So che Kobun ha il suo fumetto e io con Blancoverse. Rogeru è anche un uomo impegnato.
DBMultiverse Colors page 7
Frorenst 11 June 2023
Nea Archi was saying:
Est-ce que Frorenst aime Disney?

La seule chose sur laquelle j'ai eu des commentaires est Yoda, l'artiste de cette page (et probablement d'autres membres de l'équipe également) a mis en œuvre toutes les références sous forme d'oeufs de Pâques pour le plaisir du lecteur.

Donc rien de personnel de moi-même n'est révélé ! ;)
DBMultiverse Colors page 7
Frorenst 11 June 2023
I pick Yoda as my avatar here, but I'm not an old person! far from it! Probably the youngest in this whole group haha! 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Colors page 7
Frorenst 10 June 2023
wendigo was saying:
And in Spanish, how does the page translate?
Because the front page, it says "It will be White Gohan".

Heureusement, il n'y a pas encore de traduction en espagnol, mais peut-être que plus tard, ce sera assez déroutant!
DB Blancoverse page 26
Frorenst 9 June 2023
Une page colorée ! Je prévois d'en faire au moins 1 par chapitre donc ce n'est pas si spécial ici. Ici c'est pour le showcase de 'Gohan Blanco' (en effet ce n'est pas Beastverse !). Cela dit je ne suis toujours pas sûr pour les yeux, le violet semblait bien ici mais je voulais à l'origine du bleu clair (bien que ce soit trop similaire au SSB ?). De plus, la tenue changera plus tard, il ne portera pas tout le temps les vêtements de Goku

Eazypak was saying:
Tiens les cheveux ont rétréci, c'est bien mieux comme ça !
Je me demande si on va avoir une explication autre que "c'était trop difficile à dessiner"

À l'intérieur de l'univers, il y aura sûrement une explication quelconque. À l'extérieur, bien qu'il soit certainement ennuyeux de dessiner, la raison principale est qu'il est plus proche du design original de Gohan Blanco (personnage de fan en ligne, avant la création de Gohan Beast). 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 26
Frorenst 9 June 2023
A colored page! I plan to do at least 1 per chapter so it's not so special here. Here it's for the showcase of 'Gohan Blanco' (indeed this is not Beastverse!). I am still unsure about the eyes though, purple seemed good here but I originally wanted light blue (although will it be too similar to SSB?). Also, the outfit will change later on, he won't be wearing Goku's clothes all the time.
DB Blancoverse page 26
Frorenst 8 June 2023
ArchAngely was saying:
I never understood who the Freeza force was selling planets to...

You can imagine what type of organization that wants a planet. A space kingdom that wants new territory. A mega-corporation who wants resources of a planet without having to deal with the inhabitants. Refugees who just want a new home. Space real estate investors. Anyone who wants a planet, this thing can have quite a value. 1 Replie(s)
Bardock Tales Kai page 39
Frorenst 2 June 2023
Un piccolo fatto divertente: il modulo non è mai stato nominato all'interno del film stesso. Quindi ovviamente devo nominarlo ora!

E per aggiungere a ciò, prima che Gohan Beast venisse rilasciato nei videogiochi, l'unica fonte ufficiale del nome della sua forma era attraverso una dichiarazione ufficiale di Toriyama che è uscita qualche tempo dopo il film. Prima di allora, alcune persone si riferivano a questo modulo come "Final Gohan" sulla base di informazioni trapelate dagli storyboard che in effetti lo chiamavano Final Gohan. Quindi la mia piccola teoria della cospirazione è che Toriyama non ha deciso il nome del modulo fino a dopo l'uscita del film, quindi è senza nome nel film e chiamato erroneamente negli storyboard.
DB Blancoverse page 24
Frorenst 2 June 2023
Un petit fait amusant : la forme n'a jamais été nommée dans le film lui-même. Donc, évidemment, je dois le nommer maintenant!

Et pour ajouter à cela, avant la sortie de Gohan Beast dans les jeux vidéo, la seule source officielle du nom de sa forme était une déclaration officielle de Toriyama publiée quelque temps après le film. Avant cela, certaines personnes appelaient ce formulaire "Final Gohan" sur la base d'informations divulguées à partir de storyboards qui l'appelaient en effet Final Gohan. Ma petite théorie du complot est que Toriyama n'a décidé du nom du formulaire qu'après la sortie du film, il est donc sans nom dans le film et incorrectement nommé dans les storyboards.
DB Blancoverse page 24
Frorenst 2 June 2023
A small fun fact: The form was never named within the movie itself. So obviously I need to name it now!

