![第二轮竞逐开始! - Chapter 26, 页码 579 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=1000579&lg=cn&ext=png&pw=d7daed37bbe8730b328d72ac7e0f944b)
Gohan, you're not gonna say something? You should tell her to give up!
Videl, you don’t understand. Pan wants to test her limits. I don’t like fighting, but I know how my father and his friends are, and she is like them.
Why are you disappointed?
Because you descend from Gohan and Gokû!!
And I, do I count for nothing ... ?
I thought you weren’t like those sluggards, that you were a true fighter!
But I guess I was wrong, you're a loser!
It's just that ...
Okay, I'll fight!
Forget what I said in the previous round. Massacre this excuse for a Kakarotto!