DB Multiverse
Irakurri Komikia!
All these production are created on the free time of authors. They don't ask for a compensation for it. They don't sell them online.All works hosted here follow these rules:
- Full story and free to read
- No online store
- Can sell at conventions, and the revenue is used ONLY to pay for the convention-related costs
DB Multiverse

20 multibertsu DBZ unibertsotik aldaera batzuekin lehiaketa batean parte hartzen dute! Ez da ez DBS ezta DB Daima kontuan hartzen.
Egunero 3 orri berri itzuliko dira.
Update is done by the translation team.
Super Dragon Bros Z

Sinestezina! Dragoi Bolaren parodia honetan Dragoi bolaren mundua Super Mariorenarekin elkartu da!
Update is done by the translation team.
DBMultiverse Colors

Berriz irakurri DBM, HD eta kolorez bertsio honetan! Orri bonus aurkituko dituzu, eta kapitulu bereziak gabe.
Update is done by the translation team.
Chibi Son Bra did her best!

Son Bra-ri, DB Multivertsekoari, parodia bat egin diote, eta hau da parodia hori.
Update is done by the translation team.
Namekseijin Densetsu

Piccolo eta Namekiarren iragana eta etorkizuna aurkituko duzu komiki honetan.
Update is done by the translation team.

Dragoi Bola Z-ren 321 urte geroago gertatzen den abentura bat.
Update is done by the translation team.
Yamoshi Story

Lehen Jainko Super Saiaren istorioa
Update is done by the translation team.
Saigo no Son

Zer gertatuko litzateke raditzek Son Goku eta Pikolo hil izan balitu?
Update is done by the translation team.
DB Blancoverse

Gohan Super Heroiak pelikularen ondoren.
Update is done by the translation team.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War

Unibertso guztia elkartu egiten da Broliren aurka azken aldiz.
Update is done by the translation team.
Bardock Tales Kai

Bardoken istorioa berridatzia, DBZ eta DBS elkarrekin egoten.
Update is done by the translation team.
Fikziozko Testu Zaleak

Text fanfics that are canon to DBMultiverse.
Nothing was translated in your language.
You can try the english version if you want.