And to add to that, prior to Gohan Beast being released in video games the only official source of the name of his form was through an official statement by Toriyama that came out sometime after the movie. Before that, some people referred to this form as "Final Gohan" based on leaked information from storyboards which indeed called it Final Gohan. So small conspiracy theory of mine is that Toriyama did not decide on the name of the form until after the movie was released, hence it being unnamed in the movie and incorrectly named in the storyboards.
DB Blancoverse page 24
Frorenst 1 June 2023
Dislpay name was saying:
ZenBuu was saying:
It's four pages a week. Every monday, wednesday, friday and sunday. One hour before the main page, so 7 pm (Paris time).

Maybe we can release faster at some point, but not at the moment.

Why isnt it like: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saterday. Not that i am complaining, just curious.

The schedule on those other days is filled with releases for the other comics on this site, so I suggested it be on the same day as DBM with just 1 exception on Monday
DBMultiverse Colors page 1
Frorenst 28 May 2023
Acacia Ave was saying:
I don't understand, how does Piccolo say it's similar to divine energy if mortals can't sense divine ki? Or is it something else that he, as a former Kami, can sense?

Goku e Vegeta sono mortali ma hanno imparato a percepire e usare il ki divino, così come Freezer. Dovrebbe essere possibile per gli altri, come Piccolo, almeno sentirlo. e in effetti penso che in realtà dovrebbe avere un tempo più facile per imparare a farlo dato che ha alcuni dei ricordi di Kami.
DB Blancoverse page 22
Frorenst 27 May 2023
ZenBuu was saying:
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying: I gotta say I thought this was going to be salagir just making fun of DB Super but I was wrong it's actually pretty good.
Salagir has nothing to do with this comic, well except for hosting it here on the website. This comic is all by Frorenst.

He does give some feedback and advice for each chapter. I make changes if I agree with him, but it's usually very small things. Otherwise, the direction of the comic is indeed all from me. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 22
Frorenst 21 May 2023
Goku_ultra_instinct was saying:
In my opinion the hair should be drawn a little better, it looks too big. I had also noticed this at the beginning with Goku and Vegeta

Penso che le caselle di testo lo facciano sembrare più grande di quello che è, ma sono d'accordo con te.

Penso anche che le orecchie nell'ultimo pannello siano troppo grandi lì.
DB Blancoverse page 21
Frorenst 16 May 2023
Yamcha17 was saying:
Frorenst disait :
Je sais qu'à l'origine, Piccolo avait 4 doigts dans le manga Dragon Ball, mais à un moment donné, Toriyama l'a changé en 5 doigts. Je m'en tiens à ce changement et je ne le reviens pas.

Wut ? Piccolo a toujours eu 4 doigts, Toriyama n'a jamais changé ça.

Oh, je vois qu'il ne l'a pas changé dans le manga original ! (je n'ai jamais tout lu)

mais dans l'anime de db et dbz et les deux versions de dbs, toutes les versions que je connais beaucoup mieux et toutes regardées/lues pour la préparation de cette bande dessinée, il a 5 doigts. Dans le film qui saute juste après, il a aussi 5 doigts. Et techniquement, puisque dbs est en quelque sorte créé par Toriyama, il l'a changé en 5. Je pense donc que ce choix est tout à fait justifié.
DB Blancoverse page 19
Frorenst 15 May 2023
Badluck was saying:
Il n'y aurait pas un doigt en trop à Piccolo ?
Sinon j'aime bien la tournure de l'histoire et le style de dessin, c'est tout bon :)


Je sais qu'à l'origine, Piccolo avait 4 doigts dans le manga Dragon Ball, mais à un moment donné, Toriyama l'a changé en 5 doigts. Je m'en tiens à ce changement et je ne le reviens pas.

Mais si vous voulez signaler une erreur : la couleur des yeux de Piccolo, elle devrait être noire et non blanche !... Mais la page est déjà publiée, et pour une raison quelconque, j'ai l'impression que les pupilles blanches transmettent une meilleure émotion pour Piccolo, donc même à l'avenir pages, vous continuerez à voir cela. (Peut-être a-t-il absorbé les yeux rouges d'Orange dans sa forme de base après une semaine d'entraînement ?) 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 19
Frorenst 13 May 2023
sanma.j was saying:
why the fuck is gohan writting in sumerian?

So that nobody can understand it. It's all gibberish anyway, if anyone is wondering.

In universe-wise, uh, maybe he is flexing his knowledge of ancient languages which he learned because he is a really a smart dude!
DB Blancoverse page 18
Frorenst 7 May 2023
I wish I could see more of these drafts! they have a great energy to them 1 Replie(s)
Minicomic page 120
Frorenst 2 May 2023
Mad Mentat was saying:
Thank you for commenting with that extra info!! I don’t know where else I’d see it cause I don’t like joining communities!!

Glad you enjoy the work so far. You should also be happy to know that I’ll pretty much exclusively use the english comment section (, sorry to other languages but I’ll still answer any questions i can reasonable answer though,) for any bonuses and informations related to the comic. Any additional stuff could probably be found on my social media pages, but comments take a priority since as you point out its the most obvious place for people to find things.
DB Blancoverse page 15
Frorenst 30 April 2023
Hello agains! So this small mental training is over if it is not obvious by this flash of 'normal clothes piccolo.' It is 10 pages in total counting from the first big punch in page 6 here, I thought anything more than 10 would be too much for a simple training battle. Now we move on to scenes that don't have much action...

But first I give to you: A bonus! So I admit this fight was actually drawing practice for myself, alongside being a primer for how the action will maybe look like in the future. I didn't thoroughly plan it in my script for this chapter, it pretty much only says that Piccolo fights Cell Max in his mind which has a dark and flash-lit background. As such I went through a couple of scrapped choreography plans and I thought I would share some at the end. While I liked these sketches, I scrapped some of them partially because I thought they didn't have enough "impact" for this scene (maybe you agree or disagree :)?)

[img] Cell Max emerges from the smoke! Piccolo is able to see but doesn't have time to react! I thought this wasn't so good because if he sees it, he should be able to react in some way. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to Piccolo.
[img] Here I thought it's both unclear what Cell Max is doing (I was trying to illustrate his spot beam attack but brighter and more powerful, if you watched the movie you may remember...) and it makes the battle seem overwhelmingly in Cell Max's favor. I wanted instead the fight to end with an abrupt inconclusive finish rather than a total defeat on Piccolo's part. So he ends on a block in the finished version and can still continue fighting if he hadn't lost concentration. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 15
Frorenst 22 April 2023
Bubbles was saying:
I don't care much for anything DBS-related, but the drawings are REALLY nice. Easily DBM's top 5 artists.
Do you plan on drawing special chapters after that? Keep up the good work.

We are not talking about that, but I say maybe someday. and thanks :)
DB Blancoverse page 12
Frorenst 15 April 2023
Redcommando was saying:
Shabby was saying: I hope this comic can retcon the movies one big mistake. Cell Max had no personality at all. All of DBZ's canon villains had great personalities.

I would rather they have not remade Cell and made something else, since he was a mindless monster.
I feel like this is piccolo doing image training. The movie is over at this point

Yes, Cell Max is done and over, we will only see him in the memories and imaginations in this comic. I don't want to retell the Superhero movie so much.
DB Blancoverse page 10
Frorenst 14 April 2023
Females was saying:
Called it! Also its worth noting that it makes sense that this would be a quick match considering Ubb is training still in a place similar to the hyperbolic time chamber. I wonder how much time has passed now?

I like this reasoning, don't want Uub to be trapped for too long.
DB Multiverse page 2181
Frorenst 8 April 2023
Dinaila was saying:
As much as I like the drawings I have a question for @Frorenst: why are you doing a recap of the final part of the movie? Wouldn't it have been better to start the story from the moment after the film's ending?


Quello che stai vedendo è un allenamento per immagini, non un riepilogo o un flashback. Il riepilogo è durato solo da pagina 1-3 (dopo la copertina!).
DB Blancoverse page 8
Frorenst 7 April 2023
Acacia Avenue was saying:
SenzuSaiyan ha detto: Kingpin ha detto: Una lumaca contro uno scarafaggio! Uno scontro senza alcun precedente!
No...questo è uno scontro fra una lumaca arancione e uno scarafaggio al massimo! Davvero epico!
Fortuna che Cell Max non sia diventato Cell Max Perfetto, altrimenti sarebbero stati guai per i nostri eroi.

Credo che Cell Max fosse già allo stadio finale così com'era, non aveva la coda a ventosa


Personalmente, sento che lo scarafaggio era già al suo "massimo" potere possibile. Solo che il suo cervello non ha ancora finito di svilupparsi.
DB Blancoverse page 8
Frorenst 3 April 2023
Nea Archi was saying:
claude lindsay said:on page seven
...The author is not French-speaking, and I do not have the impression that he hangs around a lot in the comments of the site (even less fr therefore). If anyone wants to talk to the author I recommend the DBM discord. The joker is more present there.


En fait, j'ai lu tous les commentaires de toutes les langues pour ma bande dessinée en utilisant la fonction de traduction de Google. A quoi sert de publier une oeuvre si ce n'est de voir la réponse :) ? Mais oui discord est le meilleur pour communiquer avec moi puisque je réponds moins souvent dans les commentaires.

En outre! J'en profite pour dire ceci : Puisque c'est la première BD du site à ne pas être faite par un français, c'est la première à avoir besoin d'une vraie traduction française. Maintenant, dans les premières pages, il n'y a pas beaucoup de texte mais nous verrons pas mal de texte plus tard. Salagir fait toute la traduction jusqu'à présent, mais il ne veut pas être le seul. Donc quiconque veut devenir traducteur pour cette BD, vous pouvez approcher Salagir par n'importe quel moyen pour le contacter (la discorde peut fonctionner je trouve). 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 7
Frorenst 31 March 2023
BangBang was saying:
Is this some sort of mental trainning?

Yes, this is image training. Not a flashback. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 6
Frorenst 26 March 2023
Goku_ultra_instinct was saying:
In my opinion it would have made more sense to publish at least twenty pages before starting to do it twice a week, in this way you can evaluate if it is interesting. It will probably be ignored by most people, even writing a little plot would have sufficed.

(Tradotto, non parlo italiano)

Sono d'accordo con te, ma è per il mio bene. Inizia con 3 pagine così ho il tempo di disegnare il secondo capitolo e quindi non c'è una pausa troppo lunga nel mezzo.

Potresti quindi dire, beh, potresti ritardare l'uscita fino al completamento del secondo capitolo. Ma... sono troppo ansioso di vedere le opinioni sul primo capitolo, pagina per pagina per giunta, quindi posso prenderle in considerazione per migliorare i prossimi capitoli. 2 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 5
Frorenst 26 March 2023
King Vegeta 69 was saying:
Its art style is similar to dragon ball kakumei.

Frorenst was saying: Hello! I read some of the comments, thanks for the kind words :)

Now I should probably say this sooner rather than later: This comic is a sort of a retcon sequel to DBS. I change some smaller or bigger details from DBS history to suit my direction for this story. So for example here, Goku wearing his End of Z gear in this page, and the fact that Goku and Vegeta actually notice what happened back on Earth is a change from the DBS: Superhero movie. This is a small example, but there will be a few other changes as well directly stated or implied, so you can expect that in the future. The general plot history remains the same though, think of it like how the DBS anime and manga have some differing details but lead to the same outcomes.

Also, I noticed a lot of people are confused about the nature of this comic. "What is this comic about?", well I put it simply: It is to tell the story of 'Gohan Blanco'. I may have more to say, but I want to wait until this chapter is closer to being finished in publication first.

Ok! that is all :) I hope you can enjoy this comic I'm making. It is the first I have made for public release and I'm still learning as I go.

Are you connected to that series somehow?

No, not at all. I am totally a one-man operation, and although I do get some feedback for my work from a few people they are very minor. I just spent a year more or less independently studying Kakumei's art to learn more about drawing. Although I stopped referencing his work by now, I think my style will always be similar to his. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 4
Frorenst 25 March 2023
Hello! I read some of the comments, thanks for the kind words :)

Now I should probably say this sooner rather than later: This comic is a sort of a retcon sequel to DBS. I change some smaller or bigger details from DBS history to suit my direction for this story. So for example here, Goku wearing his End of Z gear in this page, and the fact that Goku and Vegeta actually notice what happened back on Earth is a change from the DBS: Superhero movie. This is a small example, but there will be a few other changes as well directly stated or implied, so you can expect that in the future. The general plot history remains the same though, think of it like how the DBS anime and manga have some differing details but lead to the same outcomes.

Also, I noticed a lot of people are confused about the nature of this comic. "What is this comic about?", well I put it simply: It is to tell the story of 'Gohan Blanco'. I may have more to say, but I want to wait until this chapter is closer to being finished in publication first.

Ok! that is all :) I hope you can enjoy this comic I'm making. It is the first I have made for public release and I'm still learning as I go. 1 Replie(s)
DB Blancoverse page 4
Frorenst 20 December 2022
You should've done this in animation/video format. Music to text doesn't really work, especially you even put the background vocals alongside the main vocals (we can only read one text at a time XD).
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 79
Frorenst 2 December 2022
Zario444 was saying:
migoq was saying: The translation really needs work

translation seems good, its just that "ordered" or "tasked" might be better than charged in this context.

Yeah, I think this series needs someone to proofread the grammar overall. Also since no one mentioned it here, the font could also change into something more "comic-friendly".
Bardock Tales Kai page 8
Frorenst 23 March 2022
Mr Quill was saying:

It'd be fine...if it weren't Vegeta's own daughter writing it.

Yeah Trunks should be writing it
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 15
Frorenst 5 February 2022
I recognize a DBS frame used for the 3rd panel Vegeta expression.
Minicomic page 109
Frorenst 15 October 2021
Why is Vegetto so happy all of a sudden, he must enjoyed this fight then? 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1950
Frorenst 13 October 2021
Wait so Cell just vanishes if his nucleus is destroyed?? I was expecting Vegeta to final-flash him at the end. Also when ever did Vegeta use a "dirty-trick" to win? As in actually bamboozling an opponent? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1949
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